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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/13/2018 in Files

  1. Version 1.0.0


    I extracted the texturebar from age of mythology the titans, and put all the images in the map. This includes all the graphics that aomt uses in the game itself. This means All the icons All textures Every image UI elements You can open all of these images in photoshop or paint and then save them as jpg or png or whatever format you prefer. You can also just open the map and look at the images. anyway enjoy!
    6 points
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Introduction: We are pleased to share with you the Meta Plays Casting Tool, developed by Maguro and PF2K! They worked on it as a commission for Meta Plays, and this is a modified variant of the Starcraft Casting Tool. The difference is that we support multiple games, and have a player color picker! The goal of this software is to increase the quality of tournament streams by adding high quality score boards and player introductions with an easy GUI to control it all. Everyone is welcome to make use of it. We would appreciate if you could set up stream commands or link to this post in Youtube, for those that may be wondering where to get this. Supported Games: Age of Empires IV Age of Empires Online Age of Mythology Halo Wars 2 Spellforce 3 StarCraft II (Intro panels only) Warcraft III First Time Setup: After downloading and extracting the tool, simply launch the executable. I recommend placing it in its own folder, and adding that folder to antivirus exceptions. To start off, create your own profile. This will update your casting tool with the latest art assets for all our supported games. Feel free to delete the default profile. Next up, select the game you want to use the Tool for. This will select the correct factions available for the dropdowns. You can freely cycle this at any point. Next up, you will need to add 2 browser sources to your streaming software - one for the intros, another for the score board. The browser sources menus contain the URLs that you can copy directly from the app. Make sure that the source resolution matches your base resolution (the art is designed for full screen). Triggering Intros, Updating Scores and Factions 1- update the faction of the player on the matching side 2- grant a win to the player on the matching side 3- alter the size of the series 4- alter the color of the player Note: updating the faction of matches that were already played will update all future matches. You want to update the appropriate match's faction to get everything displaying correctly. With the above setup, you should be seeing something like this in your streaming app! Feel free to post here about any questions, or technical issues that you are having! Or post good practices for others to make use of. Also please share the tool with others that may benefit from it - we want this tool to have as wide of a reach as possible to increase the quality of all community streams! It's as much for you as it is for us! Known Issues: None at the moment. Let us know if you find any.
    4 points
  3. Version 11.0.0


    Phoenixborn v11 Choose your hero Choose army to spawn, pay with food or gold, or buy food in the middle of the choosing area Chase the green symbol shown in your spawn area for your quest Level, loot corpses and crates, save villagers Respawn if you die EE / Steam version available on steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1473024445 Besides subscribing you might have to move a file though (explained in the description).
    2 points
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This tool allows you to see how many workers you have on a given resource. Rather than the standard resource bar, this tool includes the number of villagers right after the number of resources you have. For example, lets say you have 2 villagers chopping down trees and have 50 wood. Normally you would see simply "50" beside the wood icon, with this you see "50/2". This mod also makes the titan gate godpower icon smaller so you don't miss click on it by accident. Installation: Copy the included "uimain.xmb" file to your C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Age of Mythology Gold Edition\data If you have steam you wont need this mod because its included in the basegame
    1 point
  5. Version 1.0.0


    AOM-AOT Modpack 2021 Hi there, This is my third modpack, and it's a minor improvement on the 2020 one. I have updated my UIs to work better with the new observer commands introduced in VBP 5.0 and made some fixes to the tooltips and updated the VBP tooltip to 5.0. Some mods are not compatible with AoM but it is indicated when that is the case. Over the years a lot of mods have been made for AoM/AoT and a lot of versions of the same mod exist. I have selected a list of mods and made sure their versions are the most up to date you can get. Some of these most up to date versions were still filled with errors, thus I fixed those. The pack also includes some of my own mods. To make it easier to navigate all these mods and decide what you do or don't need I have greatly improved all the original readmes and inserted images. There are three ways of obtaining all the mods in this modpack: 1. Downloading the .zip found attached to this post. 2. Go to my Google drive where I have collected all my works and navigate to the AoM The Titans/AoM Vanilla sections and download the files from there. Please click here to go to the drive. 3. Go to the Voobly "Visual or Content Mods" page. Some of the mods that were eligible for that section have also been uploaded there. Please also read the "Installation Guide" tab over there to see how to enable / disable the mod. Doing it this way will of course mean it's only active when playing via Voobly, but you will instantly receive updates to the mod if they are made. Link to Voobly's Visual or Content Mods page.
    1 point
  6. Version 1.7.0


    Just like Tiny! Freak Style - only with water. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2368596218 Age of Mythology Heaven :: Tiny! Water 1.7 (heavengames.com)
    1 point
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