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  • Project Director

Hey everyone,

As you all know, Age of Mythology: Extended Edition has various issues that include, but are not limited to:

  • Online lag
  • Poor performance (GPU optimization)
  • Gameplay bugs (pathing, commands being ignored)
  • Visual issues (texture deterioration, lack of 4bit alpha support)
  • Balance problems
  • Missing functionalities (pre-made team matchmaking)
  • No real support as promised by Microsoft

In order to overcome all these, a petition was created to make Microsoft consider investing into fixing the game here:

The staff of Meta-Plays would urge you to sign this, and to help us spread the word about the petition.The more people sign it, the more powerful our voice becomes. Bear in mind that over a million people bought the game. We need to get to a number that is relevant in comparison to that.

How can you help?

  • Tell a friend about the petition
  • Make a video and share everywhere relevant
  • Mention it on your stream,  e.g. make your chat bot do so
  • Tell people who left negative reviews on steam
  • Urge others to actively support it

Why is this important? Why is EE the community's future as opposed to voobly?

  • Steam has over a hundred million users
  • During sales, thousands buy the game each time
  • EE has fantastic observer features, and has a new faction
  • Matchmaking
  • Thousands of players in game at a time (counting single player)
  • Everyone plays on the same balance
  • Plug and play mods
  • Compatible with modern hardware (no workarounds needed to use the game)

These factors are in some form or another, undermined the game's problems. As a community, if we can get the issues to be fixed, there is no limit to how much we can exploit these advantages.

Going forward, this thread will remain pinned until we get a resolution either way. We may be ignored in the end, but we will not stay quiet about it.


  • Nakamura locked and unpinned this topic
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