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  • Meta Plays Casting Tool and Map Intro Release

    Hi everyone,

    Now that we had 1 event of each supported launch game, it is time for us to give content creators access to our media assets. We are doing this in order to help the community produce higher quality, more professional-looking content.

    If you can credit us in your content when using these, we would appreciate it. The following would be a good way to do so:


    Map Intro Clips, Score Board and Player Intro Panels courtesy of Meta Plays. https://meta-plays.com/news/site/meta-plays-casting-tool-and-map-intro-release-r7

    While the intro videos are our content, created by Ippert (AoM) , Maguro (SC2, WC3), PF2K (Info Panels) and myself(HW2), as a commission for Meta Plays, we will not be chasing people down for not crediting, nor will we be claiming monetized videos, naturally.

    However, please do not remove the logo branding during the map intro videos. We will be taking action in cases of abuse (e.g. re-branding of the intro clips). By using the clips and the casting tool, you agree to the above.

    You can integrate these into your streaming app by or downloading them from the below link. From here, we recommend using a unique scene for each of the intros, and switching between them with hotkeys, ideally via a tool like Touch Portal on mobile devices, or physical macro devices, such as the Stream Deck.

    The Meta Plays Map Intros Can Be DOWNLOADED HERE

    Youtube Playlists for your viewing pleasure:

    Download the Meta Plays Casting Tool Here:


    This article was replaced by the entry in the downloads section.

    Please head here: 


    • Like 1

    User Feedback

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    Guest 3antozz


    The sound of the intro plays way earlier than the card actually popping in, what's the fix to that

    Guest 3antozz


    and the hotkeys don't work if im in game (age of mythology)

    • Project Director


    11 minutes ago, Guest 3antozz said:

    and the hotkeys don't work if im in game (age of mythology)

    That's an original AoM problem only. It will block any external apps, including this (they fixed this in EE). You need to have a second screen and tab out to trigger it there.

    • Project Director


    12 minutes ago, Guest 3antozz said:

    The sound of the intro plays way earlier than the card actually popping in, what's the fix to that

    Can't reproduce this. Naturally you wouldn't want a whoosh when the panel is not moving. I have the animation duration set to 3sec.

    Guest 3antozz


    34 minutes ago, Nakamura said:

    Can't reproduce this. Naturally you wouldn't want a whoosh when the panel is not moving. I have the animation duration set to 3sec.

    im streaming rn can u come and see?

    Guest 3antozz


    39 minutes ago, Nakamura said:

    That's an original AoM problem only. It will block any external apps, including this (they fixed this in EE). You need to have a second screen and tab out to trigger it there.

    Lundberg gave me the solution to this, just run the casting tool as administrator and the problem is solved!


    Posted (edited)

    I am not getting the styling, and I have tried switching the game to another and back. Any other ideas for a fix?


    Edit: just had to have obs open while making the switch

    Edited by strausshaus

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