Hey everyone,
We are very pleased to announce Season 1 for our Age of Mythology Tournament Ladders!
This season will be made up of the following tournaments:
- Rise of the Phoenix - $300, open, Single Elimination Cup - June 5
- Meta Plays Monthly #1 - $100, Open, Single Elimination Cup - June 26
- Meta Plays Monthly #2 - $310, Open, Single Elimination Cup - July 17
- Meta Plays Monthly #3 - $100, Open, Single Elimination Cup - August 7
- Meta Plays Monthly #4 - $150, Group Stage Cup - August 28 start date
- Meta Plays Monthly #5 - $100, Open, Single Elimination Cup - October 23
- Season Finale - $300, Invitational, Group Stage Cup - November 6 start date
- Season 2 will begin in January 2022 after a winter break.
Voobly or EE?
All of these are 1v1 Supremacy. We are defaulting the platform to Voobly, but we are happy to consider support for the Extended Edition. Please let us know your thoughts on this in the comments. If there is sufficient interest, we would be happy to alternate between the platforms, however we will not be able to add and fund extra events at this time. If we did support both, the ladders would be separated, of course.
What about Team Games or Deathmatch?
We currently have no plans to fund a season for TG or DM. We do however have the technical capability for keeping this separate and to facilitate them in the first place, and will be keeping our eyes on your feedback. The plan is to leave team tournaments to the community.
You Can Help!
For any of you looking to support our events, you can increase prize pools by donating (look for the AoM option on this page) - we think with your help, boosting one of the mid-season monthlies to $300 is a very achieve-able first goal! You can also help by becoming a subscriber on the website.
Where To Watch
We will live stream all of the events on our Twitch, and VoDs will be available on our Youtube.
Community casters will have access to cover games as well, as long as we are not covering the match in question. Please contact each event's manager for clearance.
How the Season Works
Each Tournament we host will not only come with cash prizes, but also Meta Plays Ladder Points. These points go towards the corresponding ladder. Based on your position in the ladder, we assign you to a "Class" - one of D(lowest), C, B, A and S(highest). The classes give you a badge and will be featured on your Tournament Profile. By the time the Season Finale comes around, we will invite the top players based on the Ladder. Check out the Class icons below.
The top 4 players will also receive medals corresponding with their final placement in each Tournament. While most are generic, Season Opener and Finale events, as well as any mid-season cup that reaches a prize pool of $300 will receive custom medals.
Please note that the Ladders will only be generated after the first tournament has finished. Naturally, Tournament Profiles will also be quite empty at first! You are able to display your Profile and Class in your posts, if you turn these on in your site profile, however.
Give Us The Numbers
You are curious, as you should be!
Based on the number and quality of signed up players, we modify the number of total points that a tournament can provide. Our guidelines for this are below:
- Base value: 10x Prize pool in USD (or monetary value in prizes).
For any class exclusion combination, remove 10% points per class removed.
- S Class only tournaments are excluded from this ruling on a case-by-case basis.
The number of players in the tournaments will scale the points in the following way:
- 4-8: -50%
- 9-15: -25%
- 16-24: no change
- 24-32: +50%
- 33-47: +75%
- 48-64: +100%
- You can review the point spread between player placements using our Tournament Point Calculator.
Can I Host Tournaments Too?
Yes! We are in fact looking for additional Tournament Hosts that are willing to contribute to our Seasonal Ladders. You can apply here.
The ideal third party Tournament Host will:
- Have a prize pool for each event
- Have a solid history of past tournaments
- Not have been the cause of payout scandals
- Try not to create conflicts with our event dates
That is pretty much it! Let us know what you think in the comments below, join us on Discord for real-time chats, and we will see you on the battlefield!
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