The main event for for the Meta Plays Halo Wars 2 2v2 Amateur League Season 2! $250 and 1875 Meta Plays Ladder Points are up for grabs.
The tournament will take place on Sunday, July 22nd, starting at 4 PM GMT. Brackets get locked at 3:45 PM GMT.
This tournament is a ONE DAY EVENT - please ensure you have enough time to play in 1 go.
Thanks to all contributors who made this prize pool possible. See their contributions below:
@Psyalac: $30
@DarkangelJSB: $30
@jimmins31: $25
@Theta_Goliath: $20
@Bankai: $20
Seeding is based on the Season 5 ladder standings. Sign ups are only accessible to the top 16 players in the ladder.
@_TheLegend_ is the manager for this tournament. For any questions, concerns or requests, please reach out to him on Discord, or @ him in the comments here (if not urgent).
- 1st place: $100 | 633 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Gold Medal Icon
- 2nd place: $75 | 502 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Silver Medal Icon
- 3rd place: $50 | 408 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Bronze Medal Icon
- 4th place: $25 | 333 Meta Plays Ladder Points | Copper Medal Icon
Confused about the tournament system? Check our Tournament and Ladder info posts, and the Halo Wars 2 Season 3 announcement!
- First map is picked by the higher seeded team.
- Losing team each game picks next map. Each map may only be played once.
- Valid maps: Ashes, Badlands, Bedrock, Fissures, Frontier, Mirage, Rift, Vault.
No repeat leaders in a series. No Voridus.
- Leader repeats are judged on a team level, not a player level.
- No double leaders.
- Accidental pick of Voridus results in loss.
No node strat - do not take nodes without the intent of killing Sentinels.
- Exception: you can draw the Sentinels to attack an enemy minibase or units, and still capture the node.
- Exception: Cannon Fodder can take nodes any way you want.
1 hour time limit.
- If base and slot building count is even/very close, and neither team has a large army advantage, the game is a draw.
- If one team has an army advantage, casters will send a final attack prompt. The outcome of this last attack determines whether a winner or a draw is called, based on the base/slot building count afterwards.
- If one team has a clear base and slot building count advantage and their opponent is not in a position to even out the game with the next attack, the team with more slot buildings wins.
- Replay match if the series ends on tie. The previous loser picks map in this case.
- No cheating or intentional exploiting of any form allowed.
- Games will be hosted by the higher seeded team when staff is not present.
- Casters will host if they are present.
- Participants must be in the Meta Plays Discord. Report match results there.
Forfeiting/not showing up to any match with money prizes without notice will result in disqualification and you forfeiting the prizes.
- 1 rescheduling opportunity is granted when external conditions force it. There will not be a second rescheduling.
- Forfeiting players that break rules on any of our platforms, or do so out of malicious intent will be banned from the next event.
- Repeat offenders will receive a ban from the entire season. There will not be a fourth chance after the season-long ban expires.
Penalties for not showing up:
- Timer starts when 1 player is ready and neither team is currently playing a match.
Late by over 10 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win.
- This is the wait time BEFORE a series begins.
- BETWEEN games in a series, the lateness limit is 5 minutes.
- Late by additional 5 minutes: opponent gains 1 match win for each 5 min.
- Once a team wins via lateness penalties, the late team is disqualified.
No harassment, discrimination, or cheating accusations against players/viewers/staff on any of our platforms.
- You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation.
Cheating accusations are meant to handled in private with Meta Plays staff.
- Stalling games after final staff decisions (e.g. via cheating accusation arguments) will result in lateness penalties.
No excessively derogatory messaging targeting our staff on any platform.
- This will result in a permanent ban on all Meta Plays platforms.
- Win trading will result in forfeit. Do your best to win. You may resign if you are clearly losing.
- Live coaching or any other external communication during matches is unacceptable and will result in a permanent ban from all Meta Plays events.
- Do not sign up with smurfs. Match all account usernames. We will remove suspicious sign-ups.
- No account sharing. You will be disqualified, forfeit of prizes in this event, and be permanently banned from all event participation.
- In the event of player lag disputes, players must submit speedtest results. The event manager will make a judgement call.
In the event of a glitch where a building isn't building itself (the symbol preview never disappears):
Within the first 3 minutes of the game, the player must type into the game chat, or notify the casters in DMs.
Casters will need to confirm for validity.
- If the glitch is verified, an admin restart will be issued.
If the glitch is not verified, the game should continue.
- Resigning without admin permission will be counted as a loss.
Casters will need to confirm for validity.
Within the first 3 minutes of the game, the player must type into the game chat, or notify the casters in DMs.
In the event of a disconnection or crash:
If the game was relatively even:
- If all parties crash, re-play the game.
- The game doesn't count for score in the first instance. The player who didn't disconnect may choose a new map, and both players may choose a new leader.
- In the second instance, the player who didn't disconnect receives a point on the score board.
In the third instance, the player who didn't disconnect wins the series.
- If both sides crash 3 times, reset PC/Xbox and internet.
If a player was significantly ahead:
- Admin win is awarded for the match for all cases.
- In the third instance, the player who didn't disconnect wins the series.
Johnson/Jerome crash:
- The Johnson/Jerome player loses.
- In the event of both players causing a crash, we will treat this case as a disconnect and follow rules around them.
If the game was relatively even:
- You may stream all of your own matches.
- You are required to feature the provided Meta Plays Logo over gameplay at all times.
- We request you give Meta Plays one shout-out mid-commentary, such as an invitation to make an account on the site.
- For casting, we recommend you use the Meta Plays Casting Tool for the best viewer experience.
Content Partners:
- 60s delay is required.
- You may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays. Please contact @_TheLegend_ for approval.
- You may upload videos at your leisure.
- 90s delay is required.
- You may stream matches that aren't marked to be covered by Meta Plays or Content Partners. Please contact @_TheLegend_ for approval.
- We request you wait with video uploads until the Meta Plays channel has posted its version of the identical match.
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![]() 1st Place: DeSean |
![]() 2nd Place: B3st of Bankai |
![]() 3rd Place: YoungAngel |
![]() 4th Place: Skunky Wizards |
Losers Round Losers Round 1 Bo 3
Losers Semifinals Bo 3
Losers Finals Bo 5
5Skunky Wizards2Flying Dutchman1
Grand Finals Bo 7
Place | Seed | Name of the Team | Player 1 | Player 2 | Seed Points | Points Won |
1 | 4 | DeSean | Defender707 | seanagone | 544 | 634 |
2 | 2 | B3st of Bankai | Bankai | Theta_Goliath | 808 | 503 |
3 | 1 | YoungAngel | WhiteyJoYoung | DarkangelJSB | 986 | 409 |
4 | 3 | Skunky Wizards | STLR_SKUNKY | Psychicwizard | 608 | 334 |
5 | 5 | Flying Dutchman | ArmorLockBoi | captainmerino | 528 | 0 |
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