We are pleased to announce the Meta Plays Halo Wars 2 League Season 3!
Meta Plays will cover key matches, with the rest being open to community casters.
Meta Plays Monthly #12 - $100 + Community Donations, Double Elimination - August 7 One day event
Meta Plays Monthly #13 - $100 + Community Donations, Single Elimination - September 4 - One day event
Meta Plays Monthly #14 - $100 + Community Donations, Single Elimination - October 2 - One day event
Meta Plays Monthly #15 - $100 + Community Donations, Single Elimination - October 29 - One day event
Season Finale - Goliaths - $200 + Community Donations, GSL Group Stage - November 27 - One day event
We are also hosting separate low-level-only events, now with a prize for the winner!
These "Skirmish" Tournaments will be covered by community casters.
Meta Plays Skirmish #4 - $10, Single Elimination - August 14 - One day event
Meta Plays Skirmish #5 - $10, Single Elimination - September 10 - One day event
Meta Plays Skirmish #6 - $10, Single Elimination - October 9 - One day event
Note: this article and our calendar will be updated as we progress through the season and new info becomes available.
How the Season Works
Similarly to the last season, but with some tweaks! Each Tournament we host will not only come with cash prizes, but also Meta Plays Ladder Points. These points go towards the corresponding ladder. Based on your position in the ladder, we assign you to a "Class" - one of D(lowest), C, B, A and S(highest). The classes give you a badge and will be featured on your Tournament Profile. For the Season Finale, we will only take our own ladder into account for your seeding - but unlike prior seasons, these events will now be open to all that are in C class or above (essentially everyone that won at least one series in the season). Check out the Class icons below.
The top 4 players will also receive medals corresponding with their final placement in each Tournament. While most are generic, Season Finale event will receive custom medals.
For additional info, please check our Tournament and Ladder explainer posts!
Give Us The Numbers
Based on the number and quality of signed up players, we modify the number of total points that a tournament can provide. Our guidelines for this are below:
- Base value: 10x Prize pool in USD (or monetary value in prizes).
For any class exclusion combination, remove 10% points per class removed.
- S+A Class only tournaments are excluded from this ruling on a case-by-case basis.
The number of players in the tournaments will scale the points in the following way:
- 4-8: -50%
- 9-15: -25%
- 16-23: no change
- 24-31: +50%
- 32-47: +75%
- 48-64: +100%
- You can review the point spread between player placements using our Tournament Point Calculator.
Can I Host Tournaments Too?
Yes! We are in fact looking for additional Content Partners that are willing to contribute to our Seasonal Ladders, or cover events that we may not be able to.
You can apply as a content partner here.
Can I Help Meta Plays Directly?
For any of you looking to support our project, the best way to do so is becoming a subscriber on the website. This is a monthly recurring payment that you get perks and exclusive news for. The more goals we hit, the easier and safer it is for us to keep the project going.
We are also currently looking for Moderators to join our team, so that we can keep our chats, discords and website a pleasant and friendly environment for all. You can apply here.
Where To Watch
We will live stream the main events on our Twitch, and VoDs will be available on our YouTube.
Community casters will have access to cover games as well - all games that we don't cover are open casting for live streamers. Please contact each event's manager for clearance. Bear in mind though, that in Halo Wars 2, due to limited spectating slots, our Content Partners have priority in key matches.
That is pretty much it! Let us know what you think in the comments below, join us on Discord for real-time chats, and we will see you on the battlefield!
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