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5 points
The first qualifier for for the Meta Plays Company of Heroes 3 Pro League! £100 and 1000 Meta Plays Ladder Points are up for grabs. The tournament will take place on Saturday and Sunday, October 5-6, starting at 4 PM UTC. Brackets get locked at 3:45 PM UTC. This tournament is a TWO DAY EVENT - please ensure you are available on both days. For those looking to contribute to the main event, you may do so via our Donation Page, using the CoH 3 option! @Olvadi is the manager for this tournament. For any questions, concerns or requests, please reach out to him on Discord, or @ him in the comments here (if not urgent). EVENT PRIZES Prize distribution is as follows: 1st place: £40 | 264 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Gold Medal Icon 2nd place: £30 | 194 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Silver Medal Icon 3rd place: £20 | 144 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Bronze Medal Icon 4th place: £10 | 104 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Copper Medal Icon 5-8th place: 41 Meta Plays Ladder Points 8-16th place: 19 Meta Plays Ladder Points Confused about the tournament system? Check our Tournament and Ladder info posts, and the Halo Wars 2 Season 6 announcement! GAME SETTINGS Faction is picked by the lower seeded player. Alternate between Axis and Allies each game. Maps are pre-determinded each round. No Mirror Matches. Allies are on Position 1. Axis are on Position 2. Battlegroup Elimination is in effect (each battlegroup can be only played once per set). In Bo5 the Battlegroup Elimination resets in the ace game. VP lead gets to choose between first pick or second pick his Faction in the Ace game (VP lead means the total amount of VPs across all games Players have to count for themselves). Map Pool: Faymonville, Twin Beaches, Road to Tunis, Villa Fiore. No cheating or intentional exploiting of any form allowed. Replays The winner has to upload all Replays in the Discord Replays Channel. Find replays at: C:\Users\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 3\Playbacks. Hosting Higher seeded player is the host. SOCIAL RULES Participants must be in the Meta Plays Discord. Report match results and provide replays there. Forfeiting/not showing up to any match with money prizes without notice will result in disqualification and you forfeiting the prizes. 1 rescheduling opportunity is granted when external conditions force it. There will not be a second rescheduling. Forfeiting players that break rules on any of our platforms, or do so out of malicious intent will be banned from the next event. Repeat offenders will receive a ban for the entire current and next season. There will not be a fourth chance after the season-long ban expires. Penalties for not showing up: Timer starts when 1 player is ready and neither player is currently playing a match. Late by over 10 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win. This is the wait time BEFORE a series begins. BETWEEN games in a series, the lateness limit is 5 minutes. Late by additional 5 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win for each 5 min. Once a player wins via lateness penalties, the late player is disqualified. No harassment, discrimination, or false cheating accusations against players/viewers/staff on any of our platforms. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. Cheating accusations are meant to handled in private with Meta Plays staff. Stalling games after final staff decisions (e.g. via cheating accusation arguments) will result in lateness penalties. No excessively derogatory messaging targeting our staff on any platform. This will result in a permanent ban on all Meta Plays platforms. Win trading will result in forfeit. Do your best to win. You may resign if you are clearly losing. Live coaching or any other external communication during matches is unacceptable and will result in a permanent ban from all Meta Plays events. Do not sign up with smurfs. Match all account usernames. We will remove suspicious sign-ups. No account sharing. You will be disqualified, forfeit prizes in this event, and will be permanently banned from all event participation. STABILITY RULES In the event of player lag disputes, players must submit speedtest results. The event manager will make a judgement call. In the event of a disconnection or crash: If the game was relatively even: If all parties crash, re-play the game. The game doesn't count for score in the first instance. The player who didn't disconnect may choose a new map, and both players may choose a new leader. In the second instance, the player who didn't disconnect receives a point on the score board. In the third instance, the player who didn't disconnect wins the series. If both sides crash 3 times, reset PC and internet. If a player was significantly ahead: Admin win is awarded for the match for all cases. In the third instance, the player who didn't disconnect wins the series. PAYMENT You will be paid approximately 10 work days after the event. Please reach out to @Nakamura with your payment information after the event. If you do not provide payment information despite requests within 60 days after the event, you forfeit the prize money. You confirm that the account you provide is owned by you. We do not take responsibility for funds getting lost to third parties in the event of the account not belonging to you. We will not pay out to a known third party. We can pay out via bank transfers or PayPal. We do not pay out via other methods. We do not pay extra to cover transfer or currency conversion fees. To minimize the impact, we recommend to request bank transfers. You may request to receive your prize in your local currency. This tournament takes place during a war period. Ukraine has been invaded by Russia and Belarus. In light of NATO sanctions against Russia and Belarus, we are not able to pay out prizes to residents of Russia or Belarus. Russian or Belarusian citizens are not affected by this if they reside in an un-sanctioned country, or have financial accounts in such a country able to receive payments. Affected prizes will be paid to a selected charity unrelated to the war, chosen by our staff. LIVE STREAMING & VIDEOS: Everyone: You are required to feature the provided Meta Plays Logo over gameplay at all times. We request you give Meta Plays one shout-out mid-commentary, such as an invitation to make an account on the site. For casting, we recommend you use the Meta Plays Casting Tool for the best viewer experience. Content Partners: 60s delay is required. You may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays. Please contact @Olvadi for approval. You may upload videos at your leisure. Non-Partners: 90s delay is required. You may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays or Content Partners. Please contact @Olvadifor approval. We request you wait with video uploads until the Meta Plays channel has posted its version of the identical match.4 points
@Caosak @Anticafe @Makros @Perun dont forget to join the discord server! If you dont join the discord server you cant take part int he tourney3 points
The first event for the Meta Plays Halo Wars 2 Rising Star 2v2 League Season 1! £150 and 1500 Meta Plays Ladder Points are up for grabs. The tournament will take place on Saturday, February 1st, starting at 4 PM UTC. Brackets get locked at 3:45 PM UTC. This tournament is a ONE DAY EVENT - please ensure you have enough time to play in 1 go. Looking to contribute to this event? You may do so via our Donation Page, using the matching HW 2 option! @Hosticide is the manager for this tournament. For any questions, concerns or requests, please reach out to him on Discord, or @ him in the comments here (if not urgent). Participation Restrictions: A-F Tier players as per the Meta Plays Provisional Rankings can join Rising Star League events. S Tier players are not allowed in these events, as our goal is to support the growth of the wider player base. EVENT PRIZES Prize distribution is as follows: 1st place: £60 | 382 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Gold Medal Icon 2nd place: £40 | 277 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Silver Medal Icon 3rd place: £30 | 202 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Bronze Medal Icon 4th place: £20 | 142 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Copper Medal Icon 5-6th place: 81 Meta Plays Ladder Points 7-8th place: 55 Meta Plays Ladder Points 9-12th place: 36 Meta Plays Ladder Points 13-16th place: 25 Meta Plays Ladder Points Confused about the tournament system? Check our Tournament and Ladder info posts, and the Halo Wars 2 Season 7 announcement! GAME SETTINGS First map is picked by the higher seeded team. Losing team each game picks next map. Each map may only be played once. Valid maps: Ashes, Badlands, Bedrock, Fissures, Frontier, Mirage, Rift, Vault. Following the first map pick, each team bans 1 leader globally. Higher seed bans first. No repeat leaders in a series. No double leaders in a team. No node strat - do not take nodes without the intent of killing Sentinels. Exception: you can draw the Sentinels to attack an enemy minibase or units, and still capture the node. Exception: Cannon Fodder can take nodes any way you want. Players must use in-game chat or DMs to notify casters of the node-strat. Casters will need to confirm for validity. Mild cases of node strat will result in a warning (eg accidental retreats). 3 warnings will result in a match loss. Severe cases of node strat will result in a match loss (eg purposefully forced capture or cloak-based node strat). Resigning without admin permission will be counted as a loss. 1 hour time limit. If base and slot building count is even/very close, and neither team has a large army advantage, the game is a draw. If one team has an army advantage, casters will send a final attack prompt. The outcome of this last attack determines whether a winner or a draw is called, based on the base/slot building count afterwards. Draws result in both teams receiving a point on the scoreboard. If one team has a clear base and slot building count advantage and their opponent is not in a position to even out the game with the next attack, the team with more slot buildings wins. Replay match if the series ends on tie. The previous loser picks map in this case. No cheating or intentional exploiting of any form allowed. Hosting Games will be hosted by the higher seeded team when staff is not present. Casters will host if they are present. Exceptions may apply based on judgement calls. SOCIAL RULES Participants must be in the Meta Plays Discord. Report match results there. Forfeiting/not showing up to any match with money prizes without notice will result in disqualification and you forfeiting the prizes. 1 rescheduling opportunity is granted when external conditions force it. There will not be a second rescheduling. Forfeiting players that break rules on any of our platforms, or do so out of malicious intent will be banned from the next event. Repeat offenders will receive a ban for the entire current and next season. There will not be a fourth chance after the season-long ban expires. Penalties for not showing up: Timer starts when 1 team is ready and neither team is currently playing a match. Late by over 10 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win. This is the wait time BEFORE a series begins. BETWEEN games in a series, the lateness limit is 5 minutes. Late by additional 5 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win for each 5 min. Once a team wins via lateness penalties, the late team is disqualified. No harassment, discrimination, or false cheating accusations against players/viewers/staff on any of our platforms. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. Cheating accusations are meant to handled in private with Meta Plays staff. Stalling games after final staff decisions (e.g. via cheating accusation arguments) will result in lateness penalties. No excessively derogatory messaging targeting our staff on any platform. This will result in a permanent ban on all Meta Plays platforms. Win trading will result in forfeit. Do your best to win. You may resign if you are clearly losing. Live coaching or any other external communication during matches is unacceptable and will result in a permanent ban from all Meta Plays events. Do not sign up with smurfs. Match all account usernames. We will remove suspicious sign-ups. No account sharing. You will be disqualified, forfeit prizes in this event, and will be permanently banned from all event participation. STABILITY RULES In the event of player lag disputes, players must submit speedtest results. The event manager will make a judgement call. In the event of a glitch where a building isn't building itself (the symbol preview never disappears): Within the first 3 minutes of the game, the player must type into the game chat, or notify the casters in DMs. Casters will need to confirm for validity. If the glitch is verified, an admin restart will be issued. If the glitch is not verified, the game should continue. Resigning without admin permission will be counted as a loss. In the event of a disconnection or crash: If the game was relatively even: If all parties crash, re-play the game. The game doesn't count for score in the first instance. The team who didn't disconnect may choose a new map, and both teams may choose a new leader. In the second instance, the team who didn't disconnect receives a point on the score board. In the third instance, the team who didn't disconnect wins the series. If both sides crash 3 times, reset PC/Xbox and internet. If a team was significantly ahead: Admin win is awarded for the match for all cases. In the third instance, the team who didn't disconnect wins the series. Johnson/Jerome crash: The Johnson/Jerome team loses. In the event of both teams causing a crash, we will treat this case as a disconnect and follow rules around them. PAYMENT You will be paid approximately 10 work days after the event. Please reach out to @Nakamura with your payment information after the event. If you do not provide payment information despite requests within 60 days after the event, you forfeit the prize money. You confirm that the account you provide is owned by you. We do not take responsibility for funds getting lost to third parties in the event of the account not belonging to you. We will not pay out to a known third party. We can pay out via bank transfers or PayPal. We do not pay out via other methods. We do not pay extra to cover transfer or currency conversion fees. To minimize the impact, we recommend to request bank transfers. You may request to receive your prize in your local currency. This tournament takes place during a war period. Ukraine has been invaded by Russia and Belarus. In light of NATO sanctions against Russia and Belarus, we are not able to pay out prizes to residents of Russia or Belarus. Russian or Belarusian citizens are not affected by this if they reside in an un-sanctioned country, or have financial accounts in such a country able to receive payments. Affected prizes will be paid to a selected charity unrelated to the war, chosen by our staff. LIVE STREAMING & VIDEOS: Players: You may stream all of your own matches. You are required to feature the provided Meta Plays Logo over gameplay at all times. We request you give Meta Plays one shout-out mid-commentary, such as an invitation to make an account on the site. Content Partners: 60s delay is required. You are required to feature the provided Meta Plays Logo over gameplay at all times. You may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays. Please contact @Hosticide for approval. You may upload videos at your leisure. For casting, we recommend you use the Meta Plays Casting Tool for the best viewer experience. We request you give Meta Plays one shout-out mid-commentary, such as an invitation to make an account on the site. Non-partner Casters: 90s delay is required. You are required to feature the provided Meta Plays Logo over gameplay at all times. You may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays or Content Partners. Please contact @Hosticide for approval. We request you wait with video uploads until the Meta Plays channel has posted its version of the identical match. For casting, we recommend you use the Meta Plays Casting Tool for the best viewer experience. We request you give Meta Plays one shout-out mid-commentary, such as an invitation to make an account on the site.2 points
@Company of Heroes 3 Competitor dont forget you have to join the discord to be able to play in the tourney2 points
Hi all, We have been hard at work for nearly a year now to bring you a reworked player ranking system for our leagues. Please accept our apologies for taking so long, but we guarantee that the wait has been worth it! Here is how our new "Provisional Ranking" system will work: This Provisional Ranking system will guide seeding during qualifier events, and access to different leagues. League Points, just like in the past will determine invitations to main events. Gain these from tournament placements. In Halo Wars 2 and Company of Heroes 3, Provisional Rankings will be broken down like so: S Tier: Rank 1-8 A Tier: Rank 9-16 B Tier: Rank 17-28 C Tier: Rank 29-44 D Tier: Rank 45-64 E Tier: Rank 65-90 F Tier: Rank 91+ While in Age of Mythology, the ranges are: S Tier: Rank 1-8 A Tier: Rank 9-24 B Tier: Rank 25-56 C Tier: Rank 57-120 D Tier: Rank 121-184 E Tier: Rank 185-248 F Tier: Rank 249+ League access will work as follows: Pro League: Peak competition. Everyone can play, except in Halo Wars 2, where only S and A Tier players can sign up. Rising Star League: For the pros of tomorrow. Most players can play, but S tier players are unable to sign up. Amateur League: Halo Wars 2 only. Entry level competition. Only D, E and F tier may sign up. We will rank an initial list of existing players based on historical performance. By winning a series against a higher ranked player in a tournament or a showmatch, you will take their spot, and they get moved down by 1 spot along with everyone you overtook. Tournaments will instantly update Provisional Rankings when a series result comes in, even before the tournament itself finishes. Special Halo Wars 2 processes: When players new to our website want to participate in Pro League qualifiers, we will either arrange a showmatch with these players, or manually rank them based on recent external results. Likewise, we will prevent known/suspected strong players from playing in Amateur Leagues. We believe these measures and the Amateur League will help nurture and grow the currently small competitive community. We have updated tournament pages and profiles to display the Provisional Ranking data as well. Caveats: The tournaments/showmatches in question will need to be on our website to count towards the system. We will never be able to count external event results. Only 1v1 is supported for Provisional Rankings. For any potential team events, we may consider basing seeding around these. We will need the community's help with arranging showmatches for contested positions when players are eager to fight for rank. It is impossible for us to fund or cover every event like this, but we can definitely create an entry for any showmatch that the community hosts. We will continue to work towards allowing other event hosts to run their own tournaments/leagues on the Meta Plays website. For this, we need to make seasons separate between a game's League Ladders. We will aim to make this available in 2025. Not every event will be making full use of the system as described. Sometimes it will just run in the background and play little to no part in events, particularly when we work with external partners. All this is determined on a case-by-case basis. In the coming days, we will be announcing our upcoming events and leagues. In the meantime, you are more than welcome to join our Discord and debate about player rankings!2 points
The first event for the Meta Plays Halo Wars 2 Rising Star 1v1 League Season 2! £285 and 2850 Meta Plays Ladder Points are up for grabs. The tournament will take place on Saturday, March 15th, starting at 4 PM UTC. Brackets get locked at 3:45 PM UTC. This tournament is a ONE DAY EVENT - please ensure you have enough time to play in 1 go. Looking to contribute to this event? You may do so via our Donation Page, using the matching HW 2 option! @Hosticide is the manager for this tournament. For any questions, concerns or requests, please reach out to him on Discord, or @ him in the comments here (if not urgent). Participation Restrictions: A-F Tier players as per the Meta Plays Provisional Rankings can join Rising Star League events. S Tier players are not allowed in these events, as our goal is to support the growth of the wider player base. EVENT PRIZES Prize distribution is as follows: 1st place: £120 | 726 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Gold Medal Icon 2nd place: £80 | 526 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Silver Medal Icon 3rd place: £50 | 384 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Bronze Medal Icon 4th place: £35 | 270 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Copper Medal Icon 5-6th place: 153 Meta Plays Ladder Points 7-8th place: 103 Meta Plays Ladder Points 9-12th place: 67 Meta Plays Ladder Points 12-16th place: 46 Meta Plays Ladder Points We thank our generous contributors to this tournament listed below (£10 lost to transfer fees). AgonizedStorm: £100 DarkAngel: £50 Blinx: £20 Gama115: £20 wiilllz: £5 Confused about the tournament system? Check our Tournament and Ladder info posts, and the Halo Wars 2 Season 7 announcement! GAME SETTINGS First map is picked by the higher seeded player. Losing player each game picks next map. Each map may only be played once. Valid maps: Ashes, Badlands, Bedrock, Fissures, Frontier, Mirage, Rift, Vault. After the first map is picked, the higher seeded player hosts a leader draft: Bo 1: - 2 bans, 2 picks per player BO 3: - 2 bans, 4 picks per player Bo 5: - 2 bans, 5 picks per player Bo 7: - 1 ban, 7 picks per player The draft link must be shared in the Meta Plays Discord. No repeat leaders in a series. Otherwise, any leader within with the pool of the players' own picks may be used. You may not use a leader from your opponent's pick pool (ergo there are no mirror matchups). No node strat - do not take nodes without the intent of killing Sentinels. Exception: you can draw the Sentinels to attack an enemy minibase or units, and still capture the node. Exception: Cannon Fodder can take nodes any way you want. Players must use in-game chat or DMs to notify casters of the node-strat. Casters will need to confirm for validity. Mild cases of node strat will result in a warning (eg accidental retreats). 3 warnings will result in a match loss. Severe cases of node strat will result in a match loss (eg purposefully forced capture or cloak-based node strat). Resigning without admin permission will be counted as a loss. 1 hour time limit. If base and slot building count is even/very close, and neither player has a large army advantage, the game is a draw. If one player has an army advantage, casters will send a final attack prompt. The outcome of this last attack determines whether a winner or a draw is called, based on the base/slot building count afterwards. Draws result in both teams receiving a point on the scoreboard. If one player has a clear base and slot building count advantage and their opponent is not in a position to even out the game with the next attack, the player with more slot buildings wins. Replay match if the series ends on tie. The previous loser picks map in this case. No cheating or intentional exploiting of any form allowed. Depending on severity, penalties may range from match loss or disqualification to long-term or even permanent bans. Hosting Games will be hosted by the higher seeded player when staff is not present. Casters will host if they are present. Exceptions may apply based on judgement calls. SOCIAL RULES Participants must be in the Meta Plays Discord. Report match results there. Forfeiting/not showing up to any match with money prizes without notice will result in disqualification and you forfeiting the prizes. 1 rescheduling opportunity is granted when external conditions force it. There will not be a second rescheduling. Forfeiting players that break rules on any of our platforms, or do so out of malicious intent will be banned from the next event. Repeat offenders will receive a ban for the entire current and next season. Reoffending after the above season ban results in a permanent ban. Penalties for not showing up: Timer starts when 1 player is ready and neither player is currently playing a match. Late by over 10 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win. This is the wait time BEFORE a series begins. BETWEEN games in a series, the lateness limit is 5 minutes. Late by additional 5 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win for each 5 min. Once a player wins via lateness penalties, the late player is disqualified. Stalling games after final staff decisions will result in lateness penalties as well. No harassment or discrimination against players/viewers/staff on any of our platforms. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. No public cheating accusations. Use our private Cheating Reports page, or DM our staff. Cheating players outside of our events (in matchmaking, or non-Meta Plays events) will be banned from events for 3 months. Players engaging in public witch hunts will receive the same penalty as cheaters. Reports must be private. Repeat offenses will double the previous penalty each time. No excessively derogatory messaging targeting our staff on any platform. This will result in a permanent ban on all Meta Plays platforms. Win trading will result in forfeit. Do your best to win. You may resign if you are clearly losing. Live coaching or any other external communication during matches is unacceptable and will result in a permanent ban from all Meta Plays events. Do not sign up with smurfs. Match all account usernames. We will remove suspicious sign-ups. No account sharing. You will be disqualified, forfeit prizes in this event, and will be permanently banned from all event participation. STABILITY RULES In the event of player lag disputes, players must submit speedtest results. The event manager will make a judgement call. In the event of a glitch where a building isn't building itself (the symbol preview never disappears): Within the first 3 minutes of the game, the player must type into the game chat, or notify the casters in DMs. Casters will need to confirm for validity. If the glitch is verified, an admin restart will be issued. If the glitch is not verified, the game should continue. Resigning without admin permission will be counted as a loss. In the event of a disconnection or crash: If the game was relatively even: If all parties crash, re-play the game. The game doesn't count for score in the first instance. The player who didn't disconnect may choose a new map, and both players may choose a new leader. In the second instance, the player who didn't disconnect receives a point on the score board. In the third instance, the player who didn't disconnect wins the series. If both sides crash 3 times, reset PC/Xbox and internet. If a player was significantly ahead: Admin win is awarded for the match for all cases. In the third instance, the player who didn't disconnect wins the series. Johnson/Jerome crash: The Johnson/Jerome player loses. In the event of both players causing a crash, we will treat this case as a disconnect and follow rules around them. PAYMENT You will be paid approximately 10 work days after the event. Please reach out to @Nakamura with your payment information after the event. If you do not provide payment information despite requests within 60 days after the event, you forfeit the prize money. You confirm that the account you provide is owned by you. We do not take responsibility for funds getting lost to third parties in the event of the account not belonging to you. We will not pay out to a known third party. We can pay out via bank transfers or PayPal. We do not pay out via other methods. We do not pay extra to cover transfer or currency conversion fees. To minimize the impact, we recommend to request bank transfers. You may request to receive your prize in your local currency. This tournament takes place during a war period. Ukraine has been invaded by Russia and Belarus. In light of NATO sanctions against Russia and Belarus, we are not able to pay out prizes to residents of Russia or Belarus. Russian or Belarusian citizens are not affected by this if they reside in an un-sanctioned country, or have financial accounts in such a country able to receive payments. Affected prizes will be paid to a selected charity unrelated to the war, chosen by our staff. LIVE STREAMING & VIDEOS: Players: You may stream all of your own matches. You are required to feature the provided Meta Plays Logo over gameplay at all times. We request you give Meta Plays one shout-out mid-commentary, such as an invitation to make an account on the site. Content Partners: 60s delay is required. You are required to feature the provided Meta Plays Logo over gameplay at all times. You may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays. Please contact @Hosticide for approval. You may upload videos at your leisure. For casting, we recommend you use the Meta Plays Casting Tool for the best viewer experience. We request you give Meta Plays one shout-out mid-commentary, such as an invitation to make an account on the site. Non-partner Casters: 90s delay is required. You are required to feature the provided Meta Plays Logo over gameplay at all times. You may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays or Content Partners. Please contact @Hosticide for approval. We request you wait with video uploads until the Meta Plays channel has posted its version of the identical match. For casting, we recommend you use the Meta Plays Casting Tool for the best viewer experience. We request you give Meta Plays one shout-out mid-commentary, such as an invitation to make an account on the site.1 point
1 point
People quickly going to realise how good spoils is. Snowball and comeback potential. RIP UNSC1 point
I think spoils should be allowed in the 2 upper leagues but not the amateur one. I would also like to see a poll for banning skits as I think its more oppresive to the leader picks.1 point
The main event for for the Meta Plays Halo Wars 2 Rising Star League Season 1! £250 and 1250 Meta Plays Ladder Points are up for grabs. The tournament will take place on Sunday, October 27th, starting at 4 PM UTC. Brackets get locked at 3:45 PM UTC. This tournament is a ONE DAY EVENT - please ensure you have enough time to play in 1 go. For those looking to contribute to the prize pool, you may do so via our Donation Page, using the HW 2 option! @Hosticide is the manager for this tournament. For any questions, concerns or requests, please reach out to him on Discord, or @ him in the comments here (if not urgent). Participation Restrictions: This is an invitational event. Only the top 9 players in the Season 6 Rising Star League Ladder may participate. EVENT PRIZES Prize distribution is as follows: 1st place: £100 | 385 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Gold Medal Icon 2nd place: £75 | 298 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Silver Medal Icon 3rd place: £50 | 236 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Bronze Medal Icon 4th place: £25 | 186 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Copper Medal Icon 5-6th place: 74 Meta Plays Ladder Points Confused about the tournament system? Check our Tournament and Ladder info posts, and the Halo Wars 2 Season 6 announcement! Thanks to the following contributors who increased the prize pool from the £100 base: S1r L1am: £70 DarkAngel: $75 Willz: £5 GAME SETTINGS First map is picked by the higher seeded player. 1 global leader ban per player, meaning neither player may use the banned leaders. Lower seed bans first. Losing player each game picks next map. Each map may only be played once. Valid maps: Ashes, Badlands, Bedrock, Frontier, Mirage, Rift, Vault. No repeat leaders in a series. Accidental repeat or banned leader picks carry a penalty: the opponent may ban a leader. Voridus players may NOT use Combat Spoils. No node strat - do not take nodes without the intent of killing Sentinels. Exception: you can draw the Sentinels to attack an enemy minibase or units, and still capture the node. Exception: Cannon Fodder can take nodes any way you want. Players must use in-game chat or DMs to notify casters of the node-strat. Casters will need to confirm for validity. Mild cases of node strat will result in a warning (eg accidental retreats). 3 warnings will result in a match loss. Severe cases of node strat will result in a match loss (eg purposefully forced capture or cloak-based node strat). Resigning without admin permission will be counted as a loss. 1 hour time limit. If base and slot building count is even/very close, and neither player has a large army advantage, the game is a draw. If one player has an army advantage, casters will send a final attack prompt. The outcome of this last attack determines whether a winner or a draw is called, based on the base/slot building count afterwards. If one player has a clear base and slot building count advantage and their opponent is not in a position to even out the game with the next attack, the player with more slot buildings wins. Replay match if the series ends on tie. The previous loser picks map in this case. No cheating or intentional exploiting of any form allowed. Hosting Games will be hosted by the higher seeded player when staff is not present. Casters will host if they are present. Exceptions may apply based on judgement calls. SOCIAL RULES Participants must be in the Meta Plays Discord. Report match results there. Forfeiting/not showing up to any match with money prizes without notice will result in disqualification and you forfeiting the prizes. 1 rescheduling opportunity is granted when external conditions force it. There will not be a second rescheduling. Forfeiting players that break rules on any of our platforms, or do so out of malicious intent will be banned from the next event. Repeat offenders will receive a ban for the entire current and next season. There will not be a fourth chance after the season-long ban expires. Penalties for not showing up: Timer starts when 1 player is ready and neither player is currently playing a match. Late by over 10 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win. This is the wait time BEFORE a series begins. BETWEEN games in a series, the lateness limit is 5 minutes. Late by additional 5 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win for each 5 min. Once a player wins via lateness penalties, the late player is disqualified. No harassment, discrimination, or false cheating accusations against players/viewers/staff on any of our platforms. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. Cheating accusations are meant to handled in private with Meta Plays staff. Stalling games after final staff decisions (e.g. via cheating accusation arguments) will result in lateness penalties. No excessively derogatory messaging targeting our staff on any platform. This will result in a permanent ban on all Meta Plays platforms. Win trading will result in forfeit. Do your best to win. You may resign if you are clearly losing. Live coaching or any other external communication during matches is unacceptable and will result in a permanent ban from all Meta Plays events. Do not sign up with smurfs. Match all account usernames. We will remove suspicious sign-ups. No account sharing. You will be disqualified, forfeit prizes in this event, and will be permanently banned from all event participation. STABILITY RULES In the event of player lag disputes, players must submit speedtest results. The event manager will make a judgement call. In the event of a glitch where a building isn't building itself (the symbol preview never disappears): Within the first 3 minutes of the game, the player must type into the game chat, or notify the casters in DMs. Casters will need to confirm for validity. If the glitch is verified, an admin restart will be issued. If the glitch is not verified, the game should continue. Resigning without admin permission will be counted as a loss. In the event of a disconnection or crash: If the game was relatively even: If all parties crash, re-play the game. The game doesn't count for score in the first instance. The player who didn't disconnect may choose a new map, and both players may choose a new leader. In the second instance, the player who didn't disconnect receives a point on the score board. In the third instance, the player who didn't disconnect wins the series. If both sides crash 3 times, reset PC/Xbox and internet. If a player was significantly ahead: Admin win is awarded for the match for all cases. In the third instance, the player who didn't disconnect wins the series. Johnson/Jerome crash: The Johnson/Jerome player loses. In the event of both players causing a crash, we will treat this case as a disconnect and follow rules around them. PAYMENT You will be paid approximately 10 work days after the event. Please reach out to @Nakamura with your payment information after the event. If you do not provide payment information despite requests within 60 days after the event, you forfeit the prize money. You confirm that the account you provide is owned by you. We do not take responsibility for funds getting lost to third parties in the event of the account not belonging to you. We will not pay out to a known third party. We can pay out via bank transfers or PayPal. We do not pay out via other methods. We do not pay extra to cover transfer or currency conversion fees. To minimize the impact, we recommend to request bank transfers. You may request to receive your prize in your local currency. This tournament takes place during a war period. Ukraine has been invaded by Russia and Belarus. In light of NATO sanctions against Russia and Belarus, we are not able to pay out prizes to residents of Russia or Belarus. Russian or Belarusian citizens are not affected by this if they reside in an un-sanctioned country, or have financial accounts in such a country able to receive payments. Affected prizes will be paid to a selected charity unrelated to the war, chosen by our staff. LIVE STREAMING & VIDEOS: Players: You may stream all of your own matches. You are required to feature the provided Meta Plays Logo over gameplay at all times. We request you give Meta Plays one shout-out mid-commentary, such as an invitation to make an account on the site. Content Partners: 60s delay is required. You are required to feature the provided Meta Plays Logo over gameplay at all times. You may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays. Please contact @Hosticide for approval. You may upload videos at your leisure. For casting, we recommend you use the Meta Plays Casting Tool for the best viewer experience. We request you give Meta Plays one shout-out mid-commentary, such as an invitation to make an account on the site. Non-partner Casters: 90s delay is required. You are required to feature the provided Meta Plays Logo over gameplay at all times. You may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays or Content Partners. Please contact @Hosticide for approval. We request you wait with video uploads until the Meta Plays channel has posted its version of the identical match. For casting, we recommend you use the Meta Plays Casting Tool for the best viewer experience. We request you give Meta Plays one shout-out mid-commentary, such as an invitation to make an account on the site. Players waiting for their next match may not cast during the event. If they are eliminated, they may.1 point
The second qualifier for for the Meta Plays Halo Wars 2 Rising Star League Season 1! £50 and 500 Meta Plays Ladder Points are up for grabs. The tournament will take place on Sunday, October 13th, starting at 4 PM UTC. Brackets get locked at 3:45 PM UTC. This tournament is a ONE DAY EVENT - please ensure you have enough time to play in 1 go. For those looking to contribute to the main event, you may do so via our Donation Page, using the matching HW 2 option! @Hosticide is the manager for this tournament. For any questions, concerns or requests, please reach out to him on Discord, or @ him in the comments here (if not urgent). Participation Restrictions: A-F Tier players as per the Meta Plays Provisional Rankings can join Rising Star League Qualifier events. S Tier players are not allowed in these events, as our goal is to support the growth of the wider player base. We will invite the top 8 players by Seasonal Ladder standings to the Rising Star League Main Event. Invited players could be S Tier, but so long as they have collected the needed Rising Star League points, they get invited. EVENT PRIZES Prize distribution is as follows: 1st place: £20 | 255 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Gold Medal Icon 2nd place: £15 | 185 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Silver Medal Icon 3rd place: £10 | 135 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Bronze Medal Icon 4th place: £5 | 95 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Copper Medal Icon 5-6th place: 54 Meta Plays Ladder Points 7-8th place: 37 Meta Plays Ladder Points 9-12th place: 24 Meta Plays Ladder Points 13-16th place: 17 Meta Plays Ladder Points Confused about the tournament system? Check our Tournament and Ladder info posts, and the Halo Wars 2 Season 6 announcement! GAME SETTINGS First map is picked by the higher seeded player. Losing player each game picks next map. Each map may only be played once. Valid maps: Ashes, Badlands, Bedrock, Frontier, Mirage, Rift, Vault. No repeat leaders in a series. No Combat Spoils when playing as Voridus. No node strat - do not take nodes without the intent of killing Sentinels. Exception: you can draw the Sentinels to attack an enemy minibase or units, and still capture the node. Exception: Cannon Fodder can take nodes any way you want. Players must use in-game chat or DMs to notify casters of the node-strat. Casters will need to confirm for validity. Mild cases of node strat will result in a warning (eg accidental retreats). 3 warnings will result in a match loss. Severe cases of node strat will result in a match loss (eg purposefully forced capture or cloak-based node strat). Resigning without admin permission will be counted as a loss. 1 hour time limit. If base and slot building count is even/very close, and neither player has a large army advantage, the game is a draw. If one player has an army advantage, casters will send a final attack prompt. The outcome of this last attack determines whether a winner or a draw is called, based on the base/slot building count afterwards. If one player has a clear base and slot building count advantage and their opponent is not in a position to even out the game with the next attack, the player with more slot buildings wins. Replay match if the series ends on tie. The previous loser picks map in this case. No cheating or intentional exploiting of any form allowed. Hosting Games will be hosted by the higher seeded player when staff is not present. Casters will host if they are present. Exceptions may apply based on judgement calls. SOCIAL RULES Participants must be in the Meta Plays Discord. Report match results there. Forfeiting/not showing up to any match with money prizes without notice will result in disqualification and you forfeiting the prizes. 1 rescheduling opportunity is granted when external conditions force it. There will not be a second rescheduling. Forfeiting players that break rules on any of our platforms, or do so out of malicious intent will be banned from the next event. Repeat offenders will receive a ban for the entire current and next season. There will not be a fourth chance after the season-long ban expires. Penalties for not showing up: Timer starts when 1 player is ready and neither player is currently playing a match. Late by over 10 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win. This is the wait time BEFORE a series begins. BETWEEN games in a series, the lateness limit is 5 minutes. Late by additional 5 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win for each 5 min. Once a player wins via lateness penalties, the late player is disqualified. No harassment, discrimination, or false cheating accusations against players/viewers/staff on any of our platforms. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation. Cheating accusations are meant to handled in private with Meta Plays staff. Stalling games after final staff decisions (e.g. via cheating accusation arguments) will result in lateness penalties. No excessively derogatory messaging targeting our staff on any platform. This will result in a permanent ban on all Meta Plays platforms. Win trading will result in forfeit. Do your best to win. You may resign if you are clearly losing. Live coaching or any other external communication during matches is unacceptable and will result in a permanent ban from all Meta Plays events. Do not sign up with smurfs. Match all account usernames. We will remove suspicious sign-ups. No account sharing. You will be disqualified, forfeit prizes in this event, and will be permanently banned from all event participation. STABILITY RULES In the event of player lag disputes, players must submit speedtest results. The event manager will make a judgement call. In the event of a glitch where a building isn't building itself (the symbol preview never disappears): Within the first 3 minutes of the game, the player must type into the game chat, or notify the casters in DMs. Casters will need to confirm for validity. If the glitch is verified, an admin restart will be issued. If the glitch is not verified, the game should continue. Resigning without admin permission will be counted as a loss. In the event of a disconnection or crash: If the game was relatively even: If all parties crash, re-play the game. The game doesn't count for score in the first instance. The player who didn't disconnect may choose a new map, and both players may choose a new leader. In the second instance, the player who didn't disconnect receives a point on the score board. In the third instance, the player who didn't disconnect wins the series. If both sides crash 3 times, reset PC/Xbox and internet. If a player was significantly ahead: Admin win is awarded for the match for all cases. In the third instance, the player who didn't disconnect wins the series. Johnson/Jerome crash: The Johnson/Jerome player loses. In the event of both players causing a crash, we will treat this case as a disconnect and follow rules around them. PAYMENT You will be paid approximately 10 work days after the event. Please reach out to @Nakamura with your payment information after the event. If you do not provide payment information despite requests within 60 days after the event, you forfeit the prize money. You confirm that the account you provide is owned by you. We do not take responsibility for funds getting lost to third parties in the event of the account not belonging to you. We will not pay out to a known third party. We can pay out via bank transfers or PayPal. We do not pay out via other methods. We do not pay extra to cover transfer or currency conversion fees. To minimize the impact, we recommend to request bank transfers. You may request to receive your prize in your local currency. This tournament takes place during a war period. Ukraine has been invaded by Russia and Belarus. In light of NATO sanctions against Russia and Belarus, we are not able to pay out prizes to residents of Russia or Belarus. Russian or Belarusian citizens are not affected by this if they reside in an un-sanctioned country, or have financial accounts in such a country able to receive payments. Affected prizes will be paid to a selected charity unrelated to the war, chosen by our staff. LIVE STREAMING & VIDEOS: Players: You may stream all of your own matches. You are required to feature the provided Meta Plays Logo over gameplay at all times. We request you give Meta Plays one shout-out mid-commentary, such as an invitation to make an account on the site. Content Partners: 60s delay is required. You are required to feature the provided Meta Plays Logo over gameplay at all times. You may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays. Please contact @Hosticide for approval. You may upload videos at your leisure. For casting, we recommend you use the Meta Plays Casting Tool for the best viewer experience. We request you give Meta Plays one shout-out mid-commentary, such as an invitation to make an account on the site. Non-partner Casters: 90s delay is required. You are required to feature the provided Meta Plays Logo over gameplay at all times. You may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays or Content Partners. Please contact @Hosticide for approval. We request you wait with video uploads until the Meta Plays channel has posted its version of the identical match. For casting, we recommend you use the Meta Plays Casting Tool for the best viewer experience. We request you give Meta Plays one shout-out mid-commentary, such as an invitation to make an account on the site.1 point
We are pleased to announce the official addition of Company of Heroes 3 to Meta Plays! Meta Plays will cover key matches of the league, with the rest being open to community casters. Introducing the "Operation Torch" Pro League: Operation Torch Pro League Qualifier 1 - £100 - Single Elimination - 1000 Ladder Points - Oct 5-6 Operation Torch Pro League Qualifier 2 - £100 - Single Elimination - 1000 Ladder Points - Oct 19-20 Operation Torch Pro League Main Event - £500 + Community Donations - GSL Group Stage - Nov 2-3 Note: this article and our calendar will be updated as we progress through the season and new info becomes available. Main Event Qualification Via The Seasonal Ranking Ladder Each tournament we host will reward players that have won any series with Meta Plays Ladder Points. The more you win, the more points you receive. These Meta Plays Points then will go towards a Seasonal Ranking Ladder. Each League has its own separate Ladder. We are going to only invite the top 8 players of each Seasonal Ranking Ladder to Main Events, after Qualifiers are done. The Seasonal Ranking Ladder will start everyone at 0 points when a new season comes around. For this first season, we chose not to make use of the Provisional Ranking system that we recently announced. We will properly introduce this in potential future seasons. The scaling of the ladder points works as follows: Base value: 10x Prize pool in GBP (or monetary value in prizes). The number of players in the tournaments will scale the points in the following way: 4-8: -50% 9-15: -25% 16-23: no change 24-31: +50% 32-47: +75% 48-64: +100% You can review the point spread between player placements using our Tournament Point Calculator. Cosmetic Features In The Seasonal Ranking Ladder Based on your position in the ladder, we assign you to a "Class" - one of D(lowest), C, B, A and S(highest). The classes give you a badge and will be featured on your Tournament Profile. For the Main Event, we will only take our own ladder into account for your seeding. Check out the Class icons below. The top 4 players will also receive medals corresponding with their final placement in each Tournament. While qualifiers are generic, the Pro League Main Event will receive custom medals. For additional info, please check our Tournament and Ladder explainer posts! Can I Help Meta Plays Directly? For any of you looking to support our project, the best way to do so is becoming a subscriber on the website. This is a monthly recurring payment that you get perks and exclusive news for. The more goals we hit, the easier and safer it is for us to keep the project going. We are also currently looking for Moderators to join our team, so that we can keep our chats, Discord and website a pleasant and friendly environment for all. Moderators will also help with entering scores during events. You can apply here. Where To Watch We will live stream all Pro League and Rising Star League events on our Twitch, and VoDs will be available on our YouTube. Community casters will have access to cover matches - all games that we don't cover are open casting for live streamers. Please contact each event's manager for clearance. Can I Host Tournaments Too? Soon! We are currently in the process of splitting season timings, so that they would be tied to their specific Seasonal Ranking Ladder. We are in fact looking for additional Content Partners that are interested in either helping to cover our own events, or once our work to allow this is complete, to host their own leagues on the website. You can apply as a content partner here. That is pretty much it! Let us know what you think in the comments below, join us on Discord for real-time chats, and we will see you on the battlefield!1 point
Welcome back everyone! Season 6 is going to be big!1 point