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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/13/2018 in Ideas

  1. Add the aztecs, the rotg mod is good and pretty close to done, seems like the obvious first step if they are planning to do additional civs is just to get that one.
    1 point
  2. 1) Fix "place second building over socket unit" exploit that results in free Town Centers (also uncompleteable TCs if number of builders changes mid-build) See: 2) Fix Rain GP increasing Wood gather rate. 3) MAJOR BUG: Population counts may reset to 0 on reloading a saved game (seems to occur for all players, generally in late-game for unknown reason). 4) Fix aiChat(), kbUnitGetResourceAmount() functions. 5) Modify/Fix aiTaskUnitEject(int unitID, int containerID). ContainerID MUST be passed and equal to building containing UnitID (which is combersome and seems unnecessary), BUT it cannot be used to teleport across different Sky Passages either (which is the only reason it would make sense). 6) Let BuildingWorkRate, ResearchPoints, Icon/PortraitIcon, RolloverTextID, etc etc (as many fields as possible) be modifiable via techs. BuildingWorkRate should work on units who train/research too (currently ignored on non-buildings). 7) trPlayerGrantResources() The "amount" param typeshould be changed from int to float, or aiResourceCheat() should work in multiplayer/RMs. 8 ) Fix "TCs can't be built near allied settlements in treaty mode". 9) Implement short-circuiting in XS (you probably know what that is but if not: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/short-circuiting-in-c-and-linux/ ) 10) Implement inlining in XS, if not already done. 11) trUnitChangeName() should work in all cases, Single Player, Multiplayer, RMs... 12) Dead units with the HeroDeath flag shouldn't be buildable on. At minimum, corpse shouldn't disappear if build upon. 15) Mod Functions that would be wonderful: - int aiTaskUnitCancelTrain(int unitID, int protoInTraining, int numToCancel=999999) (Return: Num of units canceled) - int kbTechGetResearcherID(int techid): Returns ID of unit that researched/is-researching techid. -1 if tech is not active/researching or activated via trigger. - kbUnitQuerySetAnimationActionType(int queryID, int actionID) - kbGetPlayerName(int playerID) - kbGetTechID(string name): Like "kbGetProtoUnitID" but for techs. - trUnitAddInventory(float amount): Adds (subtract if neg) amount to the inventory of trSelect-ed unit(s). (Ie, replenish/deplete Gold Mines with a trigger!) - trProtoUnitChangeName(int playerid, int protounit, string newName): Same as a "SetName" tech effect, but allows triggers to customize. - trModifyTechCost(int techid, int playerid, int resourceid, float amount): Like trModifyProtounit(), but with costs of a tech. - trModifyTechResearchPoints(int techid, int playerid, float amount): Ditto research points of a tech. - trUnitSpawnFrom(int spawnUnitType=-1, int quantity=0): Make trSelected() units spawn <quantity> <spawnUnitType>s. WHILE RESPECTING THE GATHER POINTS OF SPAWNERS!
    1 point
  3. There should be a significant improvement to the recorded game browser feature right now we can just see the recorded game by filename and that's about it. What we should have is the following 1. Show Metadata for each game, including player and opponent, gametype, result, time duration, god picked, map 2. Ability to filter games by Wins, Loss, God, gametype, opponent 3. Sort games by date, God, maps, gametype 4. Ability to favorite a game that can be easily searched 5. Easily add someone else game into your recorded game library (currently one has to manually copy file into the correct location)
    1 point
  4. Currently, the only method for modifying a unit's stats is through trModifyProtounit(). However, this function modifies ALL instances of the unit of that class. We would like the option to exclusively modify the stats of individual units separately.
    1 point
  5. My actual preference is to remove autoqueue completely, however, I realize that this is an unpopular opinion with many current players. Therefore, I think that we could compromise! Remove autoqueue from ranked games , so any casual or non-ranked (community) games can include autoqueue. Hear me out: (the following are my main points) Autoqueue does not exist in other notable RTS games (including other "Age of " games) - it only exists in one or two other small games. If we want to attract more players, I think that autoqueue would be more of a detriment than a benefit. Multitasking is a skill that should be rewarded in competitive play. Handling army, economy, defense, and offense all at the same time is a LOT easier when you don't need to focus on creating units. I think that autoqueue is too similar to "the game playing itself". I don't think that it is simply automating repetitious actions. AoM has a good balance of manual mechanics and "ease of life" mechanics. For example, with building groups and hotkeys, you can easily queue up many units at one time with 2 keyboard strokes. A bad example of manual mechanics is AoE1 & [original] AoE2 -> farms had a limited amount of food, so the player was required to rebuild a farm when the food expired. Farms are a non-issue in AoM, but I think that this is a bad example of manual mechanics - later in the game, you would be required to rebuild 30-60 farms again and again and again. A good example of manual mechanics is the necessity to create which units you want to use. Compare AoM to chess. Many top chess players become bored with chess because chess engines can play almost perfectly. This leads to human players memorizing engine-generated moves instead of using their own brain power and creativity. I think that autoqueue is a little bit like this - it adds in a technological aspect that, in a way, removes the humanity and human creativity from the game. This thought again relates to the idea of "the game playing itself". Humans make mistakes, and that makes the game more dynamic and impressive when you see a top-level player who truly plays the game so incredibly well. Ultimately, I want AoM to be as popular as AoE2! I want to see tournaments and mods and scenarios and YouTube videos and sponsorships and everything! I think that to do this, we need to assess what would make the game more enticing to both casual and competitive players. I think that keeping autoqueue is a detriment, but we could compromise and only remove autoqueue from ranked games.
    1 point
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