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    • Showmatch Host Leaderboard
      Rank Username Avatar Group Badge Number of Showmatches Hosted Amount in Prizes
      1 CheddarfulLad

      Minor Showmatch Host
      4 £77.39
      2 Phenomenon

      Basic Showmatch Host
      2 £67.92
      3 Apexsean

      Basic Showmatch Host
      2 £50.54
      4 VisioN

      Major Showmatch Host
      1 £41.86
      5 Lucrex1

      Basic Showmatch Host
      1 £41.07
      6 Keanu717

      Major Showmatch Host
      1 £33.96
      7 POSEIDON

      Basic Showmatch Host
      1 £33.96
      8 joeybadz

      Basic Showmatch Host
      1 £33.96
      9 Scorpionlawz

      Basic Showmatch Host
      1 £25.27

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