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Age of Mythology Tournaments

    Points: 20000, Team size: 1, Format: Group Stage,
    Tiers: S,A,B,C,D,E,F, Classes: S,A,B,C,D, Status: live, Ladders: 1v1 Deathmatch Pro League

    The second event for the Meta Plays 1v1 Deathmatch Pro League! £1000 and 20000 Meta Plays Ladder Points are up for grabs.

    The tournament will take place on Saturday and Sunday, April 19-20th, starting at 4 PM UTC. Brackets get locked at 3:30 PM UTC.

    Points: 1000, Team size: 1, Format: Double Elimination,
    Classes: S,A,B,C,D, Status: finished, Ladders: 1v1 Lightning Pro League

    The first event for the Meta Plays 1v1 Lightning Pro League! £100 and 500 Meta Plays Ladder Points are up for grabs.

    The tournament will take place on Sunday, February 9th, starting at 4 PM UTC. Brackets get locked at 3:45 PM UTC.

    Points: 750, Team size: 1, Format: Double Elimination,
    Tiers: S,A,B,C,D,E,F, Classes: S,A,B,C,D, Status: finished, Ladders: 1v1 Deathmatch Pro League

    The first event for the Meta Plays 1v1 Deathmatch Pro League! £100 and 750 Meta Plays Ladder Points are up for grabs.

    The tournament will take place on Saturday, February 8th, starting at 4 PM UTC. Brackets get locked at 3:45 PM UTC.

    Points: 120000, Team size: 1, Format: Group Stage,
    Classes: Invite Only, Status: finished, Ladders: Wrath of the Gods

    The main event of the Wrath of the Gods event. $12,000 are on the line.

    This qualifier is a 2 day event, taking place between December 21st and 22nd.

    Points: 20000, Team size: 1, Format: Single Elimination,
    Classes: S,A,B,C,D, Status: finished, Ladders: Wrath of the Gods

    The third and last qualifier for the $15,000 Wrath of the Gods event. $1,000 and 20,000 Meta Plays Ladder Points are on the line.

    This qualifier is a 2 day event, taking place between December 14th and 15th.

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