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  1. 1 vote
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    Add a map veto system

    Nothing major, but every Halo game since like 2007 has had some way of vetting maps/games before the game start. just add in a veto system like they had in halo 3 where if majority vetoed, you'd play on another map. Max of 3 votes, maps currently unpopular/ out of rotation will always be the first or second selection so you can be sure you won't get Highway, Fort Jordan, or 3v3 fissures locked as the final selection but still have them in the pool for the weirdo's that enjoy them.

  2. 1 vote
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    Seneria has no third leader power spike

    I think Serina needs a better third leader power spike, have shatter at 2, and freeze at 3. Move frost ravens to 3rd and heal to 4th.
    Then you have two clear paths with complimentary power picks. 1st - Mines (or cubes), shatter, freeze, freeze 2 and Big Drop. 2nd - Mines (or Cubes) Cryogenics, frost ravans, turrent (with surrounding freeze), big drop/big freeze. 
    Also please make Frost Troopers better, I know they are great at harassing economy but the actually suck at killing buildings and other infantry. 

  3. 0 votes
    Under Review

    Halo Wars 2 - Skirmish Tournaments

    I heard you say on a couple recent Halo Wars 2 skirmish tournament videos that there isn't enough people signing up and I have an idea/pitch for you. Usually tournaments are top 1 or 2 take home money, but what if you spread out the pot more and made it more 'grand prix' style with the top 5 or even the top 10 all win some money? For example:

    1 - $25
    2 - $20
    3 - $15
    4 - $10
    5 - $5

    Total: $75 

    Personally, I think it's unlikely that I could win the tournament so signing up for just a top prize doesn't make a ton of sense. But even if it's not about the money, getting a prize for making top 5 in a tournament of 15 or so would be a cool goal to shoot for. 

    Lastly, if you take this idea to heart and want to try it out for a big 2v2 skirmish tournament where the prizes are much more substantial please let me know. I'd be interested in supporting financially so we could generate enough interest.

  4. 0 votes
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    Increase length of 999 taunt

    The 999 taunt is widely acknowledged as the best song in the game, but it is too short. It should be at least doubled in length. If a new civ is introduced, the 999 song would be a good choice to use as their starting song as well.

  5. 0 votes
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    Rebalance gods’ powers

    While Zeus' lightning bolt can kill the Son of Osiris and the NIdhogg, Poseidon can attract animals.
    Many of the early tier powers should have more than one use (like the Atlanteans) and others should change

  6. 0 votes
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    Render Rain Trigger

    Port over (or add a similar trigger based on Render Snow) the Render Rain(percent) trigger from Age of Empires 3 so modders don't have to place Ra Rain actors everywhere.

  7. 0 votes
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    GarrisonPopulationDecrement (i.e reduce the population cost of garrisoned units) protounit functionality

    Essentially a port over of the Kallanka ability from AoE3, basically reduce the population of units contained within the building, and allow it to be exposed to the techtree.

  8. 0 votes
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    IgnoreArmor Param

    Add a Ignore Armor param for all attacks that allow them to ignore a double/float value between 0.0 (effectively no effect) to 1.0 (ignores armor entirely) with type referring to the type of the armor that it can ignore (Hack, Pierce, Crush) Obviously the effect can only work if the unit has a damage value type relevant. Furthermore there should also be the option (IgnoreGodPowers) to ignore god power effects like Bronze which should nullify the param's effect without the option flag.
    <param name="IgnoreArmor" type="DamageType" value1="double/float" option="none/IgnoreGodPowers"></param> This can effectively be considered similar to the AoE2 Obuch's "damage armor" bonus, although without the permanent damage effect.

  9. 0 votes
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    Global="" flag option for soundsets.xml definitions

    Global="" allows players to define sounds that are played throughout map, regardless of it's progenitors location, it essentially would be a soft code exposure for hardcoded global sounds (i.e Age Advance) and would be beneficial for modders and scenario editors for things such as map-based ambient soundscapes (similar to AoE3's map type based ambient sound loops)

  10. 0 votes
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    acceleration on arrow keys

    I hope they will add acceleration to the arrow keys for people who dont want to scroll with the mouse to the edges of the screen. The acceleration should be adjustable.
    In AOE3 DE the acceleration of the arrow keys work great.

  11. 0 votes
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    Rank 99

    Rank 99 isn't enough. Going until the rank 999 might be better, then you can see who really have a huge experience in HW2. This more motivating to do the daily challenges

  12. -1 votes
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    Unit icons for army

    This could be an optional feature in game settings for beginners who don't know all the units.
    Basically have an icon that displays the unit name on top of the army unit
    So for instance u have several hopilities you have one icon for hopilities that is a text box above the unit.
    The units could be colored with text box or have arrow connections with unit to text box.

  13. -1 votes
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    All heroes have special animation ability

    Right now some heroes have special ability while others don't such as bellepheron jump attack.
    The polymphemis bash but other heroes like Ajax, Odysseus Pharoah,  Hersir atlantean heroes don't have special ability. 
    For hersir u can have special ability where attack increases by number of heroes similar to wolves.
    For Greek heroes have a unique ability it could be nice to have some special ability similar to Arkansas where heroes makes all infantry unit increase attack as a morale boost.
    This request is to have a consistently across all heroes units and their special ability can be whatever so long as they have one like the myth units cooldown effect. 

  14. -1 votes
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    Include the Chinese, don't leave them out of the game

    Don't act as if Asians are not part of the world and just as the Greeks represent Europe, Nordics the northern peoples and the Egyptians the southern peoples and Africa. The Chinese represent all of Asia being the oldest civ and of which many asians civs had their origins, culture and Mythology directly influenced taking them out is like ignoring the existance of the bigger half of the world.

  15. -1 votes
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    make shortcuts that do not conflict

    Like the shortcut to build Archery Range can be the same to Atty build CounterBarracs and Eggy Siege Workshops non conflictant, same goes to eggy monument/Garden/Sky passage etc

  16. -2 votes
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    Remove Autoqueue from Ranked Games

    My actual preference is to remove autoqueue completely, however, I realize that this is an unpopular opinion with many current players. Therefore, I think that we could compromise! Remove autoqueue from ranked games 🙂, so any casual or non-ranked (community) games can include autoqueue.
    Hear me out: (the following are my main points)
    Autoqueue does not exist in other notable RTS games (including other "Age of " games) - it only exists in one or two other small games. If we want to attract more players, I think that autoqueue would be more of a detriment than a benefit.
      Multitasking is a skill that should be rewarded in competitive play. Handling army, economy, defense, and offense all at the same time is a LOT easier when you don't need to focus on creating units. 
      I think that autoqueue is too similar to "the game playing itself". I don't think that it is simply automating repetitious actions.
      AoM has a good balance of manual mechanics and "ease of life" mechanics. For example, with building groups and hotkeys, you can easily queue up many units at one time with 2 keyboard strokes. A bad example of manual mechanics is AoE1 & [original] AoE2 -> farms had a limited amount of food, so the player was required to rebuild a farm when the food expired. Farms are a non-issue in AoM, but I think that this is a bad example of manual mechanics - later in the game, you would be required to rebuild 30-60 farms again and again and again. A good example of manual mechanics is the necessity to create which units you want to use.
      Compare AoM to chess. Many top chess players become bored with chess because chess engines can play almost perfectly. This leads to human players memorizing engine-generated moves instead of using their own brain power and creativity. I think that autoqueue is a little bit like this - it adds in a technological aspect that, in a way, removes the humanity and human creativity from the game. This thought again relates to the idea of "the game playing itself". Humans make mistakes, and that makes the game more dynamic and impressive when you see a top-level player who truly plays the game so incredibly well.  Ultimately, I want AoM to be as popular as AoE2! I want to see tournaments and mods and scenarios and YouTube videos and sponsorships and everything! I think that to do this, we need to assess what would make the game more enticing to both casual and competitive players. I think that keeping autoqueue is a detriment, but we could compromise and only remove autoqueue from ranked games.

  17. -3 votes
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    Camera location hotkeys

    Add 8 camera location hotkeys

  18. -4 votes
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    Remove generic Titans and replace them with the God being used

    For example, a player playing 'Thor' when making a titan will summon a 'Thor' unit/hero, rather than a gigantic Troll. The Unit doesn't even have to be huge, but can have great stats like a watered down Arkantos (God). I always thought the Titans themselves were a bit lame looking.
    Norse mythology is really big right now (MCU, God of war, Vikings.. etc) would be nice to have an actual Thor, Loki and Odin character/unit in the gameplay. Would probably attract new players.

  19. -8 votes
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    A similar system to AOE 3 cards

    Since the engine for the game is going to be the same one as AOE3DE, an idea came to mind.
    I think it'd be a good gameplay twist to add something similar to the AOE 3 card system. Depending on the god choice, new technologies powers and units could be sent from the "metropolis" (Could be Olympus in the Greek case, Asgard on the Norse one, Othrys for the Atlanteans...) in exchange of the favour resource. Of course, mythological units and their upgrades could be still be trained and developed in the temple. But by implementing this system, more exclusive powers, technologies and units could be added to the game, greatly enriching the gameplay in my opinion.

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