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  1. All due respect, but Ensemble actually despised a lot of the ESports communities for their games. There's a reason why ES crippled the competitive scene in The Titans (and the post-Titans patches) by adding a lot of those changes: they wanted the whole game; including multiplayer to be fun. This isn't to say that ES were totally against an active, dedicated multiplayer community that had tournaments and changing ranks (ELO scoring) they just weren't interested in sweaty Starcraft "high skill" gatekeeping gamerz bitching and moaning on the forums (causing all the casuals and MP noobs that just want to have fun; I.E the majority of the playerbase) that "x deliberate design choice is arbitrary and OP and must be replaced so Red Ballsack can organize a tourney advertising their dumb drink" (aka backseat balancing) I'm sorry to say this but ESports only actually benefits the few players that involve themselves within that scene, and companies that sponser those players; rather than the actual company that made the game or majority of said game's playerbase. If you want professional sports, grab a football and go touch grass.
  2. Unfortunately there are three main reasons for why animation mods won't be usable only: 1) Potential sync issues in regard to additional attachpoint objects/effects (i.e particles on tree fall) 2) _anim files can be modified with the "Length" parameter that can increase/decrease the time of an animation resulting in sync issues. 3) Sync issues regarding different sound times for an object (i.e an attack animation base being 0.7 for a sound vs a modified files 0.3)
  3. Age of Mythology has behaviour for actors (i.e Monuments) to block godpowers with the GodpowerExlusion flag, however this is limited as it is dependent on hardcode (i.e it's in the source code) For example "GodpowerExclusion" only works if the player is "isis", and the range for the power is unmodifiable. The effect only works when the unit is in the "AliveState". example code: <action name="GodpowerExclusion"> <param name="MaximumRange" value1="30"></param> //maximum range of godpower block, at 0 there is no godpower blocking effect, modifable with techtree.xml <param name="Persistent"></param> //effect is persistant <param name="IsHesperides"></param> //used for Hesperides tree, basically alternate cursor </action>
  4. This is an important one: have a setting to enable combat commands on by default for military units (perhaps with a smart option to have the build menu on by default for builder military, but combat commands on by default for non-military) Alternatively remove the combat commands panel entirely; integrating the commands in the “main command panel” except for non-building military units (i.e Norse Infantry, Priests, etc) perhaps with a flag in the proto like “BuilderMilitary” for the behaviour rather than hardcode it into another flag.
  5. This is a request for it to be a natively supported feature without having to overwrite or interfere with the unused Fire/Slash damagetypes; leaving them to be used as legitimate damagetypes, whilst still providing it as a natively supported feature.
  6. Partially true, but it's dependent (I assume) on the "false" flag within the Birth animation within the Kronny's animation file. Anyhow, this is a request to get a general use global option for soundsets.xml that isn't dependent on it being hardcoded or using anim trickery (if that's even the case)
  7. Global="" allows players to define sounds that are played throughout map, regardless of it's progenitors location, it essentially would be a soft code exposure for hardcoded global sounds (i.e Age Advance) and would be beneficial for modders and scenario editors for things such as map-based ambient soundscapes (similar to AoE3's map type based ambient sound loops)
  8. Based on the ever popular https://www.voobly.com/gamemods/mod/231/Blind-Pick in competitive circles. Essentially functions as competitive choice for random, but does not allow opponents to see what major god you got during loading, etc, instead being written as "PlayerName (Unknown)" or "Unknown" in the lobby. However unlike the mod, the player can still see their major god and icon during gameplay.
  9. Add a Ignore Armor param for all attacks that allow them to ignore a double/float value between 0.0 (effectively no effect) to 1.0 (ignores armor entirely) with type referring to the type of the armor that it can ignore (Hack, Pierce, Crush) Obviously the effect can only work if the unit has a damage value type relevant. Furthermore there should also be the option (IgnoreGodPowers) to ignore god power effects like Bronze which should nullify the param's effect without the option flag. <param name="IgnoreArmor" type="DamageType" value1="double/float" option="none/IgnoreGodPowers"></param> This can effectively be considered similar to the AoE2 Obuch's "damage armor" bonus, although without the permanent damage effect.
  10. Any unit with the Water movementtype cannot go onto shallow water in any version of AoM, however land and amphibious units can, this should be resolved as to allow water movementype units to exist in shallow water, and move through it, similarly to Age of Empires Online (made in the same engine) and older AoE Games, as otherwise it acts as an unnecessary barrier, and limits Naval unit use. Additionally it may be wise to add a MinWaterDepth unit property to make sure the water is deep enough to allow for it to be logical.
  11. Similar to Age of Empires, and Age of Empires 2, add in an Attack Ground command (with it being controlled by an AttackGroundCommand flag for units in proto.xml)
  12. Add a GarrisonHealingRate (which would be a float or double) unit property that allows units garrisoned within it to regain health, with the GarrisonHealBonus flag being required to activate this feature in the vein of GarrisonBonus and GarrisonSpeedBonus. Furthermore allow GarrisonHealingRate to be exposed to the techtree so techs can effect it.
  13. Before release, Age of Mythology had an additional bonus for certain units (likely Siege Towers) that allowed for container units (with GarrisonSpeedBonus) to be faster, essentially functioning like the attack increasing GarrisonBonus but increasing speed instead of attack. In (at least) The Titans this somewhat functions, but instead will remain still (likely due to a math error) As of AoMEx, this featured seems to have been dummied out entirely. For AoMR this feature should be restored
  14. As of October, Age of Empires 3 DE allowed for the ability to add new custom unit types for modders. Said feature would also be very important to port over for Age of Mythology: Retold.
  15. Add editor only Palisade Walls (short, long, etc) based on the standard wooden walls with an exclusive WallBuild2 flag that can be used by modders to re-add Palisades, or similar walls.
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