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  1. Nakamura


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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/13/2018 in Posts

  1. Hey there, I made some images using the major god frame of AoM and the minor god pictures. Thus we can now speculate about what everyone of them as major god would grant to the players. Or just use the imagery as avatars, for modding or whatever. You might want to crop the images a bit, since there is some transparent space towards the borders. At the end there are just the frames with no content and cropped, if you want to put in something else.
    4 points
  2. In this guide will be explained how to setup your Extended Edition in the most optimal way to reduce lag. Step 1. Load up Age of Mythology Extended Edition. And click on the gear icon that has a red circle around it on the image below. Step 2. In the graphics options menu turn everything off. And turn Shadow quality to off as well. (Vsync does not work in EE, and it doesn't matter how good your pc is, it'll lag multiplayer games hardcore if you leave these options on.) Step 3. Turn Play in Window on(A must if you want to stream EE, and overall lags less as well.) Step 4. Make sure Unlock Camera is OFF. I know many new players like this feature but you'll be lagging the game because the game renders more units on your screen at once, and you wont be able to micro properly because its so far zoomed out.(Itll make you play worse in the long run.) And yes even if you have a good PC, do not use this feature. Edit 2020-27-4: KEEP vsync ON!! they fixed it in the latest patch, it greatly improves performance. For more ways how to reduce lag for voobly and extended edition(and any other game for PC.) go Here :
    3 points
  3. Just to go on the record, I personally am not taking sides in this. I do think that people should be free to present their argument in the open once the private channel doesn't result in anything. Sure, things went beyond the scope of a civilized discussion, but when the staffworthyness of someone is questioned time and time again, the public needs to be able to have input. In my personal opinion, there is way too much moderation, and way too little free speech on RTS-S.
    3 points
  4. Hi, I'm bringing a way for even noob players to beat high level players. You just need to go up 4:30 and aq turma and murm. While the your army is demolishing any kind of resistance from the enemy, you should take some time to prepare mentally for all the flame you are going to get because you play oranos. Usually, when you demolish his expensive army a few times with your dirt cheap turmas, you can go on and take 3tc as there is no way they can counter it because you can just spam cheirobalista and kill everything from behind 2 barracks. Now that you have an even stronger economy than the already op oranos economy, you can go make some coffee while waiting a few minutes for enough resources to go mythic. Usually, if you're not that bad, you will still be mythic 2 or 3 minutes before your opponent reaches heroic. After that, you just need to aq units to his gold mine and build palaces everywhere on the map. With this strategy, you should be able to win a lot of players that would otherwise destroy you if you weren't playing oranos. I would say that the only downside to this strategy is the psychological factor. People will say "oranos no skill", "your god is retarded" and things like that but you can just counter them with easy comebacks like "no, oranos actually takes skill". Just don't admit that oranos actually takes 0 skill and you will make them ragequit. For me this strategy worked almost every time, i can now compete with top players even though im a mainstream noob, so everyone should try it too. Voobly needs more oranos players now than ever.
    3 points
  5. Welcome Halo Wars 2 Players, Hello fellow RTS players from both Xbox and PC! I am Hosticide, or Chris, and I welcome you to the Halo Wars 2 section of Meta Plays! Today is launch-day for a lot of exciting content, including a bunch of planned Halo Wars 2 Tournaments! I wanted to create a forum post to get things started and to get to know each other. So let's introduce ourselves! Some easy stuff to say in your posts: Your Gamertag. Your favorite/main leader(s). How long have you played the Halo Wars series? Your matchmaking experiences Something you want changed or added to Halo Wars 2 There are just a bit of topics you can add to your post if you want, or don't I'm not your parents. Here is my post below to get us started! I am Hosticide (GT: BtC Hosticide). I have played the Halo Wars series since launch day of the original Halo Wars. I entered the competitive scene on launch day of Halo Wars 2 by playing matches in Gamebattles and being a top finisher in Breaking the Clutch's first ever tournament in March 2017. Even since then I joined the staff of BtC and I have hosted countless tournaments in the community. I was one of the three main organizers and a caster for the Halo Wars Championship League for four seasons, A tournament organizer for Halo Wars Tournament Central, and now I am here as a caster and moderator for Meta Plays. My 4+ years in the Halo Wars competitive scene will give me the experience to cast here with Nakamura for these future events, and I cannot wait to see how they turn out! As for gameplay, my favorite leaders are Kinsano and Atriox. I have been a consistent Kinsano player since her release in Season 1, but recently picked up Atriox for his viability in online ladder. If I could some stuff to Halo Wars 2, I would add a forge mode and a custom games browser. These two additions would basically give the game unlimited replayability! Now that I have given you some info about me, what's up with everyone else?! ~Hosticide
    2 points
  6. I am Metalizer, gamertag: Metalizer4840 (Change your tag they said its like Discord now it doesnt show numbers .....) I played the Halo Wars campaign just before Halo Wars 2 was released. After finishing the campaign i continued with the Halo Wars 2 campaign. After that I got hooked playing deathmatch. I entered the competitive scene of Halo Wars 2 by playing a few tournaments but i usually dont compete in every tournament. I also joined the staff of EuropaHalo and I have helped hosting a few Halo Wars 2 tournaments organized by Europa Halo, mainly we focus on the FPS side though. Excited to see how Meta Plays will evolve. My favorite leaders are Cutter, Forge and Decimus. Cutter is my bread and butter If I could change some stuff to Halo Wars 2, I would remove cloacks and shields on banished bases. Recently i started playing Halo Wars 2 again after a long break. I also stream at www.twitch.tv/belgian_metalizer/ . Be warned though, expect hard hitting metal music when i play RTS games.
    2 points
  7. EE Patch 2.7 Most Complete and Correct Changelog Hi there, Unbeknownst to many people is the fact that the official changelogs are not always complete. Thus I have taken it upon myself to write my own notes which I hope are first of all more complete and also try to be clearer in some aspects. A little explanation of the format I use. The official name for Atlantean heroes would be written like this: "unit (Hero)". I do not write it like this because I prefer to not have so many () in my notes. Instead I write "Hero unit" (for example Hero Murmillo). If it says (Hero) Destroyer this means both the Hero Destroyer and the regular Destroyer. So (Shennong) Fire Lance means both the regular Fire Lance and the Shennong Fire Lance. If I say "Now provides" or "Now deals", this means that before this patch it didn't do what follows these lines. Meaning it is a brand new addition to the game. This changelog provides only the changes which are most relevant to competitive play. Things such as texture and game menu fixes that have no influence over a game are not included. If you spot any mistakes in this changelog please let me know so I can optimize this list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Balance Changes: Greek Balance Changes: Egyptian Balance Changes: Norse Balance Changes: Atlantean Balance Changes: Chinese Balance Changes: Deathmatch Balance Changes: Balance Related Bug Fixes: Most Relevant Bug Fixes: Map Changes:
    2 points
  8. Hey all, I am a 2000+ Extended Edition player by the name of clam_chowdah. I am sharing with you a good strategy for Oranos, this strategy is particularly good if you are just starting in your AoM career. This is a pretty simple guide to starting Oranos. This is solely for land maps and not for water, but it can be done on any land map. Build a granary with your starting villager then go to food (hunt>chickens>berries>goats/pigs) hunt is the best to start at Buy Hunting Dogs as soon as the granary goes up(this drastically improves how fast your villagers gather food) Next villager to food (got to bring in daaaa meat fam) Next villager to wood Next villager to gold + build a house when you get 25 gold Next villager to food (preferably a different food source for example chickens or berries or ideally another hunt patch) As soon as you get 100 wood and 100 gold build a temple with your wood villager Next villager to food Next villager to food Advance into Prometheus While upgrading to Prometheus make sure to have 3-2-2 (3 on food 2 on wood and 2 on gold) Buy Handaxe and Pickaxe at the granary As soon as you advance build a barracks and counter barracks with a gold or wood villager and then queue Prometheans, murmillo, and turma Make sure to queue villagers again and send the next one to food then gold then wood Attack with your army right away!! Keep building up an army and destroy your opponents! DON'T FORGET HOUSES!!!! Obviously there is a lot more to be said like what to do after the first 8 minutes of the match, but this is a good start if you are somewhat new and want to get exponentially better. I made a quick tutorial for all my fellow visual learners at this link if you want to watch it in action! If you want more advanced guides in the future or have any questions/comments, let me know! https://www.twitch.tv/videos/256391853
    2 points
  9. Hey guys, so apparently AoM EE patching may be on the table. I made a survey so we can discuss what is important for us. Please fill it out, it's just 2 questions. https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/JW7ML2Y
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Steam: StriKeR Voobly: IamStriKeR God: Isis
    2 points
  13. Houdini/Kagura - Thor .... Yoshii you going down "coach"
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Hey Legend! I’ll sign up as a Zeus player, very nice initiative!
    2 points
  16. Voobly:CrazyAnton4 God:I will start with zeus
    2 points
  17. Im New here for these Mode, but lets see what happens. I will start with Zeus
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. Hi Everyone, Just got into playing some Age of Mythology again as and found this site from @StrangeStrike 's YouTube videos (Great to see you playing my RMS maps - I should definitely bring you up to date on what I have!). Looks pretty cool! Will have to look into arranging some game sessions and maybe get back into some more map making (And any new utilities I think of). Bit behind on things community wise atm so if there is anything I should know or do let me know. Look forward to hearing from everyone!
    2 points
  22. Setup: Every game will be best of three elimination until the finals which will be best of five. The setup will be as follows: Team A bans a map, team B bans a map, team A picks a homemap and supremacy or conquest and if a choice is not made the default is supremacy(any map allowed excepted either banned map), team B picks a map (any map allowed that is not a banned map and supremacy/conquest), then if the score is one-one a final tie breaker will be on a random map with supremacy (if one of the two banned maps are chosen the game will be saved and re-started at random map) The maps banned are only for that series so if team A wins it can choose a new map to ban in the next round. Available Maps: Alfheim, Anatolia, Borderlands, Erebus, Ghost Lake, Highland (yes you read that correctly), Mediterranean, Megalopolis, Midgard, Oasis, Savannah, Tropical Mirage, Tundra, and Watering Hole. Rules: Each series each player is granted one veto before the two minute mark. No using cheats or cheating in any other way. No using someone else's account. No spamming pause or soundtracks (999, 11, etc.). No being rude or offensive. No twitch stream sniping (this is a huge integrity play). If anyone breaks one of these rules they will be eliminated and a replacement team will take their spot. If someone has yellow or red ping they need to fix it or will have to forfeit if the other team thinks its unplayable(mainly yellow, red is clearly unplayable). If a game disconnects it will be restored and if it can not be a new one will be played unless there was a clear lead. Partner 1 name: Partner 2 name: Partner 1 country: Partner 2 country: Do you agree to follow the rules and not cheat: Favorite Dog Name: Are you both 1600+(skill level): Team Name: If you are interested in casting, co-casting, helping set up or donating to the prize pool let me know here or msg me. Sign ups end early June and the tournament starts early/mid June and should last about a month and will not be a big time commitment (one series/about 3 games a week only, so like 2 hours a week). If you want to participate but don't have a partner say so here and I I'll find you one. Do you have what it takes to be the best tag team duo on EE!? (Steam group here: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/EESTTT/members) Thanks, clam_chowdah
    2 points
  23. Just spreading the word. https://steamcommunity.com/groups/AoMEE_ClassicLeague/discussions/0/1696046342861565570/?ctp=2
    2 points
  24. Hey everyone, please vote on where you would like us to run season 2 of our AoM tournaments. Ideally we'd like to see you sharing your reasoning, or your takes on pros and cons of each! We'll keep an eye on your feedback and make our announcement in January.
    1 point
  25. Hello, I just stumbled upon Meta-Plays through a post of Loki1750 on the "official" AOM Voobly Champions League Discord. I think it will be a great addition to the community. However, I asked myself how you guys see your role in respect to the already existing community on RTS Sanctuary and the Champions League (as well as other events hosted primarily via Discord, such as the EE Legends of tomorrow tournament). The RTS Sanctuary is in my eyes a lackluster platform for AOM and many of the top posts are 5+ years old (especially the guides). I was asking myself if you would want to replace/take over the forums with this website. Including having guides with BO etc. considering the balance changes on EE 2.8 and Voobly 5.0. The Champions League on the other hand is awesome and i was wandering if you would be willing to/be interested in hosting it via MetaPlays and get People like ChronoJJ, Boit, DM Quinta and Lundberg (just to name a few) on board.
    1 point
  26. Thank you for clarifying! I think a bit of consolidation would be great because it is at times hard to follow what happens where and when and who hosts it. I do hope that this site becomes sort of a "Hub" for all of the above mentioned activities/Tournaments etc. I understand. What I think would be neat is a sort of agglomerated "official" wisdom of the meta. Mainly to help mid-level players to advance their tactics. But I guess that would take many high-ranking players sitting together and debating stuff (Example: Civ X is mostly better against Civ Y on map Z if you use godpower A at time B or something like that) and even then a consensus on certain topics may not be reached. Since i don't consider myself an expert I don't see myself beeing part of a group that could do this (an expert panel of sorts), but the thought of it is interesting.
    1 point
  27. I am Demon (XBGT: XDEMONxXxMAGUii) I don't know years or dates I've played every halo game upon release I'm very fond of RTS games and enjoy fierce matchs. This will be my first attempt to join the community competitively!!
    1 point
  28. I like a 2.7 patch on EE more than latest voobly patches, it made me switching on the steam version for some time. While i can find an opponent in QM i think i will be playing it (when i got 2k in EE last season, it was close to impossible to find the QM, hope this time activity will stay longer).
    1 point
  29. Most of the mods go onto the steam workshop these days. We're providing the option to upload mods here too of course. AoMH still enjoys moderate activity, too.
    1 point
  30. 1) what is DM DM Stand for deathmatch it's one of the 4 game mod of age of mythology . in deathmatch you start with 15k on each resource count ,you might think to yourself those resources would be enough for the rest of the game Well it's completely wrong the game sometimes go between 8 min to long as 1 hour of high action and it's game of action and reply ,you can lose resources soo fast in proximitly 8 min mark most who try deathmatch either quit cause of high difficulty of the game and how much it takes to properly use the resources and set up future eco Deathmatch ! always been the competitive fast apm high action game that always make high level players quit cause no one is playing and new players get merc rush and die at 2 min but we are Here to fix that !. As Many Knows Me and Nakamura Been Hosting Many Times Deathmatch Academy by giving our own free time with helping newcomers Not to Deathmatch only But the game on general we had huge success last sadly We Failed to Make tournament But this Time we Got a bit of Advantage And Goals this year 1-We will be hosting it on Both steam and Voobly also help the converting if someone want to play in Steam or Voobly with our advices on setup 2-As you might know i am the lead developer of Meta plays tournament system ,and it's coming up to be very big project and the tournament system given us very great results in till now so we Happily gonna be Hosting after dm academy multiple tournaments and will be highly rewarded !. 3-Deathmatch isn't easy to learn So we gonna give you some good amount of training and clips even casting your games and show the weakest points for fast improvement . 4-Streams Yep hopefully there will always be Stream and i myself might stream for first time in my life kinda little shy about that . 5-As we said it will be out of our Free time mostly will be in night 18:00 Uk time but hopefully dm activity will be all the time and reach a peak at that time . 2) We want to teach DM to YOU guys, and this is how -we will use our free time to either explain build in current meta and guide you to perform it perfectly we will help you to get over early game . -we will use multiple videos of tutorials. -gather people and give matches ,after it cast replay of the the game and show the point of weakness that you must focus on. -host many streams session for you and help you and multiple players who want to learn same god. -host tournaments for just people in dm academy . hopefully new deathmatch stars will be born and many of the players that are from the past come back to the game 3) This is what YOU need to do signing up is completely free showing up is good too tho we prefer if you sign up in this forum topic with :for voobly name or steam id with the god you want to main. That way we can give you value of your performance and point you must focus on to improve your gameplay also we accept Experience players who want to support This movement and become one of the teachers by name and main god highest rate peak at dm 1v1 (we would already know you ) Also make sure to join Deathmatch discord: https://discord.gg/BQGxD4G and follow us on steam for more Good Luck everyone And Take Care See you at 12 next month ! Coaches list: Nakamura _TheLegend_ Chessophilus players Students list: wez1 (hades) StrangeStrike(zeus) fliegenfurz4 (ra) Logan_Black (ra) LollyGirl(ra) TM_issei_(oranos) nulgath(thor) SirIvan123(gaia) Blobblob(kronos) __HERA__(poseidon) Ferzavala_3(zeus) CrazyAnton4(zeus) Fifty Shades of Hades<(hades) Skirnir(zeus) Kratos(Kronos) dimetro11(zeus) StriKeR(isis)C1 Kagura(thor)C1 SonOfPoseidon(Loki) soul_odin Knowhere_Walker(isis) Ophelia(poseidon) I_Go_Wonder(thor) miopie(norse) Jorz(Loki)
    1 point
  31. Yeah i love age of umpries 4 hop u ad it
    1 point
  32. Hagrit, Loggy, Azarath, DaCodeDragon and I have created a new god using the left over models existing in the game. The God is called Chaos. Chaos is one of the first four (generally considered the first) of the eternal gods in greek mythology, the others being Gaia, Tartarus and Eros. Chaos's Minor gods are Classical Age: Demeter and Nike Heroic Age: Metis and Pan Mythic Age: Tartarus and Arkantos This new god has a new Eco System, Favor System, Military Units, Myth Units, God Powers, buildings, Upgrades and more. We plan to have a Release/Stream of the God at 20 GMT Saturday on Hagrit's twitch channel. https://www.twitch.tv/eel_hagrit (there is likely some streams on here of it being played early on if you're curious) We will likely try to play some games with the God after his mechanics are explained so if any top players are interest to play just message me or Hagrit. At the moment this god will only be available on steam but if it's popular it's possible that we could bring it over to voobly too.
    1 point
  33. Hey so I would recommend Theia in Heroic for the extra population with dryads. Also Stymphalian Birds are great for raids, especially in teamgames and verse norse. In mythic I almost always go Hekate for the tartarian gate which you want to use on the enemy back tc usually and away from the location you are pressuring. You do this to pressure them and overwhelm them with essentially two different attacks at once and they will most likely not know how to respong properly.
    1 point
  34. Partner 1: nutella Partner 2: spreader Partner 1: canada Partner 2: canada Do you agree to follow the rules (whatever they are) and not cheat: cant give str8 answer till i know the rules Favorite Dog: booty Are you both 1600+(skill level)?: same Team Name: the nutella spreaderz
    1 point
  35. So many units are on the map in RTS games and if you are using windows 10 you'll notice lategame FPS lag(on voobly in teamgames lategame) to the point where you can't move your screen properly. Here's how to fix that. Following this guide will greatly reduce lag for age of mythology the titans on voobly and age of mythology extended edition on steam. Step 1. In your windows search type this: "Windows Defender" Step 2. Navigate to the red circle with the number 1 on the image below.(Virus and threats protection) Step 3. Navigate to Number 2 on the image below(Settings for virus and threat protection) Step 4. Turn realtime protection OFF(Image below) What realtime protection does is checking files every second for viruses, and it likes to do it a lot when you're playing games hence the heavy fps lag in the lategame in teamgames. Important note: It turns itself back on after a few days. So before playing games make sure its turned off.
    1 point
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