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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/13/2018 in all areas

  1. Version 1.0.0


    I extracted the texturebar from age of mythology the titans, and put all the images in the map. This includes all the graphics that aomt uses in the game itself. This means All the icons All textures Every image UI elements You can open all of these images in photoshop or paint and then save them as jpg or png or whatever format you prefer. You can also just open the map and look at the images. anyway enjoy!
    6 points
  2. The third and final qualifier for for the 2v2 Amateur League Season 2! 1000 Meta Plays Ladder Points are up for grabs. The tournament will take place on Saturday, July 1st, starting at 4 PM GMT. Brackets get locked at 3:45 PM GMT. This tournament is a ONE DAY EVENT - please ensure you have enough time to play in 1 go. Seeding is based on 2v2 MMR - check yours here by searching for your Gamertag. To participate, your account: Must have 3.5 MMR or less in Ranked 2v2 War. Gamerscore in multiple games. Must have at least 500+ matches played. The Meta Plays team reserves the right to remove your sign up if you are deemed a high level player in other formats. We also reserve the right to allow players who slightly deviate from the above thresholds. @_TheLegend_ is the manager for this tournament. For any questions, concerns or requests, please reach out to him on Discord, or @ him in the comments here (if not urgent). EVENT PRIZES 1st place: 272 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Gold Medal Icon 2nd place: 202 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Silver Medal Icon 3rd place: 152 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Bronze Medal Icon 4th place: 112 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Copper Medal Icon 5-6th place: 75 Meta Plays Ladder Points 7-8th place: 59 Meta Plays Ladder Points Confused about the tournament system? Check our Tournament and Ladder info posts, and the Halo Wars 2 Season 3 announcement! GAME SETTINGS First map is picked by the higher seeded team. Losing team each game picks next map. Each map may only be played once. Valid maps: Ashes, Badlands, Bedrock, Fissures, Frontier, Mirage, Rift, Vault. No repeat leaders in a series. No Voridus. Leader repeats are judged on a team level, not a player level. No double leaders. Accidental pick of Voridus results in loss. No node strat - do not take nodes without the intent of killing Sentinels. Exception: you can draw the Sentinels to attack an enemy minibase or units, and still capture the node. Exception: Cannon Fodder can take nodes any way you want. 1 hour time limit. If base and slot building count is even/very close, and neither team has a large army advantage, the game is a draw. If one team has an army advantage, casters will send a final attack prompt. The outcome of this last attack determines whether a winner or a draw is called, based on the base/slot building count afterwards. If one team has a clear base and slot building count advantage and their opponent is not in a position to even out the game with the next attack, the team with more slot buildings wins. Replay match if the series ends on tie. The previous loser picks map in this case. No cheating or intentional exploiting of any form allowed. Hosting Games will be hosted by the higher seeded team when staff is not present. Casters will host if they are present. SOCIAL RULES Participants must be in the Meta Plays Discord. Report match results there. Forfeiting/not showing up to any match with money prizes without notice will result in disqualification and you forfeiting the prizes. 1 rescheduling opportunity is granted when external conditions force it. There will not be a second rescheduling. Forfeiting players that break rules on any of our platforms, or do so out of malicious intent will be banned from the next event. Repeat offenders will receive a ban from the entire season. There will not be a fourth chance after the season-long ban expires. Penalties for not showing up: Timer starts when 1 player is ready and neither team is currently playing a match. Late by over 10 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win. This is the wait time BEFORE a series begins. BETWEEN games in a series, the lateness limit is 5 minutes. Late by additional 5 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win for each 5 min. Once a team wins via lateness penalties, the late team is disqualified. No harassment, discrimination, or cheating accusations against players/viewers/staff on any of our platforms. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. Cheating accusations are meant to handled in private with Meta Plays staff. Stalling games after final staff decisions (e.g. via cheating accusation arguments) will result in lateness penalties. No excessively derogatory messaging targeting our staff on any platform. This will result in a permanent ban on all Meta Plays platforms. Win trading will result in forfeit. Do your best to win. You may resign if you are clearly losing. Live coaching or any other external communication during matches is unacceptable and will result in a permanent ban from all Meta Plays events. Do not sign up with smurfs. Match all account usernames. We will remove suspicious sign-ups. No account sharing. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. STABILITY RULES In the event of player lag disputes, players must submit speedtest results. The event manager will make a judgement call. In the event of a glitch where a building isn't building itself (the symbol preview never disappears): Within the first 3 minutes of the game, the player must type into the game chat, or notify the casters in DMs. Casters will need to confirm for validity. If the glitch is verified, an admin restart will be issued. If the glitch is not verified, the game should continue. Resigning without admin permission will be counted as a loss. In the event of a disconnection or crash: If the game was relatively even: If all parties crash, re-play the game. The game doesn't count for score in the first instance. The player who didn't disconnect may choose a new map, and both players may choose a new leader. In the second instance, the player who didn't disconnect receives a point on the score board. In the third instance, the player who didn't disconnect wins the series. If both sides crash 3 times, reset PC/Xbox and internet. If a player was significantly ahead: Admin win is awarded for the match for all cases. In the third instance, the player who didn't disconnect wins the series. Johnson/Jerome crash: The Johnson/Jerome player loses. In the event of both players causing a crash, we will treat this case as a disconnect and follow rules around them. LIVE STREAMING & VIDEOS: Everyone: You may stream all of your own matches. You are required to feature the provided Meta Plays Logo over gameplay at all times. We request you give Meta Plays one shout-out mid-commentary, such as an invitation to make an account on the site. For casting, we recommend you use the Meta Plays Casting Tool for the best viewer experience. Content Partners: 60s delay is required. You may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays. Please contact @_TheLegend_ for approval. You may upload videos at your leisure. Non-Partners: 90s delay is required. You may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays or Content Partners. Please contact @_TheLegend_ for approval. We request you wait with video uploads until the Meta Plays channel has posted its version of the identical match.
    5 points
  3. The first skirmish tournament for Season 1 in Age of Empires IV! $10 and 100 Meta Plays Ladder Points are up for grabs. Starting on Sunday, August 28 at 6 PM GMT. Bracket will be locked at 5:45 PM GMT, making signing up impossible. Please note this is a ONE DAY EVENT. You must complete the tournament in 1 sitting. The event might take 6+ hours. Make sure you have enough time before you sign up. Seeding is based on ranked Elo! The maximum rank for signing up in this event will be Platinum 3. Diamond and above players will be removed from this event. Meta Plays Staff reserves the right to remove suspicious or known high ranked players. The total amount of tournament points is subject to change based on sign ups. @Olvadi is the manager for this tournament. For any questions, concerns or requests, please reach out to him on Discord, or @ him in the comments here (if not urgent). EVENT PRIZES 1st place: $10 | 29 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Gold Medal Icon 2nd place: 22 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Silver Medal Icon 3rd place: 17 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Bronze Medal Icon 4th place: 13 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Copper Medal Icon 5-8th place: 5 Meta Plays Ladder Points Confused about the tournament system? Check our Tournament and Ladder info posts, and the Age of Empires IV Season 1 announcement! GAME SETTINGS Mode: Standard Win Conditions: All Tuning Pack: None Display Player Scores: No Starting Resources: Standard Starting Age: Age 1 Map State: Concealed Map Size: Micro First map and biome of each series is defined in the bracket. Each player may ban 1 map for the entire series. Losing player each game picks next map. Each map may only be played once. Map Pool: Official maps: Altai, Ancient Spires, Dry Arabia, High View, Hill and Dale, Lipany Community maps: Frisian Marshes, Four Lakes, Holy Island Each player has 1 restart per series for map generation before the 3-minute mark. Players must blind pick their civ using this tool each game (after the map is selected). Once joining the lobby, you must use the civ you announced. Random civ is not allowed. Contact @Olvadi for civ pick disputes. Repeating civs is allowed. No cheating or exploits of any form. No stone walls in Age 2. All matches must be observable and have at a 2-minute in-game delay. CRASHES Each player has 1 restart for crashes before the 10-minute mark. If any crashes happen after 10 minutes, the replay will be reviewed if necessary with the following potential outcomes: If both players crash: A restart is made. If the Advantaged player crashed: The player is entitled to a restart. If the disadvantaged player crashed: The player is given a loss. If the state of advantage is unclear: The map is deemed a draw and a new map & civilizations draft is made. HOSTING Games will be hosted by the higher seeded player. SOCIAL RULES Participants must be in the Meta Plays Discord. Report match results there, with replays. Forfeiting/not showing up to any match with prizes and without notice will result in disqualification and you forfeiting the prizes. 1 rescheduling opportunity is granted when external conditions force it. There will not be a second rescheduling. Forfeiting players that break rules on any of our platforms, or do so out of malicious intent will be banned from the next event. Repeat offenders will receive a ban from the entire season. There will not be a fourth chance after the season-long ban expires. Penalties for not showing up: Timer starts when 1 player is ready and neither player is currently playing a match. Late by over 10 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win. This is the wait time BEFORE a series begins. BETWEEN games in a series, the lateness limit is 5 minutes. Late by additional 5 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win for each 5 min. Once a player wins via lateness penalties, the late player is disqualified. No harassment or discrimination of players/viewers/staff on any of our platforms. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. No excessively derogatory messaging targeting our staff on any platform. This will result in a permanent ban on all Meta Plays platforms. Win trading will result in forfeit. Do your best to win. You may resign if you are clearly losing. Do not sign up with smurfs. Match all account usernames. We will remove suspicious sign-ups. No account sharing. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. PAYMENT You will be paid approximately 2-5 work days after the event. Please reach out to @Nakamura with your payment information after the event. If you do not provide payment information despite requests within 60 days after the event, you forfeit the prize money. You confirm that the account you provide is owned by you. We do not take responsibility for funds getting lost to third parties in the event of the account not belonging to you. We will not pay out to a known third party. We can pay out via bank transfers or Paypal. We do not pay out via other methods. We do not pay extra to cover transfer fees. This tournament takes place during a war period. Ukraine has been invaded by Russia and Belarus. In light of NATO sanctions against Russia and Belarus, we are not able to pay out prizes to Russian and Belarusian competitors residing in Russia or Belarus. Russian or Belarusian citizens are not affected by this if they reside in an un-sanctioned country, or have financial accounts in such a country able to receive payments. Affected prizes will be paid to a selected charity unrelated to the war, chosen by our staff. LIVE STREAMING & VIDEOS Everyone: You may stream all of your own matches. You may upload videos at your leisure. You are required to feature the provided Meta Plays Logo over gameplay at all times. We request you give Meta Plays one shout-out mid-commentary, such as an invitation to make an account on the site. We recommend you use the Meta Plays Casting Tool for the best viewer experience.
    5 points
  4. The fifth tournament for Season 1 in Age of Mythology! $150 and 1875 Meta Plays Ladder Points are up for grabs. Sign ups will last through Saturday, August 28. Each group will schedule a play day for back to back games. The single elimination stage will be scheduled in batches as well. The group stage must be finished by Sunday, September 5. The single elimination stage must be finished by Sunday, September 19. The total amount of tournament points is subject to change based on sign ups. @fophuxake is the manager for this tournament. For any questions, concerns or requests, please reach out to her on Discord, or @ her in the comments here (if not urgent). EVENT PRIZES 1st place: $60 | 481 Meta Plays Ladder Points | standard gold medal icon 2nd place: $45 | 351 Meta Plays Ladder Points | standard silver medal icon 3rd place: $30 | 257 Meta Plays Ladder Points | standard bronze medal icon 4th place: $15 | 183 Meta Plays Ladder Points | standard copper medal icon 5-8th place: 64 Meta Plays Ladder Points 9-16th place: 32 Meta Plays Ladder Points 17-24th place: 15 Meta Plays Ladder Points Confused about the Meta Plays Ladder Points? Check our Launch Announcement and the Leaderboards for current standings. GAME SETTINGS Use Age of Mythology: The Titans on Voobly Game mod: Voobly Balance Patch 5.0 Blind Pick First map is picked by the higher seeded player. Losing player each game picks next map. Each map may only be played once. Valid maps: Alfheim, Anatolia, Arctic Craters, Blue Lagoon, Borderlands, Frozen Wastes, Ghost Lake, Marsh, Mediterranean, Midgard, Oasis, Savannah, Tropical Mirage, Tundra, Watering Hole 1 veto per player per series. Must be used before 1 minute. No excessive wall connector spamming allowed. Banned cases: Connector spam to protect wonders Illegal placements around gold mines and Settlements Acceptable cases include: 4 pieces around towers (including around your main base gold mine, if it blocks) 4 pieces to save dock builder Segments to seal off a gap that was meant to be walled No hunt deleting No cheating of any form. HOSTING Games will be hosted by the higher seeded player when staff is not present. Casters will host if they are present. SOCIAL RULES Participants must be in the Meta Plays Discord. Report match results there, with replays/links. Forfeiting/not showing up to any match with prizes will result in disqualification and you forfeiting the prizes. 1 rescheduling opportunity is granted when external conditions force it. There will not be a second rescheduling. Forfeiting players that break rules on any of our platforms, or do so out of malicious intent will be banned from the next event. Repeat offenders will receive a ban from the entire season. There will not be a fourth chance after the season-long ban expires. Not showing up = late by over 10 minutes. Max 5 min break between games in a series. Exceptions for emergencies only. No harassment or discrimination of players/viewers/staff on any of our platforms. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. Do not sign up with smurfs. Match all account usernames. We will remove suspicious sign-ups. No account sharing. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. You may stream your own matches, but a minimum of 2 minutes of delay is required. Streaming without delay results in a forfeit. Third party casters may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays. Please contact our manager for this event for approval. 2 minute delay is required. If you are streaming our event, please consider giving us a shout-out or two, and sharing the next tournament with your community. This is optional, but we would return the favor. PAYMENT You will be paid approximately 2-5 work days after the event. Please reach out to @Nakamurawith your payment information after the event. If you do not provide payment information despite requests within 60 days after the event, you forfeit the prize money. We recommend bank payments as there are likely fewer fees. Paypal is a valid alternative that we support. We do not pay out via other methods. We do not pay extra to cover transfer fees.
    5 points
  5. The third tournament for Season 1 in Age of Mythology! $310 and 4650 Meta Plays Ladder Points are up for grabs in this open, Single Elimination event. This time around we are seeding by Meta Plays' Ladder! Huge thank you to our @WarriorMario and @Ippert, who have contributed $150 and $60 to the prize pool respectively. Starting on Saturday, July 17 at 3 PM GMT. Please note this is a ONE DAY EVENT. You must complete the tournament in 1 sitting. The event might take 6+ hours. Make sure you have enough time before you sign up. The total amount of tournament points is subject to change based on sign ups. @fophuxake is the manager for this tournament. For any questions, concerns or requests, please reach out to her on Discord, or @ her in the comments here (if not urgent). EVENT PRIZES 1st place: $125 | 1224 Meta Plays Ladder Points | standard gold medal icon 2nd place: $95 | 898 Meta Plays Ladder Points | standard silver medal icon 3rd place: $60| 666 Meta Plays Ladder Points | standard bronze medal icon 4th place: $30| 480 Meta Plays Ladder Points | standard copper medal icon 5-8th place: 183 Meta Plays Ladder Points 9-16th place: 83 Meta Plays Ladder Points Confused about the Meta Plays Ladder Points? Check our Launch Announcement and the Leaderboards for current standings. GAME SETTINGS Use Age of Mythology: The Titans on Voobly Game mod: Voobly Balance Patch 5.0 Blind Pick First map per round is defined in the bracket. Losing player each game picks next map. Each map may only be played once. Valid maps: Alfheim, Anatolia, Arctic Craters, Blue Lagoon, Borderlands, Frozen Wastes, Ghost Lake, Marsh, Mediterranean, Midgard, Oasis, Savannah, Tropical Mirage, Tundra, Watering Hole 1 veto per player per series. Must be used before 1 minute. No excessive wall connector spamming allowed. Banned cases: Connector spam to protect wonders Illegal placements around gold mines and Settlements Acceptable cases include: 4 pieces around towers (including around your main base gold mine, if it blocks) 4 pieces to save dock builder Segments to seal off a gap that was meant to be walled No hunt deleting No cheating of any form. HOSTING Games will be hosted by the higher seeded player when staff is not present. Casters will host if they are present. SOCIAL RULES Participants must be in the Meta Plays Discord. Report match results there, with replays/links. Forfeiting/not showing up to any match with prizes will result in disqualification and you forfeiting the prizes. Forfeiting players that break rules on any of our platforms, or do so out of malicious intent will be banned from the next event. Repeat offenders will receive a ban from the entire season. There will not be a fourth chance after the season-long ban expires. Not showing up = late by over 15 minutes. No harassment or discrimination of players/viewers/staff on any of our platforms. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. Do not sign up with smurfs. Match all account usernames. We will remove suspicious sign-ups. No account sharing. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. You may stream your own matches, but a minimum of 2 minutes of delay is required. Streaming without delay results in a forfeit. Third party casters may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays. Please contact our manager for this event for approval. 2 minute delay is required. If you are streaming our event, please consider giving us a shout-out or two, and sharing the next tournament with your community. This is optional, but we would return the favor. PAYMENT You will be paid approximately 2-5 work days after the event. Please reach out to @Nakamurawith your payment information after the event. If you do not provide payment information despite requests within 60 days after the event, you forfeit the prize money. We recommend bank payments as there are likely fewer fees. Paypal is a valid alternative that we support. We do not pay out via other methods. We do not pay extra to cover transfer fees.
    5 points
  6. The second tournament for Season 1 in Age of Mythology! $100 and 1000 Meta Plays Ladder Points are up for grabs in this open, Single Elimination event. This time around we are seeding by Meta Plays' Ladder! Starting on Saturday, June 26 at 3 PM GMT. Please note this is a ONE DAY EVENT. You must complete the tournament in 1 sitting. The event might take 6+ hours. Make sure you have enough time before you sign up. The total amount of tournament points is subject to change based on sign ups. @fophuxake is the manager for this tournament. For any questions, concerns or requests, please reach out to her on Discord, or @ her in the comments here (if not urgent). EVENT PRIZES 1st place: $40 | 264 Meta Plays Ladder Points | standard gold medal icon 2nd place: $30 | 194 Meta Plays Ladder Points | standard silver medal icon 3rd place: $20 | 144 Meta Plays Ladder Points | standard bronze medal icon 4th place: $10 | 104 Meta Plays Ladder Points | standard copper medal icon 5-8th place: 41 Meta Plays Ladder Points 9-16th place: 19 Meta Plays Ladder Points Confused about the Meta Plays Ladder Points? Check our Launch Announcement and the Leaderboards for current standings. GAME SETTINGS Use Age of Mythology: The Titans on Voobly Game mod: Voobly Balance Patch 5.0 Blind Pick First map per round is defined in the bracket. Losing player each game picks next map. Each map may only be played once. Valid maps: Alfheim, Anatolia, Arctic Craters, Blue Lagoon, Borderlands, Frozen Wastes, Ghost Lake, Marsh, Mediterranean, Midgard, Oasis, Savannah, Tropical Mirage, Tundra, Watering Hole 1 veto per player per series. Must be used before 1 minute. No excessive wall connector spamming allowed. Banned cases: Connector spam to protect wonders Illegal placements around gold mines and Settlements Acceptable cases include: 4 pieces around towers (including around your main base gold mine, if it blocks) 4 pieces to save dock builder Segments to seal off a gap that was meant to be walled No hunt deleting No cheating of any form. HOSTING Games will be hosted by the higher seeded player when staff is not present. Casters will host if they are present. SOCIAL RULES Participants must be in the Meta Plays Discord. Report match results there, with replays/links. Forfeiting/not showing up to any match with prizes will result in disqualification and you forfeiting the prizes. Forfeiting players that break rules on any of our platforms, or do so out of malicious intent will be banned from the next event. Repeat offenders will receive a ban from the entire season. There will not be a fourth chance after the season-long ban expires. Not showing up = late by over 15 minutes. No harassment or discrimination of players/viewers/staff on any of our platforms. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. Do not sign up with smurfs. Match all account usernames. We will remove suspicious sign-ups. No account sharing. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. You may stream your own matches, but a minimum of 2 minutes of delay is required. Streaming without delay results in a forfeit. Third party casters may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays. Please contact our manager for this event for approval. 2 minute delay is required. If you are streaming our event, please consider giving us a shout-out or two, and sharing the next tournament with your community. This is optional, but we would return the favor. PAYMENT You will be paid approximately 2-5 work days after the event. Please reach out to @Nakamurawith your payment information after the event. If you do not provide payment information despite requests within 60 days after the event, you forfeit the prize money. We recommend bank payments as there are likely fewer fees. Paypal is a valid alternative that we support. We do not pay out via other methods. We do not pay extra to cover transfer fees.
    5 points
  7. The first qualifier for for the Meta Plays Company of Heroes 3 Pro League! £100 and 1000 Meta Plays Ladder Points are up for grabs. The tournament will take place on Saturday and Sunday, October 5-6, starting at 4 PM UTC. Brackets get locked at 3:45 PM UTC. This tournament is a TWO DAY EVENT - please ensure you are available on both days. For those looking to contribute to the main event, you may do so via our Donation Page, using the CoH 3 option! @Olvadi is the manager for this tournament. For any questions, concerns or requests, please reach out to him on Discord, or @ him in the comments here (if not urgent). EVENT PRIZES Prize distribution is as follows: 1st place: £40 | 264 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Gold Medal Icon 2nd place: £30 | 194 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Silver Medal Icon 3rd place: £20 | 144 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Bronze Medal Icon 4th place: £10 | 104 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Copper Medal Icon 5-8th place: 41 Meta Plays Ladder Points 8-16th place: 19 Meta Plays Ladder Points Confused about the tournament system? Check our Tournament and Ladder info posts, and the Halo Wars 2 Season 6 announcement! GAME SETTINGS Faction is picked by the lower seeded player. Alternate between Axis and Allies each game. Maps are pre-determinded each round. No Mirror Matches. Allies are on Position 1. Axis are on Position 2. Battlegroup Elimination is in effect (each battlegroup can be only played once per set). In Bo5 the Battlegroup Elimination resets in the ace game. VP lead gets to choose between first pick or second pick his Faction in the Ace game (VP lead means the total amount of VPs across all games Players have to count for themselves). Map Pool: Faymonville, Twin Beaches, Road to Tunis, Villa Fiore. No cheating or intentional exploiting of any form allowed. Replays The winner has to upload all Replays in the Discord Replays Channel. Find replays at: C:\Users\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 3\Playbacks. Hosting Higher seeded player is the host. SOCIAL RULES Participants must be in the Meta Plays Discord. Report match results and provide replays there. Forfeiting/not showing up to any match with money prizes without notice will result in disqualification and you forfeiting the prizes. 1 rescheduling opportunity is granted when external conditions force it. There will not be a second rescheduling. Forfeiting players that break rules on any of our platforms, or do so out of malicious intent will be banned from the next event. Repeat offenders will receive a ban for the entire current and next season. There will not be a fourth chance after the season-long ban expires. Penalties for not showing up: Timer starts when 1 player is ready and neither player is currently playing a match. Late by over 10 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win. This is the wait time BEFORE a series begins. BETWEEN games in a series, the lateness limit is 5 minutes. Late by additional 5 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win for each 5 min. Once a player wins via lateness penalties, the late player is disqualified. No harassment, discrimination, or false cheating accusations against players/viewers/staff on any of our platforms. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. Cheating accusations are meant to handled in private with Meta Plays staff. Stalling games after final staff decisions (e.g. via cheating accusation arguments) will result in lateness penalties. No excessively derogatory messaging targeting our staff on any platform. This will result in a permanent ban on all Meta Plays platforms. Win trading will result in forfeit. Do your best to win. You may resign if you are clearly losing. Live coaching or any other external communication during matches is unacceptable and will result in a permanent ban from all Meta Plays events. Do not sign up with smurfs. Match all account usernames. We will remove suspicious sign-ups. No account sharing. You will be disqualified, forfeit prizes in this event, and will be permanently banned from all event participation. STABILITY RULES In the event of player lag disputes, players must submit speedtest results. The event manager will make a judgement call. In the event of a disconnection or crash: If the game was relatively even: If all parties crash, re-play the game. The game doesn't count for score in the first instance. The player who didn't disconnect may choose a new map, and both players may choose a new leader. In the second instance, the player who didn't disconnect receives a point on the score board. In the third instance, the player who didn't disconnect wins the series. If both sides crash 3 times, reset PC and internet. If a player was significantly ahead: Admin win is awarded for the match for all cases. In the third instance, the player who didn't disconnect wins the series. PAYMENT You will be paid approximately 10 work days after the event. Please reach out to @Nakamura with your payment information after the event. If you do not provide payment information despite requests within 60 days after the event, you forfeit the prize money. You confirm that the account you provide is owned by you. We do not take responsibility for funds getting lost to third parties in the event of the account not belonging to you. We will not pay out to a known third party. We can pay out via bank transfers or PayPal. We do not pay out via other methods. We do not pay extra to cover transfer or currency conversion fees. To minimize the impact, we recommend to request bank transfers. You may request to receive your prize in your local currency. This tournament takes place during a war period. Ukraine has been invaded by Russia and Belarus. In light of NATO sanctions against Russia and Belarus, we are not able to pay out prizes to residents of Russia or Belarus. Russian or Belarusian citizens are not affected by this if they reside in an un-sanctioned country, or have financial accounts in such a country able to receive payments. Affected prizes will be paid to a selected charity unrelated to the war, chosen by our staff. LIVE STREAMING & VIDEOS: Everyone: You are required to feature the provided Meta Plays Logo over gameplay at all times. We request you give Meta Plays one shout-out mid-commentary, such as an invitation to make an account on the site. For casting, we recommend you use the Meta Plays Casting Tool for the best viewer experience. Content Partners: 60s delay is required. You may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays. Please contact @Olvadi for approval. You may upload videos at your leisure. Non-Partners: 90s delay is required. You may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays or Content Partners. Please contact @Olvadifor approval. We request you wait with video uploads until the Meta Plays channel has posted its version of the identical match.
    4 points
  8. The first qualifier for for the 2v2 Amateur League Season 1! 1000 Meta Plays Ladder Points are up for grabs. The tournament will take place on Sunday, January 22nd, starting at 4 PM GMT. Brackets get locked at 3:45 PM GMT. This tournament is a ONE DAY EVENT - please ensure you have enough time to play in 1 go. For those looking to contribute to the main event, you may do so via our Donation Page, using the HW 2 option! Seeding is based on 2v2 MMR - check yours here by searching for your Gamertag. To participate, your account: Must have 3.0 MMR or less. Gamerscore in multiple games. Must have at least one of the below: Account age must be over 6 months. 300+ matches played. The Meta Plays team reserves the right to remove your sign up if you are deemed a high level player in other formats. @_TheLegend_ is the manager for this tournament. For any questions, concerns or requests, please reach out to him on Discord, or @ him in the comments here (if not urgent). EVENT PRIZES 1st place: 272 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Gold Medal Icon 2nd place: 202 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Silver Medal Icon 3rd place: 152 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Bronze Medal Icon 4th place: 112 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Copper Medal Icon 5-6th place: 75 Meta Plays Ladder Points 5-6th place: 59 Meta Plays Ladder Points Confused about the tournament system? Check our Tournament and Ladder info posts, and the Halo Wars 2 Season 3 announcement! GAME SETTINGS Higher seeded player may veto 1 map per series. First map is picked by the lower seeded team. Once the map is picked, each team may ban 1 leader per series. The higher seed should veto first. Losing team each game picks next map. Each map may only be played once. Valid maps: Ashes, Badlands, Bedrock, Fissures, Frontier, Mirage, Rift, Vault. No repeat leaders in a series. No Voridus. Accidental pick of vetoed leaders or Voridus results in loss. No node strat - do not take nodes without the intent of killing Sentinels. Exception: you can draw the Sentinels to attack an enemy minibase or units, and still capture the node. Exception: Cannon Fodder can take nodes any way you want. 1 hour time limit. If base and slot building count is even/very close, and neither player has a large army advantage, the game is a draw. If one player has an army advantage, casters will send a final attack prompt. The outcome of this last attack determines whether a winner or a draw is called, based on the base/slot building count afterwards. If one player has a clear base and slot building count advantage and their opponent is not in a position to even out the game with the next attack, the player with more slot buildings wins. Replay match if the series ends on tie. The previous loser picks map in this case. No cheating or intentional exploiting of any form allowed. Hosting Games will be hosted by the higher seeded player when staff is not present. Casters will host if they are present. SOCIAL RULES Participants must be in the Meta Plays Discord. Report match results there. Forfeiting/not showing up to any match with prizes and without notice will result in disqualification and you forfeiting the prizes. 1 rescheduling opportunity is granted when external conditions force it. There will not be a second rescheduling. Forfeiting players that break rules on any of our platforms, or do so out of malicious intent will be banned from the next event. Repeat offenders will receive a ban from the entire season. There will not be a fourth chance after the season-long ban expires. Penalties for not showing up: Timer starts when 1 player is ready and neither team is currently playing a match. Late by over 10 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win. This is the wait time BEFORE a series begins. BETWEEN games in a series, the lateness limit is 5 minutes. Late by additional 5 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win for each 5 min. Once a team wins via lateness penalties, the late player is disqualified. No harassment or discrimination of players/viewers/staff on any of our platforms. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. No excessively derogatory messaging targeting our staff on any platform. This will result in a permanent ban on all Meta Plays platforms. Win trading will result in forfeit. Do your best to win. You may resign if you are clearly losing. Live coaching or any other external communication during matches is unacceptable and will result in a permanent ban from all Meta Plays events. Do not sign up with smurfs. Match all account usernames. We will remove suspicious sign-ups. In the event of player lag disputes, players must submit speedtest results. The event manager will make a judgement call. In the event of a disconnection or crash: If the game was relatively even: If all parties crash, re-play the game. The game doesn't count for score in the first instance. The team who didn't disconnect may choose a new map, and both teams may choose new leaders. In the second instance, the team who didn't disconnect receives a point on the score board. In the third instance, the team who didn't disconnect wins the series. If both sides crash 3 times, reset PC/Xbox and internet. If a team was significantly ahead: Admin win is awarded for the match for all cases. In the third instance, the player who didn't disconnect wins the series. Johnson/Jerome crash: The team with Johnson/Jerome loses. In the event of both teams causing a crash, we will treat this case as a disconnect and follow rules around them. No account sharing. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. PAYMENT You will be paid approximately 2-5 work days after the event. Please reach out to @Nakamura with your payment information after the event. If you do not provide payment information despite requests within 60 days after the event, you forfeit the prize money. You confirm that the account you provide is owned by you. We do not take responsibility for funds getting lost to third parties in the event of the account not belonging to you. We will not pay out to a known third party. We can pay out via bank transfers or Paypal. We do not pay out via other methods. We do not pay extra to cover transfer fees. This tournament takes place during a war period. Ukraine has been invaded by Russia and Belarus. In light of NATO sanctions against Russia and Belarus, we are not able to pay out prizes to Russian and Belarusian competitors residing in Russia or Belarus. Russian or Belarusian citizens are not affected by this if they reside in an un-sanctioned country, or have financial accounts in such a country able to receive payments. Affected prizes will be paid to a selected charity unrelated to the war, chosen by our staff. LIVE STREAMING & VIDEOS: Everyone: You may stream all of your own matches. You are required to feature the provided Meta Plays Logo over gameplay at all times. We request you give Meta Plays one shout-out mid-commentary, such as an invitation to make an account on the site. For casting, we recommend you use the Meta Plays Casting Tool for the best viewer experience. Content Partners: 60s delay is required. You may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays. Please contact @_TheLegend_ for approval. You may upload videos at your leisure. Non-Partners: 90s delay is required. You may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays or Content Partners. Please contact @_TheLegend_ for approval. We request you wait with video uploads until the Meta Plays channel has posted its version of the identical match.
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  9. Version 1.0.0


    Introduction: We are pleased to share with you the Meta Plays Casting Tool, developed by Maguro and PF2K! They worked on it as a commission for Meta Plays, and this is a modified variant of the Starcraft Casting Tool. The difference is that we support multiple games, and have a player color picker! The goal of this software is to increase the quality of tournament streams by adding high quality score boards and player introductions with an easy GUI to control it all. Everyone is welcome to make use of it. We would appreciate if you could set up stream commands or link to this post in Youtube, for those that may be wondering where to get this. Supported Games: Age of Empires IV Age of Empires Online Age of Mythology Halo Wars 2 Spellforce 3 StarCraft II (Intro panels only) Warcraft III First Time Setup: After downloading and extracting the tool, simply launch the executable. I recommend placing it in its own folder, and adding that folder to antivirus exceptions. To start off, create your own profile. This will update your casting tool with the latest art assets for all our supported games. Feel free to delete the default profile. Next up, select the game you want to use the Tool for. This will select the correct factions available for the dropdowns. You can freely cycle this at any point. Next up, you will need to add 2 browser sources to your streaming software - one for the intros, another for the score board. The browser sources menus contain the URLs that you can copy directly from the app. Make sure that the source resolution matches your base resolution (the art is designed for full screen). Triggering Intros, Updating Scores and Factions 1- update the faction of the player on the matching side 2- grant a win to the player on the matching side 3- alter the size of the series 4- alter the color of the player Note: updating the faction of matches that were already played will update all future matches. You want to update the appropriate match's faction to get everything displaying correctly. With the above setup, you should be seeing something like this in your streaming app! Feel free to post here about any questions, or technical issues that you are having! Or post good practices for others to make use of. Also please share the tool with others that may benefit from it - we want this tool to have as wide of a reach as possible to increase the quality of all community streams! It's as much for you as it is for us! Known Issues: None at the moment. Let us know if you find any.
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  10. The first Hands-Off 2v2 Tournament for Season 3 in Age of Mythology! $150 and 2250 Meta Plays Ladder Points are up for grabs. Huge thank you to @Kilty and @joeybadz for donating $100 and $50 to the prize pool respectively! Sign ups will close Friday, August 26th, at 2 PM GMT. From this point, teams must complete each round within 1 week. Seeding is based on TG Supremacy Elo (team average). The total amount of tournament points is subject to change based on sign ups. @fophuxake is the manager for this tournament. For any questions, concerns or requests, please reach out to her on Discord, or @ her in the comments here (if not urgent). EVENT PRIZES 1st place: $60 | 625 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Gold Medal Icon 2nd place: $40 | 494 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Silver Medal Icon 3rd place: $30 | 382 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Bronze Medal Icon 4th place: $20 | 292 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Copper Medal Icon 5-8th place: 109 Meta Plays Ladder Points Confused about the tournament system? Check our Tournament and Ladder info posts, and the Age of Mythology Season 3 announcement! GAME SETTINGS Use Age of Mythology: The Titans on Voobly. Game mod: Voobly Balance Patch 5.0 Blind Pick. No repeats of a god you have won with (within a series). You can only win with the same god 1 time and must switch to another. Your team mate may NOT re-pick a god their team mate has won with. Higher seeded team may ban 1 map. First map per round is picked by the lower seeded team. Losing team each game picks next map. Each map may only be played once. Valid maps: Alfheim, Anatolia, Blue Lagoon, Ghost Lake, Marsh, Mediterranean, Midgard, Oasis, Savannah, Tundra, Watering Hole 1 veto per team per series. Must be used before 1 minute. No excessive wall connector spamming allowed. Banned cases: Connector spam to protect wonders Illegal placements around gold mines and Settlements Acceptable cases include: 4 pieces around towers (including around your main base gold mine, if it blocks) 4 pieces to save dock builder Segments to seal off a gap that was meant to be walled No hunt deleting. No unnatural wall usage, such as deleting wall segments and setting up a gate network. No Gaia Forests around Gold Mines or Settlements. No cheating of any form. HOSTING Games will be hosted by the higher seeded player when staff is not present. Casters will host if they are present. SOCIAL RULES Participants must be in the Meta Plays Discord. Report match results there, with replays. Forfeiting/not showing up to any match with prizes and without notice will result in disqualification and you forfeiting the prizes. 1 rescheduling opportunity is granted when external conditions force it. There will not be a second rescheduling. Forfeiting players that break rules on any of our platforms, or do so out of malicious intent will be banned from the next event. Repeat offenders will receive a ban from the entire season. There will not be a fourth chance after the season-long ban expires. Penalties for not showing up: Timer starts when 1 team is ready and neither team is currently playing a match. Late by over 10 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win. This is the wait time BEFORE a series begins. BETWEEN games in a series, the lateness limit is 5 minutes. Late by additional 5 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win for each 5 min. Once a team wins via lateness penalties, the late player is disqualified. No harassment or discrimination of players/viewers/staff on any of our platforms. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. No excessively derogatory messaging targeting our staff on any platform. This will result in a permanent ban on all Meta Plays platforms. Win trading will result in forfeit. Do your best to win. You may resign if you are clearly losing. Do not sign up with smurfs. Match all account usernames. We will remove suspicious sign-ups. In the event of player lag disputes, players must submit speedtest results. The event manager will make a judgement call. No account sharing. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. PAYMENT You will be paid approximately 2-5 work days after the event. Please reach out to @Nakamura with your payment information after the event. If you do not provide payment information despite requests within 60 days after the event, you forfeit the prize money. You confirm that the account you provide is owned by you. We do not take responsibility for funds getting lost to third parties in the event of the account not belonging to you. We will not pay out to a known third party. We can pay out via bank transfers or PayPal. We do not pay out via other methods. We do not pay extra to cover transfer fees. This tournament takes place during a war period. Ukraine has been invaded by Russia and Belarus. In light of NATO sanctions against Russia and Belarus, we are not able to pay out prizes to Russian and Belarusian competitors residing in Russia or Belarus. Russian or Belarusian citizens are not affected by this if they reside in an un-sanctioned country, or have financial accounts in such a country able to receive payments. Affected prizes will be paid to a selected charity unrelated to the war, chosen by our staff. LIVE STREAMING & VIDEOS Everyone: You may stream all of your own matches. You may upload videos at your leisure. You are required to feature the provided Meta Plays Logo over gameplay at all times. We request you give Meta Plays one shout-out mid-commentary, such as an invitation to make an account on the site. We recommend you use the Meta Plays Casting Tool for the best viewer experience. Content Partners: 60s delay is required. You will be considered as main streams for this event. Please contact @fophuxake for approval. Non-Partners: 90s delay is required. You may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Content Partners. Please contact @fophuxake for approval.
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  11. Hey everyone, We are pleased to announce the Meta Plays Age of Mythology: Extended Edition Balance Mod! The mod will be used in our AoM EE events going forward. Before getting into the details, let's all thank @EEL_Hagrit for organizing and making this mod happen! Summary: We feel one of the most important aspects of keeping an RTS fresh are maps. As such, we are bringing over the community maps that have been used in our Voobly tournaments as a start. From here on, we are planning to seasonally rotate the map pool in an effort to provide new experiences for both the players and viewers. The balance changes primarily focus on rebalancing the Chinese civilization to be more in line with the power levels of the rest. As part of this, we are retooling the Scout Cavalry to focus it more heavily on its anti-archer nature, rather than it being an anti-villager. We also felt the Chinese have been severely over-performing in 2 key moments: the Call to Arms rush with Immortals, and Great Flood. We are making significant changes in an attempt to address these, while also disabling Blessed Construction on Fu Xi's towers and castles, as there was a glitch that kept these buildings firing double the projectiles after completion. Further changes were made to the Egyptian Civilization, slightly reducing their power level via tweaks to Shifting Sands, the Roc, and Locust, while making Set's animals more accessible in an effort to shift the meta away from Ra slightly. Subscribe to the mod in the Steam Workshop! Remember you need to disable the mod if you want to play with people that don't have it! Please feel free to make suggestions - since it's the first iteration, we expect needing tweaks before the end of our upcoming Season 3. For discussion, we recommend our Forums or our Discord, as those allow us to monitor your feedback best. Change Log: UI/MENUS: Post game Quit button is removed. MAPS: 4 new maps added to the random map set: Borderlands Tropical Mirage Frozen Wastes Arctic Craters CHINESE GAMEPLAY & BALANCE: Earthen Wall cost reduced from 150f 150g to 100f 100g. Earthen Wall research time reduced from 50s to 30s. Chinese dock cost reduced from 125 to 100. Immortal Hero train time increased from 9 to 12, and population cost increased from 2 to 3. Immortal Hero ranged attack range reduced from 13 to 10, increasing by 2 each age instead of 1. (Age 1 = 10, age 2 = 12, age 3 = 14, age 4 = 16) Chu ko nu and Toxotes now do -10% damage vs Scout Cavalry, similar to vs Raiding Cavalry. Chu ko nu attack animation length reduced from 1.5 to 1.2. Scout Cavalry bonus damage vs economic units removed. Scout Cavalry turn rate increased to match other cavalry units, from 9 to 18. Scout Cavalry hack damage reduced from 6 to 5. Scout Cavalry Hack armor reduced from 15 to 10%, and pierce armor increased from 30 to 35%. Scout Cavalry bonus increased vs archers from 1.3 to 1.75. Garden obstruction radius reduced from 4.0/4.0 to 3.5/3.5. FU XI: Blessed construction no longer works on towers/castles. Wood cost reduction no longer works on docks. SHENNONG: Tower upgrades now also get a 25% discount. Wheelbarrow now also increases villager building speed of all buildings except towers by 10%. Monks can no longer convert Earth Dragons. HUANG DI: Call to arms human units duplication reduced from 4 to 3. CHANG'E Barrage damage changed from 70 hack 15 crush to 60 hack 15 crush, and from 4 area of effect to 3. Barrage Min/Max damage cap reduceed from 600/800 to 600/600. Barrage duration increased from 10 to 15 seconds. Barrage Area radius increased from 10 to 15. Barrage attack interval reduced from 1.0 seconds to 0.8 seconds. ZHONG KUI: Uproot damage radius reduced from 7 to 3. XI WANGMU: White Tiger Population Cost increased from 4 to 5. White Tiger bonus damage vs heroes with the special attack reduced from -50% to -75%. AO KUANG: Great Flood: Now spawns 1 less "child", effectively reducing its width by 25%. Persistent damage has also been reduced from 1.5 to 1.0 hack, and from 2.0 to 1.5 crush dps. Azure Dragon can now use his special attack on Ships. Nezha's Defeat now also gives +30% hack damage to Azure Dragons. EGYPTIANS: Set Food-based animals are ~50% favor cost. (costs may vary due to rounding) Set Damage-based animals are ~25% favor cost. (costs may vary due to rounding) Skin of the Rhino may only be researched in the TC. Khopesh speed reduced from 5.8 to 5.5. Shifting sands minimum HP of enemy units reduced from 400 to 200. Shifting sands can not shift enemy villagers anymore. Roc speed reduced from 4.6 to 4.2. Locust DPS reduced from 30 to 25. BUG FIXES Earthquake, Shockwave and Barrage have their camera shake massively reduced. Polyphemus, Titan, monkey and General special attacks do not affect earth dragon anymore.
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  12. The first Age of Mythology: Extended Edition tournament on Meta Plays! 1000 Meta Plays Ladder Points are up for grabs. The tournament will run between January 21 and February 6. Please note this is a scheduled event. Make sure you have enough time before you sign up! Seeding is based on your 1v1 Supremacy Elo. The total amount of tournament points is subject to change based on sign ups. @fophuxake is the manager for this tournament. For any questions, concerns or requests, please reach out to her on Discord, or @ her in the comments here (if not urgent). EVENT PRIZES 1st place: 264 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Gold Medal Icon 2nd place: 194 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Silver Medal Icon 3rd place: 144 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Bronze Medal Icon 4th place: 104 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Copper Medal Icon 5-8th place: 41 Meta Plays Ladder Points 9-16th place: 19 Meta Plays Ladder Points Confused about the tournament system? Check our Tournament and Ladder info posts, and the Age of Mythology Season 2 announcement! GAME SETTINGS Use Age of Mythology: Extended Edition on Steam First map per round is picked by the lower seeded player. Losing player each game picks next map. Each map may only be played once. Valid maps: Alfheim, Anatolia, Blue Lagoon, Ghost Lake, Marsh, Mediterranean, Midgard, Oasis, Savannah, Tundra, Watering Hole 1 veto per player per series. Must be used before 1 minute. No excessive wall connector spamming allowed. Banned cases: Connector spam to protect wonders Acceptable cases include: 4 pieces around towers (including around your main base gold mine, if it blocks) 4 pieces to save dock builder Segments to seal off a gap that was meant to be walled No hunt deleting. No Gaia Forests around Gold Mines or Settlements. No cheating of any form. HOSTING Games will be hosted by the higher seeded player when staff is not present. Casters will host if they are present. SOCIAL RULES Participants must be in the Meta Plays Discord. Report match results there, with replays. Forfeiting/not showing up to any match with prizes will result in disqualification and you forfeiting the prizes. 1 rescheduling opportunity is granted when external conditions force it. There will not be a second rescheduling. Forfeiting players that break rules on any of our platforms, or do so out of malicious intent will be banned from the next event. Repeat offenders will receive a ban from the entire season. There will not be a fourth chance after the season-long ban expires. Not showing up = late by over 10 minutes. Max 5 min break between games in a series. Exceptions for emergencies only. Unreasonable delays will result in a map loss every 5 min. No harassment or discrimination of players/viewers/staff on any of our platforms. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. Win trading will result in forfeit. Do your best to win. You may resign if you are clearly losing. Do not sign up with smurfs. Match all account usernames. We will remove suspicious sign-ups. In the event of player lag disputes, players must submit speedtest results. The event manager will make a judgement call. No account sharing. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. You may stream your own matches, but a minimum of 60s delay is required. Third party casters may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays. Please contact @fophuxake for approval. 90s delay is required. Third party cast videos may be uploaded with a 1 day after Meta Plays uploads. Please contact @fophuxake for approval. If you are casting our event, please consider giving us a shout-out, and sharing the next tournament with your community.
    4 points
  13. We are very pleased to announce Season 2 for our Age of Mythology: The Titans Tournament League on Voobly! Huge shout-out to @WarriorMario and @Ippert who have graciously donated 150 and 100 USD respectively towards this season. The season will be made up of the following tournaments: Meta Plays Monthly #6 - $150, Open, Single Elimination - Jan 29 - One day event Meta Plays Monthly #7 - $220, Open, Double Elimination - Feb 7 - March 13 - Free scheduling Meta Plays Monthly #8 - $150, Open, Single Elimination - April 10 - One day event Meta Plays Monthly #9 - $150, Open, Single Elimination - April 24 - One day event Meta Plays Monthly #10 - $150, Open, Single Elimination - May 21 - One day event Season Finale - "Freyja's Blessing" - $400, Invitational, Group Stage into Single Elimination - June 4 - June 26 - Free scheduling We are also starting a separate no-stakes league for Age of Mythology: Extended Edition! The season will be made up of the following tournaments: Meta Plays Skirmish #1- 1000 Meta Plays Points, Open, Single Elimination - Jan 21 - Feb 6 - Free scheduling Meta Plays Skirmish #2 - 1000 Meta Plays Points, Open, Single Elimination - March 12 - One day event Meta Plays Skirmish #3 - $250, Open, Single Elimination - April 2 - One day event Eternal Frost - $300, Open, Single Elimination - April 30- One day event Season Finale - "Bearer of the Heavens" - $500, Invitational, Group Stage into Single Elimination - May 6 - May 29 - Free scheduling How the Season Works Same as last season! Each Tournament we host will not only come with cash prizes, but also Meta Plays Ladder Points. These points go towards the corresponding ladder. Based on your position in the ladder, we assign you to a "Class" - one of D(lowest), C, B, A and S(highest). The classes give you a badge and will be featured on your Tournament Profile. By the time the Season Finale comes around, we will invite the top players based on the Ladder. Check out the Class icons below. The top 4 players will also receive medals corresponding with their final placement in each Tournament. While most are generic, Season Finale events, as well as any mid-season cup that reaches a prize pool of $300 will receive custom medals. For additional info, please check our Tournament and Ladder explainer posts! Give Us The Numbers Based on the number and quality of signed up players, we modify the number of total points that a tournament can provide. Our guidelines for this are below: Base value: 10x Prize pool in USD (or monetary value in prizes). For any class exclusion combination, remove 10% points per class removed. S+A Class only tournaments are excluded from this ruling on a case-by-case basis. The number of players in the tournaments will scale the points in the following way: 4-8: -50% 9-15: -25% 16-24: no change 24-32: +50% 33-47: +75% 48-64: +100% You can review the point spread between player placements using our Tournament Point Calculator. Can I Host Tournaments Too? Yes! We are in fact looking for additional Tournament Hosts that are willing to contribute to our Seasonal Ladders, or cover an aspect of the game that we don't, such as team games. You can apply as a tournament host here. The ideal third party Tournament Host will: Have a prize pool for each event. Have a solid history of past tournaments. Not have been the cause of pay-out scandals. Try not to create conflicts with our event dates. What about Team Games? Same as in Season 1, we have no plans to fund a season for TG. We do however have the technical capability for keeping this separate and to facilitate them in the first place, and will be keeping our eyes on your feedback. The plan is to leave team tournaments to the community. You Can Help! For any of you looking to support our events, the best way to do so is becoming a subscriber on the website. This is a monthly recurring payment that you get perks for. The higher goals we hit, the better the prize pools will be. You can also increase prize pools by donating (look for the AoM option on this page) - we think with your help, boosting one of the monthlies to $300 is a very achieve-able first goal! There is also a donation goal specifically for the Extended Edition part of the league. We plan to pay these out to the top players according to our ladder at the end of the season. Where To Watch We will live stream all of the events on our Twitch, and VoDs will be available on our Youtube. Community casters will have access to cover games as well - all games that we don't cover are open casting for live streamers. Please contact each event's manager for clearance. We also provide replay packs that may be used for replay casts or learning purposes. That is pretty much it! Let us know what you think in the comments below, join us on Discord for real-time chats, and we will see you on the battlefield!
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  14. Welcome everyone to the first ever Age of Mythology Meta Plays Tournament! First of all, thank you all for participating in this event. I would like to emphasize that this Tournament is a 1 DAY event, means that we pay a lot of attention regarding no-shows, which will also result in disqualification and even further steps if this happens too often in future events. If you cant make the schedule, we would highly appreciate if you unregister beforehand, so other people have the chance to play and to make this a fun event for the casters, players and viewers. If you have any more questions, feel free to message me here or on discord. Thats all for now, GL & HF to everyone! @Abhinav @Kimo @Shadowfax @GrandMonster @HUSKSUPPE @_Mariano_ @Dobr @Swissboy @__ULysses @Shelty @NyanRacingCat @Thomas_Shelby @torgale @OGNENNYJ @Hagrit @Domantas @NoAtlantis @Kissimint @Ehetleos @whim @Lundberg__ @hunk____ @KomediaN @DarthRevan24 @Hodensack_ @WizSanji @OrneyDragon1 @tim_01 @guto96br @Junius @HellPony @Charles_Mansson
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  15. Hey there, I made some images using the major god frame of AoM and the minor god pictures. Thus we can now speculate about what everyone of them as major god would grant to the players. Or just use the imagery as avatars, for modding or whatever. You might want to crop the images a bit, since there is some transparent space towards the borders. At the end there are just the frames with no content and cropped, if you want to put in something else.
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  16. @Caosak @Anticafe @Makros @Perun dont forget to join the discord server! If you dont join the discord server you cant take part int he tourney
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  17. In this guide will be explained how to setup your Extended Edition in the most optimal way to reduce lag. Step 1. Load up Age of Mythology Extended Edition. And click on the gear icon that has a red circle around it on the image below. Step 2. In the graphics options menu turn everything off. And turn Shadow quality to off as well. (Vsync does not work in EE, and it doesn't matter how good your pc is, it'll lag multiplayer games hardcore if you leave these options on.) Step 3. Turn Play in Window on(A must if you want to stream EE, and overall lags less as well.) Step 4. Make sure Unlock Camera is OFF. I know many new players like this feature but you'll be lagging the game because the game renders more units on your screen at once, and you wont be able to micro properly because its so far zoomed out.(Itll make you play worse in the long run.) And yes even if you have a good PC, do not use this feature. Edit 2020-27-4: KEEP vsync ON!! they fixed it in the latest patch, it greatly improves performance. For more ways how to reduce lag for voobly and extended edition(and any other game for PC.) go Here :
    3 points
  18. Hey subscribers! In this post, we will be sharing a new status update on our development, and our planned format changes to our leagues, as well as other ideas we have for the future. Fresh Looks You have probably already noticed the new website background, and/or social banners! We think the darker style is easier on the eyes, fits better with our shield logo, and is ever so slightly more environmentally friendly. This will be applied to our stream assets as well. The banners on our socials also get a little descriptive text box, helping people figure out what we do immediately. New Page: Sponsors and Affiliates We have also set up several affiliate links on the website - by using any of these services with our links, you support Meta Plays at the same time. These news will be re-iterated in the main news article as we kick off the upcoming leagues.
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  19. The first Monthly Tournament for Season 3 in Age of Mythology! $250 and 3750 Meta Plays Ladder Points are up for grabs. The tournament will take place on Sunday, August 28th, starting at 3 PM GMT. Brackets get locked at 2:45 PM GMT. Please note this is a one day event. Make sure you have enough time before you sign up! Thank you to @Flacofor the $150 contribution to this event! Seeding is based on the Meta Plays Season 2 EE Ladder first, and your 1v1 Supremacy Elo second. The total amount of tournament points is subject to change based on sign ups. @fophuxake is the manager for this tournament. For any questions, concerns or requests, please reach out to her on Discord, or @ her in the comments here (if not urgent). EVENT PRIZES 1st place: $100 | 987 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Gold Medal Icon 2nd place: $75 | 724 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Silver Medal Icon 3rd place: $50 | 573 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Bronze Medal Icon 4th place: $25 | 387 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Copper Medal Icon 5-8th place: 148 Meta Plays Ladder Points 9-16th place: 67 Meta Plays Ladder Points Confused about the tournament system? Check our Tournament and Ladder info posts, and the Age of Mythology Season 3 announcement! GAME SETTINGS Use Age of Mythology: Extended Edition on Steam Use the Meta Plays Balance Mod. No repeats of a god you have won with (within a series). You can only win with the same god 1 time and must switch to another. First map per round is defined in the bracket. Losing player each game picks next map. Each map may only be played once. Valid maps: Alfheim, Anatolia, Arctic Craters, Blue Lagoon, Borderlands, Ghost Lake, Marsh, Mediterranean, Midgard, Oasis, Savannah, Tropical Mirage, Tundra, Watering Hole. 1 veto per player per series. Must be used before 1 minute. No excessive wall connector spamming allowed. Banned cases: Connector spam to protect wonders Illegal placements around gold mines and Settlements Acceptable cases include: 4 pieces around towers (including around your main base gold mine, if it blocks) 4 pieces to save dock builder Segments to seal off a gap that was meant to be walled No hunt deleting. No unnatural wall usage, such as deleting wall segments and setting up a gate network. No Gaia Forests around Gold Mines or Settlements. No cheating of any form. HOSTING Games will be hosted by the higher seeded player. SOCIAL RULES Participants must be in the Meta Plays Discord. Report match results there, with replays. Forfeiting/not showing up to any match with prizes and without notice will result in disqualification and you forfeiting the prizes. 1 rescheduling opportunity is granted when external conditions force it. There will not be a second rescheduling. Forfeiting players that break rules on any of our platforms, or do so out of malicious intent will be banned from the next event. Repeat offenders will receive a ban from the entire season. There will not be a fourth chance after the season-long ban expires. Penalties for not showing up: Timer starts when 1 player is ready and neither player is currently playing a match. Late by over 10 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win. This is the wait time BEFORE a series begins. BETWEEN games in a series, the lateness limit is 5 minutes. Late by additional 5 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win for each 5 min. Once a player wins via lateness penalties, the late player is disqualified. No harassment or discrimination of players/viewers/staff on any of our platforms. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. No excessively derogatory messaging targeting our staff on any platform. This will result in a permanent ban on all Meta Plays platforms. Win trading will result in forfeit. Do your best to win. You may resign if you are clearly losing. Do not sign up with smurfs. Match all account usernames. We will remove suspicious sign-ups. In the event of player lag disputes, players must submit speedtest results. The event manager will make a judgement call. No account sharing. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. PAYMENT You will be paid approximately 2-5 work days after the event. Please reach out to @Nakamura with your payment information after the event. If you do not provide payment information despite requests within 60 days after the event, you forfeit the prize money. You confirm that the account you provide is owned by you. We do not take responsibility for funds getting lost to third parties in the event of the account not belonging to you. We will not pay out to a known third party. We can pay out via bank transfers or Paypal. We do not pay out via other methods. We do not pay extra to cover transfer fees. This tournament takes place during a war period. Ukraine has been invaded by Russia and Belarus. In light of NATO sanctions against Russia and Belarus, we are not able to pay out prizes to Russian and Belarusian competitors residing in Russia or Belarus. Russian or Belarusian citizens are not affected by this if they reside in an un-sanctioned country, or have financial accounts in such a country able to receive payments. Affected prizes will be paid to a selected charity unrelated to the war, chosen by our staff. LIVE STREAMING & VIDEOS Everyone: You may stream all of your own matches. You are required to feature the provided Meta Plays Logo over gameplay at all times. We request you give Meta Plays one shout-out mid-commentary, such as an invitation to make an account on the site. We recommend you use the Meta Plays Casting Tool for the best viewer experience. Content Partners: 60s delay is required. You may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays. Please contact @fophuxake for approval. You may upload videos at your leisure. Non-Partners: 90s delay is required. You may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays or Content Partners. Please contact @fophuxake for approval. We request you wait with video uploads until the Meta Plays channel has posted its version of the identical match.
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  20. We are very pleased to announce the addition of Age of Empires IV to Meta Plays! Our first season will be made up of the following tournaments: Meta Plays Monthly #1 - $100+ Community Donations, Single Elimination - August 19 - One day event Meta Plays Monthly #2 - $100 + Community Donations, Single Elimination - September 16 - One day event Meta Plays Monthly #3 - $200 + Community Donations, Single Elimination - November 12 - One day event Season Finale - Fleur-de-lis - $300 + Community Donations, GSL Group Stage - December 10 - One day event We are also hosting separate low-level-only events, with a prize for the winner! These "Skirmish" Tournaments will be covered by community casters. Meta Plays Skirmish #1 - $10, Single Elimination - August 28 - One day event Cancelled Skirmishes below - due to low sign ups. Meta Plays Skirmish #2 - $10, Single Elimination - September 25 - One day event Meta Plays Skirmish #3 - $10, Single Elimination - October 23 - One day event Meta Plays Skirmish #4 - $10, Single Elimination - November 20 - One day event How the Season Works Each Tournament we host will not only come with cash prizes, but also Meta Plays Ladder Points. These points go towards the corresponding ladder. Based on your position in the ladder, we assign you to a "Class" - one of D(lowest), C, B, A and S(highest). The classes give you a badge and will be featured on your Tournament Profile. By the time the Season Finale comes around, we will invite the top players based on the Ladder. Check out the Class icons below. The top 4 players will also receive medals corresponding with their final placement in each Tournament. While most are generic, Season Finale events will receive custom medals. For additional info, please check our Tournament and Ladder explainer posts! Give Us The Numbers Based on the number and quality of signed up players, we modify the number of total points that a tournament can provide. Our guidelines for this are below: Base value: 10x Prize pool in USD (or monetary value in prizes). For any class exclusion combination, remove 10% points per class removed. S+A Class only tournaments are excluded from this ruling on a case-by-case basis. The number of players in the tournaments will scale the points in the following way: 4-8: -50% 9-15: -25% 16-23: no change 24-31: +50% 32-47: +75% 48-64: +100% You can review the point spread between player placements using our Tournament Point Calculator. Can I Host Tournaments Too? Yes! We are in fact looking for additional Content Partners that are willing to contribute to our Seasonal Ladders, or cover events that we may not be able to. You can apply as a content partner here. Can I Help Meta Plays Directly? For any of you looking to support our project, the best way to do so is becoming a subscriber on the website. This is a monthly recurring payment that you get perks and exclusive news for. The more goals we hit, the easier and safer it is for us to keep the project going. We are also currently looking for Moderators to join our team, so that we can keep our chats, discords and website a pleasant and friendly environment for all. You can apply here. Where To Watch We will live stream the main events on our Twitch, and VoDs will be available on our YouTube. Community casters will have access to cover any and all matches even live, since Age of Empires IV does not have a spectator limit. That is pretty much it! Let us know what you think in the comments below, join us on Discord for real-time chats, and we will see you on the battlefield!
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  21. We are pleased to announce the Meta Plays Age of Mythology League Season 3! The main events will be held on Age of Mythology: Extended Edition! Meta Plays and our Content Partners will cover key matches, with the rest being open to community casters. Meta Plays Monthly #11 - $100 + Community Donations, Single Elimination - July 30 One day event Meta Plays Monthly #12 - $100 + Community Donations, Single Elimination - August 28 - One day event Meta Plays Monthly #13 - $100 + Community Donations, Single Elimination - September 24 - One day event Meta Plays Monthly #14 - $100 + Community Donations, Single Elimination - October 23 - One day event Season Finale - Baldr's Betrayal - $250 + Community Donations, GSL Group Stage - November 4 - December 3 - Manual Scheduling We are also hosting separate low-level-only events for Age of Mythology: Extended Edition! These "Skirmish" Tournaments will be covered by community casters. Meta Plays Skirmish #4 - $10, Single Elimination - August 6 - One day event Meta Plays Skirmish #5 - $10, Single Elimination - September 3 - One day event Meta Plays Skirmish #6 - $10, Single Elimination - October 1 - One day event All Extended Edition Tournaments will be using the Meta Plays Balance Mod. The mod adds maps, rebalances the Chinese civilization, and tweaks the Egyptian one. Note: we made tweaks since our announcement in reaction to community feedback - be sure to check the updated change log! There is more! We are also hosting 2v2 Tournaments for Age of Mythology: The Titans on Voobly! These "Hands-Off" Tournaments will have community-driven prize pools and coverage. Meta Plays Hands-Off 2v2 #1 - Community Donations, Single Elimination - August 27 - September 26 - Manual Scheduling Meta Plays Hands-Off 2v2 #2 - Community Donations, Single Elimination - October 15 - November 14 - Manual Scheduling Note: this article and our calendar will be updated as we progress through the season and new info becomes available. How the Season Works Similarly to the last season, but with some tweaks! Each Tournament we host will not only come with cash prizes, but also Meta Plays Ladder Points. These points go towards the corresponding ladder. Based on your position in the ladder, we assign you to a "Class" - one of D(lowest), C, B, A and S(highest). The classes give you a badge and will be featured on your Tournament Profile. For the Season Finale, we will only take our own ladder into account for your seeding - but unlike prior seasons, these events will now be open to all that are in C class or above (essentially everyone that won at least one series in the season). Check out the Class icons below. The top 4 players will also receive medals corresponding with their final placement in each Tournament. While most are generic, Season Finale event will receive custom medals. For additional info, please check our Tournament and Ladder explainer posts! Give Us The Numbers Based on the number and quality of signed up players, we modify the number of total points that a tournament can provide. Our guidelines for this are below: Base value: 10x Prize pool in USD (or monetary value in prizes). For any class exclusion combination, remove 10% points per class removed. S+A Class only tournaments are excluded from this ruling on a case-by-case basis. The number of players in the tournaments will scale the points in the following way: 4-8: -50% 9-15: -25% 16-23: no change 24-31: +50% 32-47: +75% 48-64: +100% You can review the point spread between player placements using our Tournament Point Calculator. Can I Host Tournaments Too? Yes! We are in fact looking for additional Content Partners that are willing to contribute to our Seasonal Ladders, or cover events that we may not be able to. You can apply as a content partner here. What's Up With These Community-Funded Events? Same as in Season 1 and 2, we are unable to fund Team events and 1v1 events on 2 platforms. However, we have received so many requests to attempt running Team events, as well as simultaneous Voobly and EE events, that we will indeed attempt to make this happen! However, we will need your help with donations to prize pools, so as to make this all worth the players' time. Can I Help Meta Plays Directly? For any of you looking to support our project, the best way to do so is becoming a subscriber on the website. This is a monthly recurring payment that you get perks and exclusive news for. The more goals we hit, the easier and safer it is for us to keep the project going. We are also currently looking for Moderators to join our team, so that we can keep our chats, discords and website a pleasant and friendly environment for all. You can apply here. Where To Watch We will live stream the main events on our Twitch, and VoDs will be available on our YouTube. Community casters will have access to cover games as well - all games that we don't cover are open casting for live streamers. Please contact each event's manager for clearance. Bear in mind though, that in Age of Mythology, due to limited spectating slots and lag reasons, our Content Partners have priority in key matches. We also provide replay packs that may be used for replay casts or learning purposes. That is pretty much it! Let us know what you think in the comments below, join us on Discord for real-time chats, and we will see you on the battlefield!
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  22. The first tournament for Season 2 in Age of Mythology! $220 and 3300 Meta Plays Ladder Points are up for grabs. The tournament will run between February 8 and March 6. Please note this is a scheduled event. Make sure you have enough time before you sign up! Seeding is based on the Season 1 ladder standings first, and the Voobly 1v1 ladder second. The total amount of tournament points is subject to change based on sign ups. @fophuxake is the manager for this tournament. For any questions, concerns or requests, please reach out to her on Discord, or @ her in the comments here (if not urgent). EVENT PRIZES 1st place: $80| 840 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Gold Medal Icon 2nd place: $60 | 609 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Silver Medal Icon 3rd place: $50 | 444 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Bronze Medal Icon 4th place: $30 | 312 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Copper Medal Icon 5-6th place: 177 Meta Plays Ladder Points 7-8th place: 119 Meta Plays Ladder Points 9-12th place: 78 Meta Plays Ladder Points 13-16th place: 53 Meta Plays Ladder Points Thanks to @Kilty 's 20$ donation and the anonymous donator's 50$ contribution! Confused about the tournament system? Check our Tournament and Ladder info posts, and the Age of Mythology Season 2 announcement! GAME SETTINGS Use Age of Mythology: The Titans on Voobly Game mod: Voobly Balance Patch 5.0 Blind Pick No repeats of a god you have won with (within a series). You can only win with the same god 1 time and must switch to another. First map per round is defined in the bracket. Losing player each game picks next map. Each map may only be played once. Valid maps: Alfheim, Anatolia, Arctic Craters, Blue Lagoon, Borderlands, Frozen Wastes, Ghost Lake, Marsh, Mediterranean, Midgard, Oasis, Savannah, Tropical Mirage, Tundra, Watering Hole 1 veto per player per series. Must be used before 1 minute. No excessive wall connector spamming allowed. Banned cases: Connector spam to protect wonders Illegal placements around gold mines and Settlements Acceptable cases include: 4 pieces around towers (including around your main base gold mine, if it blocks) 4 pieces to save dock builder Segments to seal off a gap that was meant to be walled No hunt deleting. No Gaia Forests around Gold Mines or Settlements. No cheating of any form. HOSTING Games will be hosted by the higher seeded player when staff is not present. Casters will host if they are present. SOCIAL RULES Participants must be in the Meta Plays Discord. Report match results there, with replays. Forfeiting/not showing up to any match with prizes will result in disqualification and you forfeiting the prizes. 1 rescheduling opportunity is granted when external conditions force it. There will not be a second rescheduling. Forfeiting players that break rules on any of our platforms, or do so out of malicious intent will be banned from the next event. Repeat offenders will receive a ban from the entire season. There will not be a fourth chance after the season-long ban expires. Not showing up = late by over 10 minutes. Max 5 min break between games in a series. Exceptions for emergencies only. Unreasonable delays will result in a map loss every 5 min. No harassment or discrimination of players/viewers/staff on any of our platforms. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. Win trading will result in forfeit. Do your best to win. You may resign if you are clearly losing. Do not sign up with smurfs. Match all account usernames. We will remove suspicious sign-ups. In the event of player lag disputes, players must submit speedtest results. The event manager will make a judgement call. No account sharing. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. You may stream your own matches, but a minimum of 60s delay is required. Third party casters may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays. Please contact @fophuxake for approval. 90s delay is required. Third party cast videos may be uploaded with a 1 day after Meta Plays uploads. Please contact @fophuxake for approval. If you are casting our event, please consider giving us a shout-out, and sharing the next tournament with your community. PAYMENT You will be paid approximately 2-5 work days after the event. Please reach out to @Nakamurawith your payment information after the event. If you do not provide payment information despite requests within 60 days after the event, you forfeit the prize money. We can pay out via bank transfers or Paypal. We do not pay out via other methods. We do not pay extra to cover transfer fees.
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  23. The second tournament for Season 1 in SpellForce 3! $300 and 4500 Meta Plays Ladder Points are up for grabs. This tournament will run between January 29 and February 20. Please note this is a scheduled event. Make sure you have enough time before you sign up! Seeding is based on in-game Leaderboard standings! We strongly recommend you get as high a placement as possible. The bracket will be locked on January 29th at 2 PM GMT. You can start scheduling after we notify you around that time. The total amount of tournament points is subject to change based on sign ups. @Olvadi is the manager for this tournament. For any questions, concerns or requests, please reach out to him on Discord, or @ him in the comments here (if not urgent). We would like to thank @RisingSun for his 100$ donation! Thanks to him, the prizes are increased, and we provided a unique tournament theme, including medals. EVENT PRIZES 1st place: $120 | 1136 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Dragon's Eye Gold Medal Icon 2nd place: $80 | 821 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Dragon's Eye Silver Medal Icon 3rd place: $60 | 596 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Dragon's Eye Bronze Medal Icon 4th place: $40 | 416 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Dragon's Eye Copper Medal Icon 5-6th place: 185 Meta Plays Ladder Points 7-8th place: 134 Meta Plays Ladder Points 9-12th place: 97 Meta Plays Ladder Points 13-16th place: 67 Meta Plays Ladder Points 17-24th place: 32 Meta Plays Ladder Points Confused about the tournament system? Check our Tournament and Ladder info posts, and the SpellForce 3 Season 1 announcement! GAME SETTINGS Platform: Steam. Other platforms are currently incompatible. Mode: Skirmish Objective: Capital Destruction Max heroes: 1 Resource Abundance: x1 Economy Multiplier: 100% Players must blind pick their race using this tool each game. Once joining the lobby, you must use the race you announced. You may switch races between games. Random race is allowed. Contact @Olvadi for race pick disputes. Higher seed player bans a map first, followed by the lower seed player. Alternate until the number of maps matches the size of the series. Lower seed player picks the starting map and hosts it. Host takes slot 1, other player takes slot 2. Valid maps: Ancient City, Bitter Canyon, Empyrian Coast, Evergreen Forest, Greykeep Gardens, Hard Rock, Jungle Crossroads, Fortress Stoneguard, Wasteland of Xu, Windwall Forest No cheating or exploits of any form. SOCIAL RULES Participants must be in the Meta Plays Discord. Report match results in the replay channel, and share the replays. Forfeiting/not showing up to any match with prizes will result in disqualification and you forfeiting the prizes. 1 rescheduling opportunity is granted when external conditions force it. There will not be a second rescheduling. Forfeiting players that break rules on any of our platforms, or do so out of malicious intent will be banned from the next event. Repeat offenders will receive a ban from the entire season. There will not be a fourth chance after the season-long ban expires. Not showing up = late by over 10 minutes. Max 5 min break between games in a series. Exceptions for emergencies only. Unreasonable delays will result in a map loss every 5 min. No harassment or discrimination of players/viewers/staff on any of our platforms. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. Win trading will result in forfeit. Do your best to win. You may resign if you are clearly losing. Do not sign up with smurfs. Match all account usernames. We will remove suspicious sign-ups. In the event of player lag disputes, players must submit speedtest results. The event manager will make a judgement call. No account sharing. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. You may stream your own matches, but a minimum of 60s delay is required. Third party casters may stream as well. Please contact @Olvadi for approval. 60s delay is required. Third party cast videos may be uploaded with a 1 day after Meta Plays uploads. Please contact @Olvadi for approval. Advice for new casters: pause the game for 10-15 seconds at the start to ensure smoothness. Do not pause for too long, as the spectator connection may break when the game ends. If you are casting our event, please consider giving us a shout-out, and sharing the next tournament with your community. PAYMENT You will be paid approximately 2-5 work days after the event. Please reach out to @Nakamurawith your payment information after the event. If you do not provide payment information despite requests within 60 days after the event, you forfeit the prize money. We can pay out via bank transfers or Paypal. We do not pay out via other methods. We do not pay extra to cover transfer fees.
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  24. The opening tournament for Season 1 in Age of Mythology! $300 and 4500 Meta Plays Ladder Points are up for grabs in this open, Single Elimination event. Starting on Saturday, June 5 at 3 PM GMT. Please note this is a ONE DAY EVENT. You must complete the tournament in 1 sitting. Please note the total amount of tournament points is subject to change based on sign ups. @StriKeR is the manager for this tournament. For any questions, concerns or requests, please reach out to him on Discord, or @ him in the comments here (if not urgent). EVENT PRIZES 1st place: $125, 1184 Meta Plays Ladder Points, custom gold medal icon 2nd place: $80, 869 Meta Plays Ladder Points, custom silver medal icon 3rd place: $60, 644 Meta Plays Ladder Points, custom bronze medal icon 4th place: $35, 464 Meta Plays Ladder Points, custom copper medal icon 5-8th place: 178 Meta Plays Ladder Points 9-16th place: 80 Meta Plays Ladder Points GAME SETTINGS Use Age of Mythology: The Titans on Voobly Game mod: Voobly Balance Patch 5.0 Blind Pick First map per round is defined in the bracket. Losing player each game picks next map. Each map may only be played once. Valid maps: Alfheim, Anatolia, Arctic Craters, Blue Lagoon, Borderlands, Frozen Wastes, Ghost Lake, Marsh, Mediterranean, Midgard, Oasis, Savannah, Tropical Mirage, Tundra, Watering Hole Veto for map screws, but before the 1 minute mark. 2 vetos per player per series. No excessive wall connector spamming allowed. Banned cases: Connector spam to protect wonders Illegal placements around gold mines and Settlements Acceptable cases include: 4 pieces around towers (including around your main base gold mine, if it blocks) 4 pieces to save dock builder Segments to seal off a gap that was meant to be walled No hunt delete allowed. No cheating of any form allowed. SOCIAL RULES Participants must be in the Meta Plays Discord. Report match results there, with replays. Forfeiting/not showing up to any match with prizes will result in disqualification and you not receiving any of the prizes. Not showing up = late by over 15 minutes. Sharing accounts and win trading will result in forfeit. Harassment of players, chatters, managers or casters is grounds for banning. Keep your chats clean - no racism, sexism or any other type of discrimination. This extends to player interviews. The penalty for breaking this rule is a permanent ban from all of Meta Plays' future tournaments, including a disqualification in this one, as well as a forfeit of prizes. Obvious smurfs will be kicked from the tournament without notice. Do not sign up with smurfs. Use your main accounts and match the usernames here. If your account can't be found, your sign up will be void and removed. For playing on someone else's account as an act of impersonation or circumventing a ban, both the player and the owner of the misused account receive a disqualification in this event, including a forfeit on any prizes, and a permanent ban from all of Meta Plays' future tournaments. You may stream your own matches, but a minimum of 2 minutes of delay is required. Streaming without delay results in a forfeit. Third party casters may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays. Please contact our manager for this event for approval. 2 minute delay is required.
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  25. Hey everyone, on behalf of the dev and staff team, I am super happy to announce Meta Plays' launch! We have been slowly getting bits and pieces done over the last 4 years. As you can imagine a lot of blood, sweat and tears have gone into the project, and there is much more to come. Our launch trailer is below. We will support 4 games - Age of Mythology, Halo Wars 2, Starcraft II and Warcraft III, with tournaments being our primary content: Several tournaments together will form seasons (we are aiming for 2 seasons / year) As each tournament completes the players will: Receive cash prizes As part of our launch celebration, we are doing double prizes for Season 1! Gain points towards each games' ladders Earn medals and stats for their profile Depending on your ladder position, you will be placed in a Class, ranging from D to S. Class Split: Total number of players required for S/A class to be full: X=Y*100/Z S - Top Y=8 players by points. Expands for each draw by 1. Z=5 A - Top Y=9-32 players by points. Expands for each draw by 1. Z=10 B - next Z= 25% of the player base. Expands for each draw by 1. C - next Z= 35% of the player base. Expands for each draw by 1. D - the rest. Final ladder placements of the top 4 will be highlighted permanently on the Hall of Fame page. This will be generated when we end the season. Our ladder will be informing seeding decisions where it makes sense for us to do so, for example later on in the season. Each of the games will have their own schedule, but generally follow this convention: Weekend days are tournament days - each event is 1 day, and we alternate between the games Age of Mythology on Saturdays, every 3 weeks Halo Wars 2 on Saturdays, every 3 weeks (the week after Age of Mythology) StarCraft II on week days, every 3 weeks Warcraft III on week days, every 3 weeks (the week after StarCraft II) $300 open launch tournament to kick off the season in each game $100 open mid-season tournaments x6 $300 invitational season finale (top 16? TBD) Every third weekend will be a break to allow staff and players a rest After each season we will take a 2 week break as well No tournaments from mid-December to early January Feel free to sign up to our launch tournaments! Doing so is free - click the images below and the Sign Up button to register! All our tournaments are entirely self-funded but we do accept contributions towards prize pools via donations, and we have Patreon goals to permanently increase the base values listed above. We are also looking for sponsors - please email us at metaplays.official@gmail.com for any queries. These tournaments will all be live streamed on our Twitch, but you will be able to catch up with VoDs on Youtube, too! Community casters are totally welcome to cover the games that are not, by the way! Please reach out to the Manager of each event. We will continue supporting the games with more seasons after our first, so long as participation and viewership are good. Additionally, we are also considering expanding to other games in the future. More on this soon. There is also more work coming up on the tournament system! Initially we will make quality of life improvements for hosts, and then move on to bigger items, such as Smurf Tournament support. For the site as a whole, achievements and leveling are coming soon via Invision's update (the software we use) - we plan to bring all sorts of cool achievement icons and the like to your profiles! Please let us know what you would like to see! Are you a Tournament Host? We are looking to partner with tournament hosts! Your events would contribute to our seasonal leaderboards, so long as you are willing to host via our site. Feel free to submit an application here. Are you a Warcraft III Caster? We are also looking for a Warcraft III caster to join our staff! Feel free to submit an application here. Lastly, a big thank you to the Age of Mythology community, who have tested out at the forums and downloads systems early on. This helped us better understand how to run the site and allowed us to make a lot of improvements. Before you go, make sure to check out our summaries for each games' first season: Age of Mythology - Halo Wars 2 - StarCraft II - Warcraft III
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  26. Hi, I'm bringing a way for even noob players to beat high level players. You just need to go up 4:30 and aq turma and murm. While the your army is demolishing any kind of resistance from the enemy, you should take some time to prepare mentally for all the flame you are going to get because you play oranos. Usually, when you demolish his expensive army a few times with your dirt cheap turmas, you can go on and take 3tc as there is no way they can counter it because you can just spam cheirobalista and kill everything from behind 2 barracks. Now that you have an even stronger economy than the already op oranos economy, you can go make some coffee while waiting a few minutes for enough resources to go mythic. Usually, if you're not that bad, you will still be mythic 2 or 3 minutes before your opponent reaches heroic. After that, you just need to aq units to his gold mine and build palaces everywhere on the map. With this strategy, you should be able to win a lot of players that would otherwise destroy you if you weren't playing oranos. I would say that the only downside to this strategy is the psychological factor. People will say "oranos no skill", "your god is retarded" and things like that but you can just counter them with easy comebacks like "no, oranos actually takes skill". Just don't admit that oranos actually takes 0 skill and you will make them ragequit. For me this strategy worked almost every time, i can now compete with top players even though im a mainstream noob, so everyone should try it too. Voobly needs more oranos players now than ever.
    3 points
  27. The first event for the Meta Plays Halo Wars 2 Rising Star 2v2 League Season 1! £150 and 1500 Meta Plays Ladder Points are up for grabs. The tournament will take place on Saturday, February 1st, starting at 4 PM UTC. Brackets get locked at 3:45 PM UTC. This tournament is a ONE DAY EVENT - please ensure you have enough time to play in 1 go. Looking to contribute to this event? You may do so via our Donation Page, using the matching HW 2 option! @Hosticide is the manager for this tournament. For any questions, concerns or requests, please reach out to him on Discord, or @ him in the comments here (if not urgent). Participation Restrictions: A-F Tier players as per the Meta Plays Provisional Rankings can join Rising Star League events. S Tier players are not allowed in these events, as our goal is to support the growth of the wider player base. EVENT PRIZES Prize distribution is as follows: 1st place: £60 | 382 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Gold Medal Icon 2nd place: £40 | 277 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Silver Medal Icon 3rd place: £30 | 202 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Bronze Medal Icon 4th place: £20 | 142 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Copper Medal Icon 5-6th place: 81 Meta Plays Ladder Points 7-8th place: 55 Meta Plays Ladder Points 9-12th place: 36 Meta Plays Ladder Points 13-16th place: 25 Meta Plays Ladder Points Confused about the tournament system? Check our Tournament and Ladder info posts, and the Halo Wars 2 Season 7 announcement! GAME SETTINGS First map is picked by the higher seeded team. Losing team each game picks next map. Each map may only be played once. Valid maps: Ashes, Badlands, Bedrock, Fissures, Frontier, Mirage, Rift, Vault. Following the first map pick, each team bans 1 leader globally. Higher seed bans first. No repeat leaders in a series. No double leaders in a team. No node strat - do not take nodes without the intent of killing Sentinels. Exception: you can draw the Sentinels to attack an enemy minibase or units, and still capture the node. Exception: Cannon Fodder can take nodes any way you want. Players must use in-game chat or DMs to notify casters of the node-strat. Casters will need to confirm for validity. Mild cases of node strat will result in a warning (eg accidental retreats). 3 warnings will result in a match loss. Severe cases of node strat will result in a match loss (eg purposefully forced capture or cloak-based node strat). Resigning without admin permission will be counted as a loss. 1 hour time limit. If base and slot building count is even/very close, and neither team has a large army advantage, the game is a draw. If one team has an army advantage, casters will send a final attack prompt. The outcome of this last attack determines whether a winner or a draw is called, based on the base/slot building count afterwards. Draws result in both teams receiving a point on the scoreboard. If one team has a clear base and slot building count advantage and their opponent is not in a position to even out the game with the next attack, the team with more slot buildings wins. Replay match if the series ends on tie. The previous loser picks map in this case. No cheating or intentional exploiting of any form allowed. Hosting Games will be hosted by the higher seeded team when staff is not present. Casters will host if they are present. Exceptions may apply based on judgement calls. SOCIAL RULES Participants must be in the Meta Plays Discord. Report match results there. Forfeiting/not showing up to any match with money prizes without notice will result in disqualification and you forfeiting the prizes. 1 rescheduling opportunity is granted when external conditions force it. There will not be a second rescheduling. Forfeiting players that break rules on any of our platforms, or do so out of malicious intent will be banned from the next event. Repeat offenders will receive a ban for the entire current and next season. There will not be a fourth chance after the season-long ban expires. Penalties for not showing up: Timer starts when 1 team is ready and neither team is currently playing a match. Late by over 10 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win. This is the wait time BEFORE a series begins. BETWEEN games in a series, the lateness limit is 5 minutes. Late by additional 5 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win for each 5 min. Once a team wins via lateness penalties, the late team is disqualified. No harassment, discrimination, or false cheating accusations against players/viewers/staff on any of our platforms. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. Cheating accusations are meant to handled in private with Meta Plays staff. Stalling games after final staff decisions (e.g. via cheating accusation arguments) will result in lateness penalties. No excessively derogatory messaging targeting our staff on any platform. This will result in a permanent ban on all Meta Plays platforms. Win trading will result in forfeit. Do your best to win. You may resign if you are clearly losing. Live coaching or any other external communication during matches is unacceptable and will result in a permanent ban from all Meta Plays events. Do not sign up with smurfs. Match all account usernames. We will remove suspicious sign-ups. No account sharing. You will be disqualified, forfeit prizes in this event, and will be permanently banned from all event participation. STABILITY RULES In the event of player lag disputes, players must submit speedtest results. The event manager will make a judgement call. In the event of a glitch where a building isn't building itself (the symbol preview never disappears): Within the first 3 minutes of the game, the player must type into the game chat, or notify the casters in DMs. Casters will need to confirm for validity. If the glitch is verified, an admin restart will be issued. If the glitch is not verified, the game should continue. Resigning without admin permission will be counted as a loss. In the event of a disconnection or crash: If the game was relatively even: If all parties crash, re-play the game. The game doesn't count for score in the first instance. The team who didn't disconnect may choose a new map, and both teams may choose a new leader. In the second instance, the team who didn't disconnect receives a point on the score board. In the third instance, the team who didn't disconnect wins the series. If both sides crash 3 times, reset PC/Xbox and internet. If a team was significantly ahead: Admin win is awarded for the match for all cases. In the third instance, the team who didn't disconnect wins the series. Johnson/Jerome crash: The Johnson/Jerome team loses. In the event of both teams causing a crash, we will treat this case as a disconnect and follow rules around them. PAYMENT You will be paid approximately 10 work days after the event. Please reach out to @Nakamura with your payment information after the event. If you do not provide payment information despite requests within 60 days after the event, you forfeit the prize money. You confirm that the account you provide is owned by you. We do not take responsibility for funds getting lost to third parties in the event of the account not belonging to you. We will not pay out to a known third party. We can pay out via bank transfers or PayPal. We do not pay out via other methods. We do not pay extra to cover transfer or currency conversion fees. To minimize the impact, we recommend to request bank transfers. You may request to receive your prize in your local currency. This tournament takes place during a war period. Ukraine has been invaded by Russia and Belarus. In light of NATO sanctions against Russia and Belarus, we are not able to pay out prizes to residents of Russia or Belarus. Russian or Belarusian citizens are not affected by this if they reside in an un-sanctioned country, or have financial accounts in such a country able to receive payments. Affected prizes will be paid to a selected charity unrelated to the war, chosen by our staff. LIVE STREAMING & VIDEOS: Players: You may stream all of your own matches. You are required to feature the provided Meta Plays Logo over gameplay at all times. We request you give Meta Plays one shout-out mid-commentary, such as an invitation to make an account on the site. Content Partners: 60s delay is required. You are required to feature the provided Meta Plays Logo over gameplay at all times. You may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays. Please contact @Hosticide for approval. You may upload videos at your leisure. For casting, we recommend you use the Meta Plays Casting Tool for the best viewer experience. We request you give Meta Plays one shout-out mid-commentary, such as an invitation to make an account on the site. Non-partner Casters: 90s delay is required. You are required to feature the provided Meta Plays Logo over gameplay at all times. You may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays or Content Partners. Please contact @Hosticide for approval. We request you wait with video uploads until the Meta Plays channel has posted its version of the identical match. For casting, we recommend you use the Meta Plays Casting Tool for the best viewer experience. We request you give Meta Plays one shout-out mid-commentary, such as an invitation to make an account on the site.
    2 points
  28. @Company of Heroes 3 Competitor dont forget you have to join the discord to be able to play in the tourney
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  29. Welcome Halo Wars 2 Players, Hello fellow RTS players from both Xbox and PC! I am Hosticide, or Chris, and I welcome you to the Halo Wars 2 section of Meta Plays! Today is launch-day for a lot of exciting content, including a bunch of planned Halo Wars 2 Tournaments! I wanted to create a forum post to get things started and to get to know each other. So let's introduce ourselves! Some easy stuff to say in your posts: Your Gamertag. Your favorite/main leader(s). How long have you played the Halo Wars series? Your matchmaking experiences Something you want changed or added to Halo Wars 2 There are just a bit of topics you can add to your post if you want, or don't I'm not your parents. Here is my post below to get us started! I am Hosticide (GT: BtC Hosticide). I have played the Halo Wars series since launch day of the original Halo Wars. I entered the competitive scene on launch day of Halo Wars 2 by playing matches in Gamebattles and being a top finisher in Breaking the Clutch's first ever tournament in March 2017. Even since then I joined the staff of BtC and I have hosted countless tournaments in the community. I was one of the three main organizers and a caster for the Halo Wars Championship League for four seasons, A tournament organizer for Halo Wars Tournament Central, and now I am here as a caster and moderator for Meta Plays. My 4+ years in the Halo Wars competitive scene will give me the experience to cast here with Nakamura for these future events, and I cannot wait to see how they turn out! As for gameplay, my favorite leaders are Kinsano and Atriox. I have been a consistent Kinsano player since her release in Season 1, but recently picked up Atriox for his viability in online ladder. If I could some stuff to Halo Wars 2, I would add a forge mode and a custom games browser. These two additions would basically give the game unlimited replayability! Now that I have given you some info about me, what's up with everyone else?! ~Hosticide
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  30. We are pleased to announce our trial event for Company of Heroes 3, called Operation Clash! The event has been a long time coming - we have been waiting for the right moment to enter the scene. This is it! Sign-Ups On September 23rd and 24th, you have the opportunity to compete for glory and win your portion of the six-hundred USD starting prize pool. To participate, sign up via the Meta Plays Discord by September 22nd, 10 PM GMT. Check-in begins at 1:00 PM GMT, start time is at 1:30 PM GMT. Format & Rules Single elimination Bo 3 series Maps (picked by staff, subject to change): Road to Tunis Twin Beaches Faymonville ML Edition Crossroads Kasserine Pass Save your replays Conduct yourself professionally: be on time, and treat fellow players, casters and our staff with respect Additional, detailed rules are coming soon. How to Watch Day 1: Olvadi will be casting from the Meta Plays Twitch channel beginning at 2:30 PM GMT. Day 2: Greyshot and Stormless will cover the finals, starting at 2:30 PM GMT on the Meta Plays Twitch channel. Looking to cast? We'd love to have you participate via your channel! Please get in touch with @Olvadi for approval. Giveaways Relic Entertainment have been kind enough to offer some Steam game keys to give away - we truly appreciate the opportunity, thank you! During the live streams, you will have the chance to win these. Sounds great for our existing viewers especially, who may not own these yet! The full list is: 5x Company of Heroes 3 Keys 3x Company of Heroes Franchise Keys (1+2+DLC) 3x Dawn of War Franchise Keys (1+2+3+DLC) Looking to contribute? With the help of the incredibly helpful community members Greyshot and Curahee, we are putting down $600 towards the starting prize pool of the event. You can help further increase via our donation page, earning you guaranteed crediting, as well as shiny profile medals, in addition to our eternal gratitude. About Meta Plays and CoH 3 To those of you hearing of us for the first time, we are an esports organization with a community focus for multiple RTS games - chiefly Age of Mythology and Halo Wars 2. We have distributed over $16,000 in event prizes across all our supported games, present and past since our launch in 2021. This has been possible in huge part thanks to the community's generous contributions to event prize pools. With Company of Heroes 3, we are aiming for a similar setup, where we fund a base line of prize pools across events, that the community can then further elevate. We will be closely monitoring the performance of the event in order to decide about whether to commit to Company of Heroes 3 in the long term. To be crystal clear, we are certainly interested, but it needs to make economical sense for us to take on the extra costs. The metrics we will look at to judge the event's performance will include: Average viewership and follower growth on Twitch Average viewership, subscriber growth and watch time on YouTube Number of tournament participants (excluding no-shows) Prize pool donations Community support revenue (website subscriptions, staff tips, Twitch revenue, etc) Discord server growth Depending on the results we will scale our support for the game between the below. We humbly request that you let your friends know that they can help bring more esports events to CoH 3 by simply tuning in! No support: if our event completely misses the mark, we cannot commit to anything Small scale support: a singular open league tier, mostly aimed at pro players Medium scale support: 3 tiered leagues for amateur, rising star and pro players Full scale support: Regular showmatches, plus 3 tiered leagues for amateur, rising star and pro players Note: the above implies that we would implement CoH 3 to make use of our first party tournament hosting and seasonal ladder system, as well as showmatch system. This will take significant development effort, which is why we need to be certain that committing is the right call for us to make. Thank you very much for reading. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments, or reach us on Discord! We'll see you on the battlefield.
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  31. Just seeing this didnt know we could talk here. I need to add u guys
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  32. To those who haven't heard yet, Age of Mythology Retold was announced at the 25th Age of Empires Anniversary event! While little is known about the nature of this remaster, the developers have stated this is a Definitive Edition-style treatment. Release When? No release date has been announced, which considering that other projects (AoE II and IV on console) have had 2023 dates announced, we can assume that our wait time will be around a year or more. This means we will host at least one more season of tournaments on the Extended Edition or The Titans. Got Ideas for the Devs? You're in the Right Place! In this time leading up to the game's release, we figured we could use our platform to collect community feedback via feature requests. You can post your own ideas, and, upvote, downvote and comment on each idea. We will be in touch with the developers, ensuring they are aware of the most desired features. Make feature requests here Make modding-related feature requests here We will monitor the types of requests the community makes, and add further categories as necessary. Exodus - Yay or Nay? Retold should in principle be the best way to play the game when the time comes. Unless something goes very wrong compared to the Definitive Editions, there should not be much in the way of a full transition for the majority of the community - with the most notable exception being those on very old computer hardware. ENTERTAIN US RIGHT NOW We have our season finale tournament coming up - named Baldr's Betrayal. 16 of the top players in our 3rd tournament season will be battling in a GSL group stage -> single elimination bracket, with a $250 minimum prize pool, plus community contributions. Each group will schedule its own day. Keep an eye on our Events page, our Twitch Channel and our YouTube to catch the games! Check out the brackets here:
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  33. Hey all, The time has come for our first ever commissioned showmatch! We'd like to thank @Lucrex1 for commissioning this showmatch. Want to do this as well? Check out our Showmatch Store. Who do you think is going to win? Matreiuss is currently rank 1 on our Tournament Ladder, with Mor being #6. Their combined win rates over our season 1 and 2 are in Matreiuss' favor: 2-1 series score, but 5-4 map score (not counting no shows). Make sure to catch our live stream! But in case you can't make it, a Youtube VoD will be available. Details: Friday, March 25, 6:30 PM GMT. Bo 5. Random map set. No map repeats. 2 vetoes per player (before 1:30 min). Can't play the same god twice in a row. Coin toss for first map pick and loser picks next. Winner gets 50$.
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  34. The first Meta Plays "Skirmish" tournament in season 1 for Halo Wars 2! This tournament is intended for newer or lower skill level players. Known champion players, as well as S, A and B class players are excluded from this event. Sign up deadline is Sunday, August 22. From there, each group will schedule their play-day. The final stage will be scheduled on a separate day. Please note this is a MULTI DAY EVENT. You must be available in the next 2 weeks after August 22. Make sure you have enough time before you sign up. The total amount of tournament points is subject to change based on sign ups. @_TheLegend_ is the manager for this tournament. For any questions, concerns or requests, please reach out to him on Discord, or @ him in the comments here (if not urgent). EVENT PRIZES 1st place: 29 Meta Plays Ladder Points | standard gold medal icon 2nd place: 22 Meta Plays Ladder Points | standard silver medal icon 3rd place: 17 Meta Plays Ladder Points | standard bronze medal icon 4th place: 13 Meta Plays Ladder Points | standard copper medal icon 5-6th place: 7 Meta Plays Ladder Points 7-9th place: 5 Meta Plays Ladder Points GAME SETTINGS First map per round is defined in the bracket. Losing player each game picks next map. Each map may only be played once. Valid maps: Ashes, Badlands, Bedrock, Fissures, Frontier, Mirage, Rift, Vault. No node strat - do not take nodes without the intent of killing Sentinels. Exception: you can draw the Sentinels to attack an enemy minibase or units, and still capture the node. Exception: Cannon Fodder can take nodes any way you want. 1 hour time limit. Casters must either call the winner, or give both sides 1 point. Replay match if the series ends on tie. No cheating or intentional exploiting of any form allowed. HOSTING Games will be hosted by the higher seeded player when staff is not present. Casters will host if they are present. SOCIAL RULES Participants must be in the Meta Plays Discord. Report match results there, with links. Forfeiting/not showing up to any match with prizes will result in disqualification and you forfeiting the prizes. 1 rescheduling opportunity is granted when external conditions force it. There will not be a second rescheduling. Forfeiting players that break rules on any of our platforms, or do so out of malicious intent will be banned from the next event. Repeat offenders will receive a ban from the entire season. There will not be a fourth chance after the season-long ban expires. Repeat offenders will receive a ban from the entire season. There will not be a fourth chance after the season-long ban expires. Not showing up = late by over 10 minutes. Max 5 min break between games in a series. Exceptions for emergencies only. No harassment or discrimination of players/viewers/staff on any of our platforms. You will be disqualified, forfeit prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. Do not sign up with smurfs. Match all account usernames. We will remove suspicious sign-ups. No account sharing. You will be disqualified, forfeit prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. You may stream your own matches, but a minimum of 2 minutes of delay is required. Streaming without delay results in a forfeit. Third party casters may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays. Please contact our manager for this event for approval. 2 minute delay is required. If you are streaming our event, please consider giving us a shout-out or two, and sharing the next tournament with your community. This is optional, but we would return the favor.
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  35. 2 points
  36. EE Patch 2.7 Most Complete and Correct Changelog Hi there, Unbeknownst to many people is the fact that the official changelogs are not always complete. Thus I have taken it upon myself to write my own notes which I hope are first of all more complete and also try to be clearer in some aspects. A little explanation of the format I use. The official name for Atlantean heroes would be written like this: "unit (Hero)". I do not write it like this because I prefer to not have so many () in my notes. Instead I write "Hero unit" (for example Hero Murmillo). If it says (Hero) Destroyer this means both the Hero Destroyer and the regular Destroyer. So (Shennong) Fire Lance means both the regular Fire Lance and the Shennong Fire Lance. If I say "Now provides" or "Now deals", this means that before this patch it didn't do what follows these lines. Meaning it is a brand new addition to the game. This changelog provides only the changes which are most relevant to competitive play. Things such as texture and game menu fixes that have no influence over a game are not included. If you spot any mistakes in this changelog please let me know so I can optimize this list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Balance Changes: Greek Balance Changes: Egyptian Balance Changes: Norse Balance Changes: Atlantean Balance Changes: Chinese Balance Changes: Deathmatch Balance Changes: Balance Related Bug Fixes: Most Relevant Bug Fixes: Map Changes:
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  37. 2 points
  38. Im New here for these Mode, but lets see what happens. I will start with Zeus
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  39. 2 points
  40. 2 points
  41. Version 11.0.0


    Phoenixborn v11 Choose your hero Choose army to spawn, pay with food or gold, or buy food in the middle of the choosing area Chase the green symbol shown in your spawn area for your quest Level, loot corpses and crates, save villagers Respawn if you die EE / Steam version available on steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1473024445 Besides subscribing you might have to move a file though (explained in the description).
    2 points
  42. Hi Everyone, Just got into playing some Age of Mythology again as and found this site from @StrangeStrike 's YouTube videos (Great to see you playing my RMS maps - I should definitely bring you up to date on what I have!). Looks pretty cool! Will have to look into arranging some game sessions and maybe get back into some more map making (And any new utilities I think of). Bit behind on things community wise atm so if there is anything I should know or do let me know. Look forward to hearing from everyone!
    2 points
  43. Setup: Every game will be best of three elimination until the finals which will be best of five. The setup will be as follows: Team A bans a map, team B bans a map, team A picks a homemap and supremacy or conquest and if a choice is not made the default is supremacy(any map allowed excepted either banned map), team B picks a map (any map allowed that is not a banned map and supremacy/conquest), then if the score is one-one a final tie breaker will be on a random map with supremacy (if one of the two banned maps are chosen the game will be saved and re-started at random map) The maps banned are only for that series so if team A wins it can choose a new map to ban in the next round. Available Maps: Alfheim, Anatolia, Borderlands, Erebus, Ghost Lake, Highland (yes you read that correctly), Mediterranean, Megalopolis, Midgard, Oasis, Savannah, Tropical Mirage, Tundra, and Watering Hole. Rules: Each series each player is granted one veto before the two minute mark. No using cheats or cheating in any other way. No using someone else's account. No spamming pause or soundtracks (999, 11, etc.). No being rude or offensive. No twitch stream sniping (this is a huge integrity play). If anyone breaks one of these rules they will be eliminated and a replacement team will take their spot. If someone has yellow or red ping they need to fix it or will have to forfeit if the other team thinks its unplayable(mainly yellow, red is clearly unplayable). If a game disconnects it will be restored and if it can not be a new one will be played unless there was a clear lead. Partner 1 name: Partner 2 name: Partner 1 country: Partner 2 country: Do you agree to follow the rules and not cheat: Favorite Dog Name: Are you both 1600+(skill level): Team Name: If you are interested in casting, co-casting, helping set up or donating to the prize pool let me know here or msg me. Sign ups end early June and the tournament starts early/mid June and should last about a month and will not be a big time commitment (one series/about 3 games a week only, so like 2 hours a week). If you want to participate but don't have a partner say so here and I I'll find you one. Do you have what it takes to be the best tag team duo on EE!? (Steam group here: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/EESTTT/members) Thanks, clam_chowdah
    2 points
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