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  1. 0 votes
    Under Review

    Halo Wars 2 - Skirmish Tournaments

    I heard you say on a couple recent Halo Wars 2 skirmish tournament videos that there isn't enough people signing up and I have an idea/pitch for you. Usually tournaments are top 1 or 2 take home money, but what if you spread out the pot more and made it more 'grand prix' style with the top 5 or even the top 10 all win some money? For example:

    1 - $25
    2 - $20
    3 - $15
    4 - $10
    5 - $5

    Total: $75 

    Personally, I think it's unlikely that I could win the tournament so signing up for just a top prize doesn't make a ton of sense. But even if it's not about the money, getting a prize for making top 5 in a tournament of 15 or so would be a cool goal to shoot for. 

    Lastly, if you take this idea to heart and want to try it out for a big 2v2 skirmish tournament where the prizes are much more substantial please let me know. I'd be interested in supporting financially so we could generate enough interest.

  2. 7 votes

    Map Banning/Leader Banning(HW2)

    I think in the spirit of balance and competitive play we should implement a 1 map ban rule and a 1 leader ban rule. This will not only strengthen the competitive nature of the event, it will also make it more fun with new and interesting match ups. I think this rule largely needs to be applied in the BO3 rounds specifically but I do think it would be beneficial to the BO5s and BO7s as well. I have been forced to play fissures at the start of almost every single one of my series and it is a horrendously balanced map. Right now in the meta, ship is pretty distinctly S tier above other leaders, some people may disagree with this, which is why I advocate for a 1 leader ban per player in a series option. There are 16 leaders to choose from and I think players should be able to vote with their ban what the most broken leaders are and what the most unbalanced maps are. Please upvote this if you wish to see this change happen in Meta Plays Tournament play.


  3. 1 vote

    AOM - Team Game/Clan Game Seasons

    This has been suggested elsewhere, but wanted to officially get it here. Really any variation of team game events would be fun, but maybe logistically challenging.
    Some ideas:
    - Having a “regular season” of one matchup per week that then feeds into tournament seeding at the end (similar to voobly champions league)
    - Team games probably better on voobly due to extra lag on EE
    - Clans of 5 players that must swap out players after each win in a series (or some other rule for encouraging bench play)
    - 2v2 or 3v3

  4. 3 votes

    New tournaments

    So ive been thinking too, i think it would be a good idea to try to add new tournaments, like empire earth or age of empire tournaments, or test it at least to see how it goes, i think this could be a very nice adition and could bring public from other games to know the other content meta plays already make

  5. 4 votes

    HW2 - Skirmish ideas

    Skirmishes are for low level players, and for players who don't know their skill within the tournament scene. To encourage new players to participate, players that come in first should be barred from playing in future skirmish events so that new players will feel more at ease thinking they can place in these tournaments, and to prevent the same people from winning these tournaments. 
    Participation in skirmish events has been minimal recently. A $5 or $10 cash prize to the top player may incentivize players to return to claim first, or a chance to be casted could also cause players to compete for that opportunity. Skirmish events are important for inviting new players into metaplays tournaments, such as stream lurkers, and while they haven't had the best turnout recently these tournaments have quite a bit of intrinsic value to the player base.
    Perhaps new casters that join metaplays could be tasked with spectating these tournaments?
    Skirmishes obviously aren't as high stakes, so unique gameplay or other attributes should be focused in order to hype up this type of tournaments. Players that do well in skirmishes feel empowered and try to compete in monthlies, just like a customer returning to a business they had a positive experience with.
    There's a lot that could be done with skirmishes, it would be a shame to see them go because of low turnout.

  6. 11 votes

    Low elo legends

    My idea is to make a new category of tournaments, but one wich doesnt consist of very good players, but actually low elo players, im inspired by a series made on youtube called "low elo legends" by t90official, the aim is to have lots of fun watching regular or bad players playing and seeing meme plays or something, i think it would be a very nice adition.

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