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  • Before getting into the season finale event, we are very pleased to announce that we will renew Age of Mythology for another season of tournaments! More info and some polls for your feedback soon.

    The current, pre-finale ladder standings can be seen below:


    After 7 total tournaments worth $1060 later, we invited the top 16 players in our ladder to participate in the Season Finale.

    The Finale will be running in a scheduled fashion, with open casting available in the first 2 rounds. Based on player preferences, we will set up 2 separate days to cover the last segment of the event. These games will all be live streamed on our Twitch

    The prize pool is starting at $300. If you would like to contribute to this, you can do so using our donation page.
    There will also be unique theming to the tournament - we named it Forge of Olympus, and have colossus helmet-themed medals for the top 4 finishers.MedalLineup.png.b21321bfad2447541c8f3716665fc3f0.png

    As for the format of the tournament, we are making this one a double elimination.

    If you are in the top 16, please head to the brackets and accept your invitation. If certain players can't make it, we will go down the list to still have 16 players.

    Upon completion of the tournament, our new Hall of Fame page will be revealed, giving a spotlight to the top 4 ladder finishers. This will be for prestige purposes only - we tie all prizes to events at Meta Plays. The points the players earn from the tournament still matter - next season's seeds will be heavily based on the season 1 ladder, while the new one is fresh.

    We also have a poll running about the winner of the event. Be sure to join the discussion!


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