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AoM General Mods

For Balance Patches, Bug Fixes, and misc files

10 files

  1. Villager Counter & Titangate resizer

    This tool allows you to see how many workers you have on a given resource. Rather than the standard resource bar, this tool includes the number of villagers right after the
    number of resources you have. For example, lets say you have 2 villagers chopping down trees and have 50 wood. Normally you would see simply "50" beside the wood icon, with this you see
    "50/2". This mod also makes the titan gate godpower icon smaller so you don't miss click on it by accident.

    Copy the included "uimain.xmb" file to your
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Age of Mythology Gold Edition\data
    If you have steam you wont need this mod because its included in the basegame


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  2. AoM-AoT Modpack 2021

    AOM-AOT Modpack 2021
    Hi there,
    This is my third modpack, and it's a minor improvement on the 2020 one.
    I have updated my UIs to work better with the new observer commands introduced in VBP 5.0 and made some fixes to the tooltips and updated the VBP tooltip to 5.0.
    Some mods are not compatible with AoM but it is indicated when that is the case.
    Over the years a lot of mods have been made for AoM/AoT and a lot of versions of the same mod exist.
    I have selected a list of mods and made sure their versions are the most up to date you can get.
    Some of these most up to date versions were still filled with errors, thus I fixed those.
    The pack also includes some of my own mods.
    To make it easier to navigate all these mods and decide what you do or don't need I have greatly improved all the original readmes and inserted images.
    There are three ways of obtaining all the mods in this modpack:
    1. Downloading the .zip found attached to this post.
    2. Go to my Google drive where I have collected all my works and navigate to the AoM The Titans/AoM Vanilla sections and download the files from there. Please click here to go to the drive.
    3. Go to the Voobly "Visual or Content Mods" page. Some of the mods that were eligible for that section have also been uploaded there. Please also read the "Installation Guide" tab over there to see how to enable / disable the mod. Doing it this way will of course mean it's only active when playing via Voobly, but you will instantly receive updates to the mod if they are made. Link to Voobly's Visual or Content Mods page.


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  3. Shake up Mod 2.0!

    For a quick installation link for voobly, click this link below!
    Official description below!
    Voobly Balance Patch 5.0 based Shake up
    Version 1.01
    Initial Release: 1/1/2022
    Map Changes:
    All maps (Excluding Painted Desert) have 50% more space between forests, to make things harder to wall off (constraints between forest increased by 50%), forests have additional coherence making them abit more smooth and less pointy, and forest sizes are 50% larger. 
    Balance Changes:
    Age 2 upgrade takes 30 seconds longer, from 60 to 90 seconds. Other age ups remain untouched.
    Aging up no longer gives free myth units.
    Portable Siege Tower enabled for all Civs in age 2:
    Buildable by all infantry/archers and automatons.
    300 Hp : 50 Crush Dps : 2.9 speed : 9 los : 4 population : 5 Garrison capacity.
    5% hack, 95% pierce, 50% crush armor.
    Can not attack units, only buildings.
    Although these towers cost 4 population, because they function as buildings they ignore the population cap.
    This means you can go above your cap with this unit, and as such a build limit of 5 is applied.
    Costs 200 W, 100 G. for Egyptians it costs 250 G.
    Town Centers build 50% slower. (Build points 120 -> 180)
    Houses and manors pop cap increased from 10 to 12, and 5 to 6.
    First production buildings are buildable in age 1.
    Greeks get academy, stable and archery range unlocked, with their respective unit.
    Egyptians get barracks, with Spearman, axeman and slingers unlocked.
    Norse get Longhouse, with Ulfsark, throwing axeman, raiding cavalry and Hersir unlocked.
    Atty gets Military Barracks with Murmillo unlocked, and counter barracks with turma, katapeltes and cheiroballista unlocked.
    All villagers hack damage reduced by 25%.
    Age 1 Military units get a -60% damage and -10% speed multiplier. Ranged units get a -60% range multiplier also.
    These stats get restored on age 2.
    Norse units get their age 1 damage increased from -70% to -60%, and do not suffer from movement speed penalties like the other civs.
    Herdable HP reduced by 75%.
    Villager Ranged accuracy is now 100%.


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  4. AoM Shake-up Mod!

    Here you will find the files and changelog of the Shake up mod.
    Voobly Balance Patch 5.0 Shake up
    Version 0.92 (Testing Phase)
    Initial Release: TBD
    Map Changes:
    All maps (Excluding Painted Desert) have 50% more space between forests, to make things harder to wall off (constraints between forest increased by 50%), forests have additional coherence making them abit more smooth and less pointy, and forest sizes are 50% larger. 
    Balance Changes:
    Town Centers build 50% slower. (Build points 120 -> 180)
    Houses and manors build limit increased from 10 to 12, and 5 to 6.
    First production building is buildable in age 1.
    Zeus gets Barracks, Hades gets Archery Range, Poseidon gets Stable. Hoplite/Tox/Hippikon unlocked based on civ.
    Egyptians get barracks, with Spearman unlocked.
    Norse get Longhouse, with Ulfsark and Hersir unlocked.
    Atty gets Military Barracks with Murmillo unlocked.
    All villagers hack damage reduced by 25%.
    Age 1 Military units get a -60% damage and -20% speed multiplier. Toxotes get a -60% range multiplier also.
    These stats get restored on age 2.
    Norse units get their age 1 damage increased from -70% to -60%, and do not suffer from movement speed penalties like the other civs.
    Hathor no longer gets a free Roc.
    Herdable HP reduced by 75%.
    Villager Ranged accuracy is now 100%.


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  5. DM Patch 2020 Tooltips

    Tooltips for the DM Patch 2020, available on voobly. Required as voobly doesn't allow for automatic installation of this file type.
    To install, extract the dll file, and place it in your mod installation folder, which by default should be:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Age of Mythology\Voobly Mods\AOMT\Data Mods\DM 2020


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  6. TMPMv4

    Online Compatible.
    Tired of having useless units?
    All the villagers and most of the important units now have sound when they are bored or inactive.
    Villager, caravan, pharaoh and explorer can be heard no matter if they are in view or not, the rest of the units are only heard when in sight.
    No more idle units!
    TMPM helps you have a more efficient macro.
    The sound of pharaoh and pharaoh of Osiris varies.
    The mod contains:
    - Inactive locals who carry resources: You will hear a beep beep! (Except Atlanteans)
    - Boring katastopos: Can be heard anywhere on the map.
    - Boring Greek Greeks: They can be heard anywhere on the map.
    - Bored Egyptian villagers: They can be heard anywhere on the map.
    - Bored Nordic locals: They can be heard anywhere on the map.
    -Danish boring Nordics: They can be heard anywhere on the map.
    -Atlantic boring attendees: They can be heard only if they are in sight.
    -Atlantic inactive locals: A special sound will be heard anywhere on the map. @AomExpert
    -Faraon inactive: You will hear a special sound anywhere on the map.
    -Failon inactive secondary: You will hear a special sound anywhere on the map.
    -Faraon de osiris: A special sound will be heard anywhere on the map.
    -Other Units: They can be heard only if they are in view.
    - Inactive sheets: A special sound will be heard anywhere on the map.
    - Boring sheets: They can be listened only if they are in sight.
    -Ulfsark: Can be heard anywhere on the map only at the initial age.
    -Pessagers: A special sound will be heard anywhere on the map.
    -------------------------------------------------- -------------- Files that make up the mod (in case you want to uninstall the mod) -------------------------------------------------- -------------- :: Anim :: scout_anim dwarf_anim pharaoh_anim pharaoh secundary_anim pharaoh of osiri_anim chimera_anim ulfsark_anim caravan norse_anim caravan greek_anim caravan atlantean_anim caravan egyptian_anim villager greek_anim villager norse_anim villager egyptian_anim villager atlantean_anim villager atlantean hero_anim :: Sound :: Buzzer.wav Sgbo1.wav Sgbo2.wav Vgbo1.wav Vgfbo1.wav VdBo1.wav Vabo1.wav Vabo2.wav Cvi1.wav Pbo1.wav Phbo1.wav FishingShipIdle1.wav PrivateChat.wav Chimerabored.wav UlfsarkBored1.wav soundsets-xpack.xml .xmb -------------------------------------------------- -------------- ::Installation:: Cope the anim and sound folders in the folder of your game: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Age of Mythology -------------------------------------------------- -------------- ::TMPM [Todo Mundo Perezoso Mod] Made by Inferno :: ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////// Stay tuned for updates and my future mods. Bugs or suggestions? Contact me nefi.a.aguirre@gmail.com ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////// Thanks to @Aom Expert why I used hes project as a base.


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  7. Chimera Bored & upgrades

    This modification is only a small detail. adds a sound to the chimera when it is boring, also the textures change when the chimera is improved.

    Chimera Sound.mp4 The upgrade's textures were taken from the ind10s mod
    Chimera Bored.rar


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  8. Shade of Hades upgrades.

    Effects are added to the shades of Hades
    A variation of textures in the archaic, classical / heroic / mythical ages was also added.




    To install copy the folders [Anim, Textures y Models] into installation directory of your game.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Age of Mythology

    Shade of Hades Upgrades.zip


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  9. All AoM icons, images, textures and more!

    I extracted the texturebar from age of mythology the titans, and put all the images in the map. 
    This includes all the graphics that aomt uses in the game itself. This means
    All the icons All textures Every image UI elements You can open all of these images in photoshop or paint and then save them as jpg or png or whatever format you prefer.
    You can also just open the map and look at the images. anyway enjoy!



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  10. Age of Mythology: Expanded Mod (The Titans)

    General Information
    The aim of AoM: Expanded Mod, is to give a new look and feel to Age of Mythology, while keeping it's concept, and Features intact, don't expect much to be taken away. The mod adds plenty of content such as units, techs and textures, and expands the variety of tactics available.

    Expanded Mod is an unofficial Age of Mythology: The Titans version of the "famed" Age of Empires III Mod:

    The new units, techs, and changes in the Expanded Mod are based on various sources, such as the Alpha/Beta, AoE:Online, AoEROR, AoKTC, AOE2HD Expansion Packs, Empire Earth, Community feedback on AoM itself etc
    Version 1.3.1's only change is that the archaic Greek heroes can now correctly be trained in the Town Center, didn't too much else because version 2.0 for EE is on the horizon.

    Official Pages
    Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/dS8EHES (Requires a confirmed Email)
    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/aomimprove/
    Moddb: http://www.moddb.com/mods/age-of-mythology-expanded-mod
    Steamgroup: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/aomexpandmod
    Will require a .rar zipping software, such as Winrar, or 7Zip.
    You must own Age of Mythology, and It's expansion, The Titans. For Best Results, install over a clean Installation of Age of Mythology, with The Titans

    Everything in the "Age of Mythology" sub-folder of the unzipped .rar file should be put in your Age of Mythology directory (i.e /Program Files/Microsoft Games/Age of Mythology.

    To uninstall, just uninstall and reinstall the game, and delete left-over folders, legit the best advice I can give you since how large scale Expanded Mod is.
    Below is a list of all the people that have helped Expanded Mod, or have created assets used within it:
    WarriorMario - Assistance, Egyptian Chariot Walk animation, Priest projectiles, Light beam variations
    Android - Original Modelling Guide, Some units here and there
    MalusPhillips55 - Voice Acting for Persian, Misenus and Celt units
    Callistonian - Various Models (Swords, Atlantean University, Atlantean Foundry, etc) General Support, and his Modelling Guide
    Creative Assembly - Theuros Shield Textures, Ideas, Unit History Files
    Wikipedia - Unit History Files, ideas
    SkyllNH - Xenagia, Agrianian Scout, 
    Dan_Swordmsman - Cretan Archer
    The_Modsmith - Horse
    Skystrider - Celt Chariot Archer
    Cerberus013 - Various Units, and graphical assets
    That AoM Guy/TAG/Thangbrand/etc(quit changing your damn name) - Ideas, Consultation, Alpha/Beta discussion
    Nick3069 - Various Mods, and Assets used
    DragonQ - Villager Counter Mod
    Loggy - Team Bonus, and other trigger code
    Karpunk - Nubian Elite
    Leto - Various Ideas, and Units
    Ind10s - Greek Unit textures, Pantheon, Farm, and Flax Field assets
    Falconian - Atlantean Ranger textures
    Enki - Wildlife Variety Mod
    Tasev - AMP, RON 3ds Max converter
    Romu84 - Obelisk (Priest) Textures for non-eggy civs
    Therog - Greek Archer Psiloi, and Phalanx Assets
    C_J - Mameluke
    Master Foozle - Various Assets, and content from SPQR, and Hoplites
    Tarion_31 - Various Ideas, and a few assets, and units here and there
    Fire Giant - Back to Beta mod
    Forgotten Empires - 
    M. Silva - For the original Pikeman X texture, which the current one derives from
    Mythos_Ruler - EPIC Texture pack (Egyptian units, Achilles Armor, and Helmet)
    0 A.D Team - Various Icons, and Ideas
    White_crane - Amazonian Horse Archer
    Hagr - Various Random Maps
    Sathiel - Unique Major God heroes idea came from him
    A. Soldier - Various Ideas, Consultation
    Tapejara - Decurion Texture design, ideas, icons
    Monkish_man - Skultisveinir Shield
    Justus_Avramenko - Delenda Est, which some icons, and ideas derive from
    Lord Brimestone - Capturable Buildings idea
    Old_King_CoalII - Thespian Hoplite idea, shield, Phalangite
    Loggy - Theatron Code



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