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    We are embarking on a new experimental path with Company of Heroes 3! This involves a single tournament hosted by us to test the waters, and with your support could result in the game's permanent addition to our roster.


    In this article we break down the financial details of Meta Plays, and announce updates to our subscription system and team structure.


    You will now be able to sign in with Discord to Meta Plays! We will automatically sync roles and nicknames.

    We have also been developing features for our supporters. Find out more in the article!


    Our showmatch system is ready to go! In this news article, we detail how it works, share other site updates we have made in the last few months, and discuss our future plans and supported games.


    We have completely revamped the home page of the site, so that newcomers can quickly understand what Meta Plays is about!

    Our Patreon has also been dismantled - we now have an equivalent on the website!


    We are expanding the sizes of the top ladder classes, adding player vs player win rates, and are making all player lists more compact for readability.


    We are proud to announce our launch, and bring you tournament support for 4 RTS games - Age of Mythology, Halo Wars 2, StarCraft II and Warcraft III! In this article we talk about how exactly this will work.

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