Project Director Nakamura Posted June 17, 2021 Project Director Posted June 17, 2021 The DM Patch 2021 mod rebalances the game with only DM in mind. The objective is to have each god be playable in a competitive environment. Mod is available at Remember to make this mod the highest priority, and to disable it when you are matchmaking. Changes vs Patch 2.8: Relics: New relic: Reed of Nekhebet - myth units deal 10% more damage. New relic: Roc Egg - a free Roc will spawn every 10 minutes. Scarab Pendant: all bonus vs buildings multipliers reduced to x1.25 (was x1.5 for siege, x2 for the myth units). Oseberg Wagon: speed boost on caravans reduced from 15% to 5%. Resources trickle rate relics (Ankh of Ra, Ship of Fingernails, Ring of the Nibelung) tripled in income. Staff of Dionysus Relic now increases Citizen (and Hero) Farm gather rates by 10%. Canopic Jar of Imsety Relic effect increased from -15% Infantry train time to -25%. Sistrum of Bast Relic effect increased from -10% Villager costs to -30%. Pandora's Box Relic effect increased from -25% Myth Unit train time to -50%. Maps: Tundra, and Oasis now have a 10% chance to spawn back TCs. Tundra TC screws are less likely on forward TCs. Savannah no longer spawns side TCs. Increased the distance between the third TC of each player on Olympus. It no longer snows on Arctic Craters and Tundra. General Wall hack armor reduced by 5%, build times increased by 3 points, repair speeds reduced by 90%, costs tripled. Citadel Wall and Great Wall HP gain reduced from 300 to 250. Crenellations bonus damage vs cavalry reduced from x2 to x1.5 and x1.75 vs War Elephants. Caravans are now affected by myth unit special attacks. Thor's unique armory techs will now override the iron techs in the info panel to reduce clutter. Greek Greek Scout now benefits from the cavalry line and weapon upgrades, hp increased from 70 to 100 and damage increased from 2 to 7. Lure food attraction limit increased from 1000 to 2500. Poseidon's Houses, Granaries and Storehouses generate 1 Militia rather than 2. Towers generate 2 Militia rather than 1. Militia population cost increased from 1 to 2. Bolt now deals 960 damage against the Earth Dragon, damage vs Nidhogg reduced by 20%. Odysseus, Hippolyta and Chiron accuracy increased from 90% to 100%. Removed extra bonus damage vs Nidhogg from Hippolyta and Chiron. Hippolyta dps increased from 9 to 10. Chiron dps increased from 7 to 8. Odysseus dps increased from 8 to 9. Prodromos HP increased from 120 to 135. Peltast deal +1 pierce damage. Nemean Lion Roar stuns nearby human units. Curse hp limits increased by 100% for military units. Bronze affects Heroes. Buff value increased from 30% to 40%. Hydra HP increased from 800 to 1000, population cost reduced from 5 to 4, favor cost reduced from 28 to 22, now regenerates at 2 HP/s, pierce armor increased from 40% to 60%. Manticore wood cost reduced from 300 to 250, favor cost reduced from 25 to 22, population cost reduced from 5 to 4. Atalanta attack increased from 8 to 10. Achilles HP increased from 340 to 360, attack increased from 9 to 10. Bellerophon special attack gains bonus damage vs Set Animals. Poseidon's Mythic Hero is now Circe. Unit completely rebalanced for this role. Hetairoi bonus vs buildings reduced from +250% to +200%, pierce armor reduced from 40% to 30%. Shafts of Plague now affects Gastraphetes crush damage. Colossus speed increased from 3 to 3.3. Egyptian Mercenary Infantry hitpoints increased from 85 to 100. Mercenary Cavalry speed increased from 5.3 to 5.5, hitpoints reduced from 190 to 175. Priest Favor bounty reduced from 2.1 to 1. Pharaoh hp increased from 100 to 115. Set discount for Migdols changed from -25% to -30%. Now affects favor. Set animals no longer get reduced stats (classic advance buff removed too), their favor cost is halved, and Priests convert them in 20% of the time. Crocodile of Set and Ape of Set speeds increased from 3.3 to 4. Feral HP effect on Set animals increased from 20% to 25%, effect on speed increased from 10% to 25% Vision duration increased from 20s to 30s, range increased from 30 to 60. Set's Pharaohs now get +75% HP. Sphinx crush damage increased from 5 to 7. Special attack enabled vs Villagers. Eclipse favor gain buff increased from 30% to 50%, myth unit hack armor buff during eclipse increased from 15% to 20%. Slingers deal +1 pierce damage. Khopesh Swordsman bonus vs villagers and caravans increased from x1.5 to x2. Anubite hp increased by 50, jump damage is now single target, jump damage increased from 15 to 25. Serpent Spear now also provides +10% HP. Serpents can now be controlled. HP and damage doubled. No longer receives damage penalty vs Villagers. Wadjet hp increased by 75, speed increased from 3.8 to 4. Camelry HP increased from 125 to 135, bonus vs cavalry increased from +75% to +100% Siege Tower attack animation time reduced from 4s to 2.5s. Scorpion Man pierce armor increased from 40% to 60%, favor cost reduced from 22 to 20, HP increased by 100, venom attack damage doubled and enabled vs Villagers, speed increased from 5 to 5.5. Ancestors' spawned amount of Minions increased from 13 to 18. Minion dps increased from 8.5 to 10, hp increased from 140 to 160 Scarab crush damage increased from 12 to 40, bonus vs buildings removed, population reduced from 5 to 4 , speed increased from 3.2 to 4, Damage of blood increased from 40 pierce to 60 pierce. Locust Swarm damage vs Atlantean Citizens increased by 25%. Petsuchos attack animation time reduced from 3s to 2.5s. Eclipse now affects Petsuchos crush attack. Roc gold and favor costs increased from 150/15 to 250/25. Medjay lifespan bonus on mercenaries reduced from 30s to 25s. Spirit of Maat now adds a 1 HP/s regeneration to Pharaohs and Son of Osiris. Scarab crush damage increased from 40 to 50. Citadel HP increased from 3600 to 3800. War Elephant favor bounty increased from 1 to 2.1. Mummy conversion animation length reduced from 4s to 3s. Pierce armor increased from 50% to 60%. Son of Osiris attack animation length reduced from 3s to 2.5s. Damage per attack reduced from 60 to 50. Meteor range reduced by 25%, impact frequency increased by 25%. Phoenix gold cost increased from 200 to 250, gold cost from egg increased from 150 to 250. Phoenix attack increased from 40 hack and 50 crush to 50 hack and 60 crush, hack armor increased from 15% to 30%, hitpoints increased from 500 to 550. Meteor damages increased by 30% Tornado damages increased by 10%, affected radius reduced from 10 to 8 to improve accuracy. Avenger favor cost increased from 25 to 30. Bonus damage vs Heroes reduced from -50% to -75%. Avenger HP increased from 600 to 800. Pierce armor increased from 40% to 60%. Special attack damage increased from 25 hack to 35 hack. Greatest of Fifty armor vulnerability reduction changed from 15% to 10%. Norse Norse no longer have weaker houses and temples. Dwarf HP reduced from 75 to 65. Hero TC build rate reduction changed from -25% to -35%. Odin HP bonus on Jarls increased from 15% to 25%. Odin HP bonus on Huskarls, Rams, Ballista and Bogsveigir increased from 20% to 25%. Great Hunt food duplication limit increased from 750 to 1500. Odin regeneration increased from passive 0.2/s to 0.35/s, active 2/s to 3.5/s. Odin gains new bonus: Hill Fort limit increased by 2. Odin's Lone Wanderer now affects all infantry units. Raven speed increased from 4 to 6. Throwing Axeman bonus damage vs non-Greek infantry increased from +125% to +175% to match damage vs Greek infantry, training time reduced from 16s to 14s. Undermine duration increased from 15s to 20s, Crush damage increased from 30 to 45. Einherjar horn boost range increased from 10 to 20, speed increased from 3.5 to 4, HP increased from 275 to 325. Healing Spring heal rate increased from 4 HP/s to 5 HP/s. Troll lifesteal increased from 25% to 100%, hp increased from 200 to 250. Walking Woods units' HP increased from 240 to 350. Amount increased from 8 to 12, HP increased from 240 to 350, hack damage increased from 8 to 15. Mountain Giant pierce armor increased from 40% to 60%, population cost reduced from 5 to 4, speed increased from 3.2 to 3.3. Battle Boar favor cost reduced from 27 to 22. Frost Giant population cost reduced from 5 to 4, double attack animation gains second attack point. Hack DPS reduced from 18 to 15. Bogsveigir population cost increased from 2 to 3, damage increased from 6 to 8. Hill Fort pierce damage increased from 10 to 11. Ballista pierce damage reduced from 9 to 8. Pierce armor increased from 80% to 90%. Sons of Sleipnir bonus vs vs archers reduced from +200% to +100%. Hel Age 4 advance spawns all 3 giants. Fire giant attack animation length reduced from 3s to 2.5s, favor cost increased from 28 to 30. Fenris Wolf population cost increased from 3 to 4, armors increased from 40% hack and 50% pierce to 45% hack and 55% pierce, HP increased from 420 to 450, cost increased from 150 gold, 15 favor to 200 gold, 20 favor, speed increased from 4 to 5.5, hack damage increased from 15 to 25, pack boost reduced from 18% to 10%. Nidhogg damages increased from 40 to 60, HP increased from 2500 to 3000. Atlantean Time shift cost for basic buildings increased from 5 wood to 25 wood. Heroes no longer cost extra population (except for the Oracle Hero). Sky Passage limit increased from 4 to 5. Armor increased from 20 hack 80 pierce to 30 hack 85 pierce. Hero Citizens no longer benefit from weapon upgrades or age-up attack increases. Hero Citizen hitpoints reduced from 180 to 170 Katapeltes speed increased from 4.5 to 4.7, food cost reduced from 60 to 55. Hero Katapeltes speed increased from 4.8 to 5, food cost reduced from 75 to 70. Turma deal +1 pierce damage. Range increased from 12 to 14. Deconstruction recharges increased from 1 to 2. Spider Lair hatch time increased from 5s to 6s, recharges increased from 2 to 3. Number of eggs increased from 4 to 6, eggs no longer cost population before they hatch. Carnivora HP increased from 600 to 800, attack increased from 15 to 20. Recharges increased from 2 to 3. -50% damage vs Villagers removed. Valor charges increased from 2 to 3. Destroyer speed increased from 3.6 to 3.7. Arcus speed increased from 3.75 to 4. Arcus hero speed increased from 4.05 to 4.1. Behemoth crush damage increased from 40 to 50. Traitor no longer damages the target. Recharges increased from 2 to 3. Horns of Consecration effect changed from 0.02 favor/s/tc to 0.03. Hesperides Tree protection radius increased from 22 to 40. Stymphalian Bird favor cost reduced from 25 to 20, speed increased from 3.6 to 4. Dryad HP increased from 275 to 300. Onager crush damage increased from 14 to 15. Fanatics no longer deal bonus damage to Axeman, Throwing Axeman and Hypaspist. Traitored myth units are now affected by Mythical Rejuvenation. Heka Gigantes no longer have a second attack. Hack and crush DPS increased from 25 and 30 to 50 and 60 respectively. Vortex cooldown increased from 60s to 75s. Implode pull radius now matches the escape radius. This is an increase from 25 to 35. Max damage vs buildings increased from 5000 to 8500. Argus double attack animation gains second attack point. Hack DPS reduced from 20 to 15. Behemoth crush damage increased from 12 to 40, multiplier vs buildigs removed. Hp increased from 550 to 670. Population cost reduced from 5 to 4. Regeneration increased from 2 HP/s to 3 HP/s, speed increased from 3 to 4. Lampades range increased from 7 to 10 on the special attack. Blood damage increased from 50 to 60, recharge time reduced from 22s to 20s. Tartarian Gate gains a second charge, with a 4 min cool down. Hack and Pierce armors increased from 25% hack and 60% pierce to 30% hack and 80% pierce. Chinese: Gardens are no longer cheaper for the first 2, but can be all made from the start. Cost reduced from 60 food, wood, gold to 50 each. Fixed the logical size. Scout Cavalry pop cost increased from 1 to 2, HP increased from 90 to 100, hack damage increased from 6 to 7, food cost increased from 30 to 35, gold cost increased from 40 to 45, LoS increased from 8 to 10. Fu Xi Blessed Construction cost reduced on castles from 150 resources to 100 each and from 5 favor to 3 Favor. Cost on towers reduced from 100 Wood and 50 Gold to 50 Wood and 25 Gold. Nu Wa unit discount bonus no longer affects Immortals. Shennong's Sitting Tiger bonus vs buildings increased from +320% to +350%. Shennong Monks now convert 15% faster and are 15% cheaper. Wheelbarrow carry capacity increase raised from +5 to +10. Barrage radius reduced from 10 to 8 and hits 25% faster after the initial salvo Monkey King HP increased from 200 to 300. Call to arms duplication increased from 4 human units to 10, and 1 myth unit to 2. Paper Talisman now also increases Halberdier hack damage by 10%. Terracotta Warrior HP increased from 200 to 250. Cataphract pop cost increased from 2 to 3, HP increased from 110 to 120, and is no longer weaker vs Norse infantry. Mounted Archer pop cost increased from 2 to 3. HP reduced from 100 to 90, pierce armor reduced from 15% to 5%, cost reduced from 75 Wood, 55 Gold to 65 Wood, 45 Gold. Fire Lance Hack armor reduced from 15% to 10%, pierce armor increased from 15% to 20%, cost increased from 60 wood 60 gold to 65 wood 65 gold. Minimum range removed. General pop cost increased from 3 to 4, battle cry boost range increased from 10 to 20, HP increased from 300 to 320. Pixiu hack armor increased from 30% to 50%, speed increased from 4.8 to 5.5, crush damage increased from 10 to 20, gold generation increased from 2.5/s to 3/s. Landlord spirit Peasant train time reduction effect reduced from 30% to 20%. Imperial Examination effect on build speed and unit training time reduction increased from 40 to 50%. Jiangshi favor cost reduced from 25 to 22, HP increased from 500 to 600. Uproot hp increased from 200 to 400. Sacrifces tech favor trickle increased from 6/min to 9/min. War Salamander speed increased from 3.5 to 4.5, armor increased from 45/45 to 60/60. Crush damage increased from 10 to 20. War Chariot pop cost increased from 3 to 4, HP increased from 190 to 210, hack damage increased from 13 to 14, speed increased from 5 to 5.5. Dragon Scales hack armor boost increased from 10% to 15%. White Tiger favor cost increased from 27 to 30, speed reduced from 5.3 to 5, jump damage reduced from 200 to 150, damage reduction vs heroes increased from -50% to -75% Earth Dragon lifespan removed, damages increased from 30 to 40. HP increased from 2500 to 3500, hack and crush attack increased from 40 to 60 each. Now uses ranged attack with 7 range, obstruction size reduced to match the model. Recharges removed. Inferno max damage vs units increased by 15%. Quote
Project Director Nakamura Posted June 17, 2021 Author Project Director Posted June 17, 2021 Change list vs DM Patch 2021 Season 1: Maps: Oasis' and Tundra's chance to spawn side TCs reduced from 25% to 10%. Savannah no longer spawns side TCs. General: Caravans are now affected by myth unit special attacks. Staff of Dionysus Relic now increases Citizen (and Hero) Farm gather rates by 10%. Canopic Jar of Imsety Relic effect increased from -15% Infantry train time to -25%. Sistrum of Bast Relic effect increased from -10% Villager costs to -30%. Pandora's Box Relic effect increased from -25% Myth Unit train time to -50%. Chinese: Fu Xi Blessed Construction cost reduced on castles from 150 resources to 100 each and from 5 favor to 3 Favor. Cost on towers reduced from 100 Wood and 50 Gold to 50 Wood and 25 Gold. Shennong Monks now convert 15% faster and are 15% cheaper. Scout Cavalry LoS increased from 8 to 10. Landlord spirit Peasant train time reduction effect reduced from 30% to 20%. Imperial Examination effect on build speed and unit training time reduction increased from 40 to 50%. Fire Lance minimum range removed. Greek: Greek Scout now benefits from the cavalry line and weapon upgrades, hp increased from 70 to 100 and damage increased from 2 to 7. Poseidon's Houses, Granaries and Storehouses generate 1 Militia rather than 2. Towers generate 2 Militia rather than 1. Militia population cost increased from 1 to 2. Hetairoi pierce armor reduced from 40% to 30%. Colossus speed increased from 3 to 3.3. Egyptians: Vision duration increased from 20s to 30s, range increased from 30 to 60. Crocodile of Set and Ape of Set speeds increased from 3.3 to 4. Feral Speed bonus increased from 20 to 25%. Set's Pharaohs now get +75% HP. Mercenary Infantry hitpoints increased from 85 to 100. Mercenary Cavalry speed increased from 5.3 to 5.5, hitpoints reduced from 190 to 175. Medjay lifespan bonus on mercenaries reduced from 30s to 25s. Scorpion Man speed increased from 5 to 5.5. Special attack now works on Villagers. Greatest of Fifty armor vulnerability reduction changed from 15% to 10%. SoO and Petsuchos damage nerfs reverted. Atlanteans: Time shift cost for basic buildings increased from 5 wood to 25 wood. Sky Passage armor increased from 20 hack 80 pierce to 30 hack 85 pierce. Katapeltes hero food cost reduced from 75 to 70. Turma range increased from 12 to 14. Arcus speed increased from 3.75 to 4. Arcus hero speed increased from 4.05 to 4.1. Norse: Fenris Wolf HP increased from 420 to 450. Throwing Axeman training time reduced by 2s. Mountain Giant speed increased from 3.2 to 3.3. Bogsveigir damage increased from 6 to 8. Ballista pierce damage reduced from 9 to 8. Pierce armor increased from 80% to 90%. Nidhogg HP increased from 2800 to 3000. Bugs: Fixed cam shake during Undermine. Fixed range in Einherjar tooltip. Fixed amount in Call to Arms tooltip. Shennong Fire Lance armor now matches the regular variant. Quote
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