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  • New Home Page & Site Subscriptions

    Hey all,

    We've updated our home page with some new art that helps explain what Meta Plays is to new visitors!

    To go in tandem with this, we wrote some quick explainers for the Ladder, Tournament and Hall of Fame systems, too.

    To be clear, you can access these directly at https://meta-plays.com. Here's how it looks:



    For our returning users, we recommend to bookmark either the main portal(this used to be the home page), or that of the games you are into:


    Lastly, we have closed down our Patreon, and have built upon our in-house Subscription System to achieve the same goal.

    The reason for this is that as a personal business, we don't need to charge VAT, thus reducing the cost to you. There is also no third party corporation taking a cut this way.

    9 tiers are available, and they'll come with several on-site perks. The best thing is, that the majority of these perks will be automated and instantaneous, and our staff only has to manage the higher tier custom perks. Please don't hesitate to use the Support or Contact Us pages to get in touch about your subscription requests!

    With these site subscriptions, you have the option to help us increase the prize pools for all games we support, as per the goals on the page. Thanks to everyone that have already activated their subscriptions! The help is very much appreciated.





    Our first season is drawing to a close, with both Age of Mythology and Halo Wars 2 having their final open tournaments this year.

    Donations towards the season finales for both games are also open. Both finales have a starting budget of 300$ - special thanks to @NeWYoRkLeGenD for increasing the prize pool of the Halo Wars 2 finale to 500$!

    Sign ups for the open tourneys below. This is the final chance to make it to the season finale - you must be in S or A Class to be invited!

    More information on the finales will be announced soon.


    Lastly, regarding the showmatches for Starcraft II and Warcraft 3, we have been having some trouble arranging them. This is probably a good thing though, as the break allows us to sort our process for this, and will mean that we will have some back-to-back content for you after the HW2 and AoM seasons end!

    See you on the battlefield.

    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    • Project Director


    26 minutes ago, spartan117 said:

    awesome change

    Glad you like it!

    Guest Bischa


    Thanks for the update, however i didn't need to get 10 mail-notifications for it.

    • Project Director


    7 minutes ago, Guest Bischa said:

    Thanks for the update, however i didn't need to get 10 mail-notifications for it.

    We happened to find a system bug the hard way - every edit triggered a notification. Apologies for the inconvenience. We're looking to resolve this and will not use mentions in the mean time.

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