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Hello, I was wondering if Age of Empires III is ever going to be one of the games on the website?

I've played both aoe3 and aom forever, but have only been any good at aoe3 until now, and now I play both, so it would be nice to have that one on here as well.

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  • Project Director
20 hours ago, Atrain said:

Hello, I was wondering if Age of Empires III is ever going to be one of the games on the website?

I've played both aoe3 and aom forever, but have only been any good at aoe3 until now, and now I play both, so it would be nice to have that one on here as well.


When we evaluate about whether we should add more games, we look at many factors.

  • Can we provide something that competitor sites aren't/can't? 
  • Does the community need us to do this?
  • Is the cost of doing so worth it?
  • Would the community have interest in crowdfunding certain features?

I personally have not much insight into AoE 3, so would appreciate to be educated on these matters. I do know that http://eso-community.net/ is still kicking, and they do seem quite feature rich.


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  • 7 months later...
  • Project Director
3 hours ago, reGulate said:

Yeah i love age of umpries 4 🙂 hop u ad it :D

Yeah we do plan to support it. Was planning to set its pages up with the next update, when we submit the tournament system.


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