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  1. Nakamura


    Project Director

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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/14/2024 in Company Of Heroes 3 News

  1. We are pleased to announce the official addition of Company of Heroes 3 to Meta Plays! Meta Plays will cover key matches of the league, with the rest being open to community casters. Introducing the "Operation Torch" Pro League: Operation Torch Pro League Qualifier 1 - £100 - Single Elimination - 1000 Ladder Points - Oct 5-6 Operation Torch Pro League Qualifier 2 - £100 - Single Elimination - 1000 Ladder Points - Oct 19-20 Operation Torch Pro League Main Event - £500 + Community Donations - GSL Group Stage - Nov 2-3 Note: this article and our calendar will be updated as we progress through the season and new info becomes available. Main Event Qualification Via The Seasonal Ranking Ladder Each tournament we host will reward players that have won any series with Meta Plays Ladder Points. The more you win, the more points you receive. These Meta Plays Points then will go towards a Seasonal Ranking Ladder. Each League has its own separate Ladder. We are going to only invite the top 8 players of each Seasonal Ranking Ladder to Main Events, after Qualifiers are done. The Seasonal Ranking Ladder will start everyone at 0 points when a new season comes around. For this first season, we chose not to make use of the Provisional Ranking system that we recently announced. We will properly introduce this in potential future seasons. The scaling of the ladder points works as follows: Base value: 10x Prize pool in GBP (or monetary value in prizes). The number of players in the tournaments will scale the points in the following way: 4-8: -50% 9-15: -25% 16-23: no change 24-31: +50% 32-47: +75% 48-64: +100% You can review the point spread between player placements using our Tournament Point Calculator. Cosmetic Features In The Seasonal Ranking Ladder Based on your position in the ladder, we assign you to a "Class" - one of D(lowest), C, B, A and S(highest). The classes give you a badge and will be featured on your Tournament Profile. For the Main Event, we will only take our own ladder into account for your seeding. Check out the Class icons below. The top 4 players will also receive medals corresponding with their final placement in each Tournament. While qualifiers are generic, the Pro League Main Event will receive custom medals. For additional info, please check our Tournament and Ladder explainer posts! Can I Help Meta Plays Directly? For any of you looking to support our project, the best way to do so is becoming a subscriber on the website. This is a monthly recurring payment that you get perks and exclusive news for. The more goals we hit, the easier and safer it is for us to keep the project going. We are also currently looking for Moderators to join our team, so that we can keep our chats, Discord and website a pleasant and friendly environment for all. Moderators will also help with entering scores during events. You can apply here. Where To Watch We will live stream all Pro League and Rising Star League events on our Twitch, and VoDs will be available on our YouTube. Community casters will have access to cover matches - all games that we don't cover are open casting for live streamers. Please contact each event's manager for clearance. Can I Host Tournaments Too? Soon! We are currently in the process of splitting season timings, so that they would be tied to their specific Seasonal Ranking Ladder. We are in fact looking for additional Content Partners that are interested in either helping to cover our own events, or once our work to allow this is complete, to host their own leagues on the website. You can apply as a content partner here. That is pretty much it! Let us know what you think in the comments below, join us on Discord for real-time chats, and we will see you on the battlefield!
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